Why is it so hard to believe modern day FYROM is the same stock as Alexander The Great?
Why is it so hard to believe modern day FYROM is the same stock as Alexander The Great?
Macedonia is not the succesir state of the Macedonia of Phillip and Alexander. There is no connection. The same goes for Greece. Just let it go alredy, modern greeks and macedonians
>former yugoslav republic of macedonia
The former Turkish Republic of Greece's autism over this is rather amusing.
>not even in the same location as ancient macedonia
>only started calling themselves macedonians in the 20th century
what the fuck? can someone explain this to me?
Top tier slav banter.
>here we go again
>and again...
>balkan mongrel "south slavs"
>speak slavic language
>don't live on the actual territory of ancient Macedon
>be a turk
>larp as descendants of ancient greeks
>get butthurt when slavs do the same
>and again....
>the beginning
is this inscription some weird form of ancient cyrillic?
It's ancient Greek you dummy.
The idea is so preposterous that it becomes cute and funny. I love the place though, Ohrid is heaven on Earth.
>turkish rape babies that same stock as alexander the great
Why didn't the people who made this mosaic depict Alexander as Nordic. We know because of 19th century racial science that both the ancient Romans and Hellenes WERE Nordic, but in this Pompeiian mosaic he looks like some greasy wop guido complete with drawn on, pencil-thin eyebrows and everything. Is it possible this is maybe a Jewish forgery meant to try and rob White people of their heritage?
The name is derived from the byzantine province of Macedonia, which wasn't located in historic Macedonia but in Thrace.
They should rename their country "Country That is Totally Better Than Greece, Which Sucks."
I love the fact that our mere existence creates so much butthurt that people feel the need to disprove our existence on a Surinamese corundum production facility
For a history board, it amazes me that butthurt gayreeks haven't even bothered to do a little research, but what do i expect from people to lazy to go to work
Tbh Greeks tend to spend most of their free time (i.e. whatever time they don't spend by evading taxes or molesting goats) by being butthurt; Macedonia is just one of the billion things that can trigger a Greek asspain episode.