Former virgin here, I read the sticky did starting strength for 6 months switched to greyskull for a year and have been doing HIIT since 2014 and actually made it AMA.
Former virgin here...
Is that your picture?
Are you still a virgin?
How did you like SS and how much muscle weight did you gain during SS and afterwards during greyskull
What do you look like now?
is the pope catholic?
Post a picture of yourself
No, but he shits in the woods.
Everybody was a "former virgin" you dumb nigger
not on this site
You're not supposed to be a virgin past the age of 18
That bitch should get some taste that's the ugliest fucking fit I have seen this year
Actually the guy sucks too the whole picture is just sad
>Those fucking pants
>Those fucking shoes
would be fine if it weren't for those gaudy ass boots
OP looks fine
The pants and the shoes ruins it
I mean black fat ass thick shoes with light-ish denim? Tragic
Doesn't matter, had sex.
How come no one I've seen IRL does OHP with proper form?
Bro if you think Veeky Forums taught you good fashion sense you need to spend more time outside
I second this. OP looks fine dezu.
>Implying I browse Veeky Forums
I just need eyes to be able to tell that's fucking hideous
So how do I make it?
>tfw no friends, no social skills
>tfw lifting won't fix face
I'm a noob been on ss for a month.
Why did u switch over to gslp?
Also should I continue ss or do gslp?
You do ss until you are no longer maling linear progress, then you switch to an intermediate routine.
Also, are you fucking stupid? Mark says exactly that on the book. You are going to listen to an anonfag over markymoo?
Question is more like what is the better program for a starter. I'm not saying I'm "advancing" to gslp, just asking if I should switch
Post pic of you fucking that girl
>tfw you allow your gf to wear the dumbest shit like hooker boots over jeans so you're not forever alone.