Invitation to Pink Kek'ery. XBY Whitepaper Is Out

Dont all the Bizzards lurking here want to know how this coins shoots into the galaxy.

Sure it is hated here, but shit, you can't deny that the whitepaper reads like a fucking coin with at least 10 times its marketcap.

Tech is very different. I havent read anything really like it. Fuck the balls son. Once btc is finished mooning I'll buy 10 or 20 XBY. It's gotta be better than that shit coin ODN right?

Download it from the website:

Other urls found in this thread:

Wow, that website and white paper is on fire. There's no reason this is below 1000sats unlike some vaporware projects. XBY actually has code behind it which is unique and other shitcoins are at 2k SATs with nothing and end up scamming. ICOs are just pump and dumps now, XBY is going to steadily rise from here. Whooooook

Lol fuck off

Por que¿

wow xby is really turning it around. ill be picking up a few 100k

Yet another white paper that is presented like shit. Sure the content is interesting, but good lord get the formatting in order at least. Did no one edit it? I hope they get their team/act together. This xfuel stuff is interesting but it's tertiary to what they should be focusing on.

actually im buying 600k. i want a node.

I'm still holding for sure. Just wish it was more professional. I didn't like seeing the public board meltdown last week, but ccrevolution appears to be staying there so what can you do.

i've 3 Static Nodes, Buying 2 more L2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!


I never understand why this coin is valued so much lower than other actual scamcoins.

I've bought all I can afford or else I'd still be grubbing for more of these.

how are people still shilling this piece of shit pyramid scheme

All the positive posts are from the shills in slack

Rich nigga spotted

I think you mean "motivated owners" in slack

Very nice Website/WP. Accumulate now before 10ksats


>This is THE coin ;)

Time to buy. Does anyone know anything about this XFuel thing?

>time to buy
>hasn't done any research
Xby shills are the best kek. Tldr: xfuel is just another layer to this seemingly endless pyramid scheme. Better get on the train before 2k sats!!!


The XBY slack is a PnD shithole. They got one dev (Borz) who does not even communicate with the core team regularly.

I spent months following this project until a few weeks. You have to hate money put any of it in this project.

Dont trust me. Join their slack and spend sometime there.

oh fuck no not this shitcoin again

This is legitimately a scam.

Get left behind then.

fucking kek pajeet

I lurk around on XBY slack every now and then, and know everything about this PnD shitcoin.

Not putting a penny in this shit.

What makes this a scam? I don't understand the hate this coin receives on Veeky Forums. They finally released the white paper and you guys still say it's a scam. What more proof do you want that this coin is real?

>muh fomo
I'll admit you guys have really managed to squeeze more out of this than anyone might have expected but this is the end for you. Time and time again you have made promises and failed to deliver respectable outcomes. This is literally the end of the road for you. This "project" is finally going to fizzle out for good and no amount of cheerleading can save it. Just be glad you managed to fleece as much as you did in the first place. At this point you would have a better shot at luring money into xvg or esper$ over this pajeet monstrosity.

As long as ccrevolution is anywhere in charge of anything there it's a shitcoin. The guy wants to market in troll boxes and has turned off the slack invites. Most the team there that did anything have left after giving up on fighting with him. Go ask some of the board members what they think of him. They trust their lead dev but resent ccrevolution. XFUEL is called proof of technology and a way to pay developers. I know 4 board people quit over ccrevolution releasing it and trying to explain it.

I think at this point XBY needs to prove it ISN'T a scam.
>we are DEVELOPING the coin ;)
>anonymous devs, even after all the scandals with CCR
>continuous delays to this so called prodigy coder
>literally hardselling the tech to cause pumps and never releasing anything worth while (THIS IS THE LAST CHANCE FOR A NODE)



Former board member here. can confirm nothing good will happen until CCR goes away.

very nice.
when the module system is up i will start working on a decentralized marketplace built around xby

Take care investing in this shitcoin. This CCrevolution guy is crazy. I don't trust this son of a bitch!

I gave up on this coin, but good to see development is still ongoing