And thousands died!
Great War thread
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Name a better history channel
Military History Visualized
No one's ever gonna watch his WW2 shit since for some legal reason he can't advertise it on this channel.
Berndt is such a massive autist. I love him.
strange thick austrian accent mumbling though
I can guarantee that I'd rather watch the great war than a slide show
What is everyone's thoughts on extra credit's history?
They get a lot of shit wrong and simplify things far too much, but at least they manage to talk about more unique topics than just WWI and WWII.
They wilfully admit to "editing history" so they're pretty silly. I'd say a much better history channel for "unique topics" would be "It's history"
It's entertaining, but then they have an hour long final episode explaining everything they got wrong.
I like it, but they really oversimplify a lot of stuff they go through. Really, their videos are better used to introduce the historically illiterate to the more obscure topics of history.
Like everything EC does it is shit.
I enjoyed their series on the adventures of Otto von Bismark.
lots of fun, even if their final video touching on that series betrayed the author's idiotic ideas about america
>even if their final video touching on that series betrayed the author's idiotic ideas about america
he compared america's political situation to pre empire germany
frankly I think he's an idiot for that
Yeah, America is closer to Weimar Germany.
ah, another idiot then
A slideshow under a ridiculously thick German accent. Which reminds me of how autistic every German sounds
Let me guess; that comment was caused by something done by Trump?
binkov's battlegrounds
Whats his accent and why is it so good? That, the civil war era accent and cowboys are the only good American accents.
hallo guise tovay we are guin to tork about some DOUBLEYOUDOUBLEYOU2 histry, ze mg42 MACHINEGEVEHREEE 42 vas an egcellen mashine gon
>not liking german accent so thick that you can cut it with a knife
I legit can't understand him sometimes.
that phrase made me quit the show
fucking tired of moral pandering
t. Haig
He's from Texas.