Reminder meat is literally killing you

Other urls found in this thread:

>people that eat like to eat meat
>eating lots results in obesity and death

...woah...vegans...have finally won...

>twinky ass manlet who's bald

Any opinion concerning health from this guy is automatically discarded. I'm not taking diet advice from a guy who looks like he should be on Honey I Shrunk the Kids.

I don't eat meat I only eat fresh fish.

I'd love see studies that controlled for obesity

>posting dr greger
>the hermann göring of vegans


living is literally killing you.


Enjoy your mercury and PCBs.

What's the story behind OP's image? Cow get loose in a supermarket and they shot it?

there is, look more into dr gregers research

Dr. Greger isn't a scientist, nor is he anywhere near unbiased. I wish nutritional science wasn't such a fucking joke filled with utter garbage of "studies".

Ive been slowly moving towards vegan and as i find new ways to get protein ive gotten bigger actually i also have really good genetics but still its probably the best move

Post time stamped before and after photos plus stats.

I recommend TVP or TSP for protons

You won't get bitch tits because of soy (since it's phytoestrogen and not mammalian estrogen), so don't let Veeky Forums meme you into not trying it

You ARE aware that they are called phytoestrogens specifically because they imitate estrogen in the human body, right?

I have been vegetarian for 2-3 weeks now and although its early days im still gaining steadily and actually feel a lot less lethargic and more energetic. It is no meme mates I recommend everyone try cutting down on red meats

mercury is not in all fish you fag

reminder that being alive is literally killing you and there's nothing you can do to stop it

I've been eating red meat more often(rarely used to do) and I've been feelin stronger and better
bench went from 85kg to 90kg despite being on a cut

Since the dtart of this year my diet has been 80% vegan and 20%vegetarian.

Would recommend.

The only reason this is not more mainstream is because the food industry is very powerfull.

What a shitty shoop

Good. I would rather die without her.

You need to consume 100s of kilos of soy beans/day to have big effects. Phytoestrogens are MUCH less potent than mammalian estrogen, which is how it lowers breast and ovarian cancer in women(estrogen dependant cancers). It attaches to the same receptors and thus through it's low potency it lowers the over-all effect of estrogen in the body.

Fish has high methionine content. A sulfer containing, cancer causing amino acid.

I don't see why Vegans even fucking care, its all a waiting game for them, in their heads sooner or later all meat eaters are going to die of numerous diseases and ailments, what the fuck is the point of making videos and shitposting when you can just chill in your delusional world where vegans are going to be the only ones alive


This happened, a couple bulls escaped from an overturned slaughterhouse truck and one decided to go inna supermarket. Police turned up and shot it.

Most of the "food industry" is controlled by companies that produce by definition vegan foods. People vastly overestimate the influence of meatpacking and dairy industries. It's not more popular because veganism, and even vegetarianism, is retarded for people who already have deficiencies on an omnivorous diet. If they can't handle easy mode, how the fuck would they be healthy with veganism?

No, no you dont senpai. Stop pulling numbers out of your ass.

>Phytoestrogens are MUCH less potent than mammalian estrogen, which is how it lowers breast and ovarian cancer in women

"However, owing to the dearth of human studies investigating effects on breast cancer recurrence and survival the role of phytoestrogens remains unclear. So far, not enough clear evidence exists on which to base guidelines for clinical use"

Wow, ONE study showing a weak, unfounded correlation with no other research to support it. Good job vegans.

Because educating people to make better choices is a good thing to do?

It's like asking why Veeky Forums should bother to give advice to obese people. Sure most will be stubborn (like meat eaters) but you will reach a few each time.

>A sulfer containing, cancer causing amino acid.

Fucking shit. Is this false flagging? Vegans can't actually be this stupid, right?

Watch the vid op posted.

Vegatarianism massively reduces the chance of many main human diseases.

And if you dont csre about your health dont you care about the environment?

Veganism is the only way to just maybe reach a sustainable food source.

No. Youtube videos are never a good source. Post something not retarded.

>Vegatarianism massively reduces the chance of many main human diseases.

No, exercise and lower bf with better micronutrients does that. That's the problem with comparing obese SAD eaters to skinny vegetarians, it skews the results.

