Be me

>be me
>playing poker
>get dealt pocket aces, kings, queens, jacks, tens, nines, aks, ako, aqs, aqo, ajs, ajo, kqs, kqo
>flop top pair, two pair, sets, straights, flushes, full houses
>lose 100% of the time

Tell me, why should this rigged game be legal?

What has that to do with cryptos you fag?


>online poker

Slots are even more fucked up, any time someone actually wins big the casino claims it was a machine error

>Veeky Forums
>business and finance
>the business of financing poker players

Its not rigged, your just a bad player and probably short sited. You probably forgot all the times you sucked out with 27. Probably you have bad bet sizing and bad habbits that tell your opponents what range of hands you hold.

>the business of financing fucking your mother

real easy, eats like a horse though

>being this gay

>playing with 72o
>not knowing what +ev plays are
>not knowing GTO

If getting a straight all in on the flop is bad sizing and a bad habbit, kill yourself.

>Focus only on cards
>No mention of position

I've been playing texas holdem for like 15 years, I've realized that the game is pretty retarded, 95% luck based and we don't even get to live long enough to feel the longterm of it. I suggest you just quit completely. It is gambling, after all.

>I've realized that the game is pretty retarded, 95% luck based and we don't even get to live long enough to feel the longterm of it.

Shiiiet this delusion of losing players. at lower stakes pros have so high win rate it is rare to have even a losing day with few thousands daily hands played

Again, sites are not rigged but there is a rake. Over 95% of players are losers and you will not most likely become good enough without pros teaching you.

Please explain to everyone on this board why you think Poker, a game of probabilities, is rigged.

>being able to play position when you can't even get past the cards
>making the biggest loser in your database go to the biggest winner in a span of 300 hands

>chances of flopping a set is 11.8%
>actually flop a set only 5% of the time over 2k pocket pair instances

>what is variance
>what is law of large numbers

>law of large numbers
>what is significant sample size allowed to extrapolate data from

Gee, guess you just answered your own question. You're not a significant sample size.

Yeah, I hit that long ago.
