merry pagan yuletide, Veeky Forums
really makes you thunk
Greeks never got taken over by the moors
I'm not sure about Jesus, but the original Kurds and Hellenes were definitely Nordic.
Who gives a fuck. Sage.
why aren't modern nords still mediterranean looking like ancient nords such as the hellenes?
He obviously means the a-rabs. But also, I don't think the greeks were really known for their light complexion were they?
why does every general right wing loon also turn out to be a Nordicist?
>right wing
>thinks its about skin complexion
please tell me you're american, underage, or retarded.
How come if you look at ancient Greek vase paintings they all look like fucking Cat Stevens or something? If you want to see an example of that phenotype these days you're better off looking to somewhere like Sweden rather than Greece where, thanks to the Moorish invasion, it's almost completely extinct. Sad.
>Cat Stevens
An Anglo. No wonder.
>Birth name Steven Demetre Georgiou
Ah yes, a quintessentially British name.
Why the groups that have no history (nords and niggers) tend to stole the history of other peoples?
These are Roman. But even in Roman art blonde hair is relatively rare, and blue eyes are almost non-existent. Also the majority of blonde hair that you do manage to find will be on females and will therefore likely be dyed blonde or wigs made from Gaul's hair.
Light brown isn't blond. For dark haired Romans brown hair were yellowish (subflavium). Most of them clearly weren't blond considering the popularity of blond wigs and Germanic prostitutes.
A lot of Roman heros in Roman mythology are depicted to have blond hair. Regardless, a significant portion of Romans are depicted to have fair skin which is another point I’m trying to bring up.
Their skin tone is no different than modern Italians, and granted we don't have huge sample size of coloured Roman art to draw from, but the frequency of blonde hair in what has survived is probably lower than in the modern population of Italy.
>a significant portion of Romans are depicted to have fair skin
Mostly women, which is a very old tradition.
Roman heroes are repainted Greek heroes, and we know about Greek heroes thanks to Homer or Hesiod. Both of them lived during the so-called Dark Ages when a new groups of Indo-European speaking people arrived to the Greek lands. Many of their leaders were probably blond, hence the heroes and gods are also described as blond.
>people can tan that mean ancient mediterraneans were nordic!
>Mediterraneans looked like Arabs and didn’t have fair skin
Can't you guys stay one day without making a "was that ancient people white"?
I'm sorry to have to break this to you, but you wasn't meds n shit.
Oh and on a sidenote, it isn’t surprising that most Hellenic soldiers were tanned since most of them fought in the desert during Alexander’s conquests.
It astounds me how much the board makes fun of Afrocentrics when we're apparently just as obsessed over race as they are.
Really makes you think.
Does the sun turn you hair and eyes dark as well?
That’s your best evidence? A poorly preserved mask? I can’t even identity the ethnic background of that person. That’s not why people make fun of afrocentrics. We make fun of them over their ridiculous assertions about history.
Go scroll up and you can find plenty of examples of fair skinned Romans.
Sure, and they look like untanned Mediterraneans.
Would you say this person looks more like an Italian, or a Swede?
B-b-but the romans were sandniggers.
I don’t know, there’s no way I can clearly identify her racial features. I can only say she looks boardly european.
Based Alex Jones. Telling it how it is.
Why do w*sterners romanticize Kurds so much?
Women (and sometimes young boys) were often portrayed like that. It's a very old tradition. Even Minoans portrayed their women like that.
I never claimed that.
What about this person. Italian or Swede?
Surely you jest.
>society was Hellenic under Roman rule.
The post-Alexander hellenic societies created hybrid societies. So it would be proper to say "Hellenic-Jewish". People such as Hillel seem to have been merging the teachings of
>He was "Middle Eastern" in the same way that native Kurdish people are
Well, this is a completely different ethnic group in a completely different geographic region, so there's no reason to believe Jesus would look like Yezidis or Kurds. They're Persians.
Wow I can't believe ancient Nords really looked like this. If I didn't known any better, I would have assumed they were Greeks.
>Jesus was white and blond.
Stay mad Christcucks.
>ancient meds weren't nordi-
>Territory characterized by hot and dry summers
>Constant Mediterranean sun on their bodies as they labored outside the confines of their homes
>Surprised that Greeks, Romans, Levantese and Anatolians had tanned skin
>only black people could be this delusional about race
The tanned skin isn't surprising. Even a Swede can tan, but these ancient Nordic Aryan Hellenes barely even look like the modern Scandinavians and instead resemble modern Greeks. Truly bizarre.
>Ancient Meds had blond hair and blue eyes.
m*Doids on suicide watch
When was this?
That isn't an image of Jesus. Do your research next time.
That isn't an image of Jesus but a random Palestinian. Do your research next time.
They realized at this point that the "moderate" rebels that they've rooted for are in fact theologically indistinguishable from ISIS, but still in denial about Assad being anything other than le ebil dictator. Naturally, Kurds became the West's new poster children, notwithstanding the irony that it viewed the PKK as a communist terrorist group during the Cold War and funded the Grey Wolves specifically to fight them.