>And if you dont csre about your health dont you care about the environment?

I do, which is why I don't eat soy, only eat relatively local pastured livestock, and plan to start a garden soon. The solution isn't to go full vegcuck.

>Veganism is the only way to just maybe reach a sustainable food source.

Not in the slightest. Population control measures would do much more, and is far more likely than forcing most of the population to eat a way they never have and likely never will without being forced to. This is about animals feewings, not helping anything.

>Vegatarianism massively reduces the chance of many main human diseases.
>Veganism is the only way to just maybe reach a sustainable food source.

They're the same thing.


>meat is killing you
>we are now living in an age where we consume more meat than ever and the average lifespan is still increasing.

vegans kys no one cares, people have eaten meat and survived many centuries, so will modern humans

But posting this shitty bait thread 5-10 times per day isn't educating anyone, I'd probably consider becoming vegan if you killed yourself though

surviving and being healthy are two different things, though, bud
you being healthy now doesn't mean you will be in 30 years

Virtually every study controls for BMI

They're called phytoestrogens because they look similar to estrogen but aren't actually estrogen.

Did those studies control for obesity and quality of meat?

"Although clear guidelines cannot yet be given to patients by clinicians, it is worth making breast cancer patients aware of the, as yet, undetermined role of phytoestrogens"

i only eat sardines :^)

literally 100% healthy

Obesity yes, but what do you mean by quality of meat?

Links to the studies that state that they control for obesity.
And by quality I mean just meat from grass fed well taken care of animals and not just the factory farmed stuff and trash meats.

>people are less likely to overeat when their diet consists of shifty tasting food

correlation is not causation.

Obesity would fall under BMI. There would never be obese meat eaters compared to non-obese vegans.

>And by quality I mean just meat from grass fed well taken care of animals and not just the factory farmed stuff and trash meats.

In that case it makes no difference. The cow eating grass doesn't change if it's healthy for you or not.

then how come the older people in the world eat meat?

check and mate

I've been keto for five years now (beef, pork, lamb, fish,eggs) and the mental and physical gains are out of this world.

Bullshit. A long term vegetarian diet affects changes in your DNA that increase the risk of all cancers, heart disease, and diabetes. Look it up.

Most vegans and vegetarians are pudgy, either skinny fat or obese thanks to all that high carb processed vegan crab.

It's almost like the think I DON'T want to gain weight.
>I do want to gain weight

No. Eat the fat vegans.

Try again meatcuck

>>Look it up.

Not the guy you're responding to but what you're talking about is pure misrepresentation by the media

A study was published that showed that in an Indian population, compared to a population of I think Kansas residents, a gene variant that improves the efficiency of converting short-chain polyunsaturated fats into long-chain polyunsaturated fats (plant-derived omega-3s and omega-6s into EPA, DHA, and AA) was more common. That's all the study was. This would be due to natural selection, as an Indian population eating more plant foods would benefit from converting more short-chain fatty acids. This isn't a bad thing and this isn't something you could change just by eating a different diet. The assumption was made by reporters that, if a vegetarian diet was very high in omega-6 fatty acids relative to omega-3, that this could increase production of the long-chain omega-6 Arachidonic acid, which in some cases is a substrate for some inflammatory compounds, and so this hypothetical inflammation could in theory lead to higher risk of inflammation-related diseases. The American Heart Association has tried to put this myth to rest, but it's parroted by many fad diet books

>Arguments for reduced LA intakes are based on the assumption that because CHD has an inflammatory component10 and because the omega-6 fatty acid, AA, is the substrate for the synthesis of a variety of proinflammatory molecules, reducing LA intakes should reduce tissue AA content, which should reduce the inflammatory potential and therefore lower the risk for CHD
>AA is the substrate for the production of a wide variety of eicosanoids (20-carbon AA metabolites). Some are proinflammatory,
vasoconstrictive, and/or proaggregatory, such as prostaglandin E2, thromboxane A2, and leukotriene B4. However, others are antiinflammatory/antiaggregatory, such as prostacyclin, lipoxin A4, and epoxyeicosatrienoic acids.12

*most people

Meat eater and vegan aren't two races of people. Most vegans previously ate meat, decided to stop for whatever reason, and want to see others do like they did.