What's your theory about what happened with Geli Raubal and Hitler?
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eva braun had her killed
Interesting post from the Axis History Forum (forum.axishistory.com
Some three years ago, I was paid to research and review “The Hidden Hitler” by Lothar Machtan for a public forum sponsored by the Chicago Public Library and so I ended up doing a good bit of research on Hitler's sex life. My findings were largely as follows:
1] Machtan’s thesis was that Hitler was gay and that explains a lot. This is just a lot of nonsense cooked up to sell some books.
2] Hitler only had one ball.
• Hitler’s army record, now lost, says that during venereal inspections it was discovered that he only had one testicle.
• Henrietta von Schirach says that Professor Kielleuthner, a Münich urologist, had told her that Hitler had come to him for treatment of monochism (having only one testicle) but that it was too late to help him.
• Soviet autopsy confirms that Hitler’s left testicle was missing.
• Hanfstaengle claims that Army comrades, who had seen him in the wash house, had commented to him about how Hitler’s genitals were “freakishly underdeveloped.”
This finding has been much disputed here on the forum, see thread:
3] Was Hitler a “normal” Heterosexual? Hard to say …
• Mein Kampf is loaded with sexual imagery, virtually all of it negative, dwelling at length upon syphilis, rape, prostitution, and “the most disgusting” sexual practices.
• Hitler loved pornography, read Der Stürmer with great interest, had a collection of blue movies.
• Hanfstaengle, Otto Strasser, and Hermann Rauschning claim that he fairly groveled before women he found attractive, “in a most disgusting manner.”
• In front of many witnesses, at a social gathering, the tactless and out-spoken Ernst Röhm blurted out: “He is thinking about the peasant girls. When they stand in the fields and bend down at their work so that you can see their behinds, that’s what he likes, especially when they’ve got big round ones. That’s Hitler’s sex life. What a man.” Hitler, who was present did not stir a muscle, but only stared at Röhm with compressed lips.
4] Hitler apparently did have a perfectly normal sexual relationship with Mimi Reiter in 1927/8. When she and Hitler broke up in 1928 she tried to kill herself. After recovering, she married a hotel-keeper in Seefeld. In 1931 or 32, Hess was sent to fetch the girl. She spent the night at Hitler’s flat, commenting later: “Ich liess alles mit mir geschehen.” (“I let him do whatever he wanted with me.”) He wanted her to be his mistress, but she held out for matrimony. On her own initiative, she visited him again in 1934. Again she spent the night with him, this time in the Chancery, and again he refused to marry her. They never saw each other after that, but Hitler did send her 100 red roses when her second husband, an SS officer, was killed in 1940.
5] Poor Henny Hoffman seems to have been shell-shocked by her affair with Hitler. Otto Strasser claims that Hitler’s first real affair was with Henrietta Hoffman, the daughter of the photographer. Henny was an indiscreet adolescent who “chattered freely” about what she had Hitler did together, so that her father came to Hitler demanding an explanation. The girl had been “ruined” for normal love and so a settlement was in order. A deal was struck, Hoffman was to have exclusive rights to photograph Hitler, a boon that was to make him a wealthy man, and Henny was to be married off to Baldur von Schirach, the paedophile who was to become Reich Youth Leader.
6] Hitler’s affair with Geli Raubal seems to have been pretty twisted.
• In 1929 Hitler wrote a letter to Geli about masochistic and coprophiliac fantasies he had been having about her. This letter fell into the hands of his landlady’s son, Dr. Rudolph. Party treasurer, Francis Xaver Schwarz, engaged Fr. Bernhard Stempfle to get it back.
• Hanfstaengle claims that he saw pornographic drawings of Geli’s genitals that “only a perverted voyeur could have committed to paper.” Drawings like these were also involved in another blackmail incident. After they were bought back by Schwarz, they were not destroyed, but kept in a safe at the Brown House.
• sa Officer Wilhelm Stocker, a frequent guard at Hitler’s flat, claims to have enjoyed Geli’s favors. “She admitted to me that at times Hitler made her do things in the privacy of her room that sickened her but when I asked her why she didn’t refuse to do them she just shrugged and said that she didn’t want to lose him to some woman that would do what he wanted …”
• Henny Hoffman wrote that Geli said she could not bring herself to do “what he wants me to”
• Otto Strasser went with Geli to 1931 carnival. Geli told him: “[Hitler] demanded things from her that were simply disgusting. She had never dreamed that such things could happen. When I asked her to tell me, she described things I had previously encountered in my reading of Krafft-Ebbing’s Psychopathia Sexualis when I was a student.” In a May 1943 interview with OSS agent Dr. Walter Langer in Ottawa Canada, he went into detail: “Hitler made her undress … He would lie on the floor. Then she would have to squat over his face, where he could examine her at close range and this made him very excited. When the excitement reached its peak, he demanded that she urinate on him and this gave him sexual pleasure. Geli said the whole performance was extremely disgusting to her and … it gave her no gratification.” (Same story as Henny Hoffman.)
• Kurt Lüdecke claimed that Geli’s autopsy showed that she was a virgin.
7] In 1943, the OSS interviewed exiled German film director Adolf Zeissler. He said that, while in London in 1936, the film actress Renaté Müller and told him of her affair with Hitler.
• She met Hitler in the autumn of 1932 (this would be about a year after Geli’s death) while she was filming a movie on Kiel Bay. He seemed fascinated with her. She was later invited a party in the Chancery and, after that, to frequent dinners there. One night, after a dinner in his quarters at the Chancery, they had both taken off their clothes and Müller thought they were going to have sex, but Hitler fell to the floor and begged her to hit and kick him. She refused, but he went on heaping abuse and accusations upon himself, insisting that he was unworthy to be in the same room with her, that he was her slave, and so on. At length, she gave in, kicking him, abusing him with foul language, striking him with his whip. He became excited and masturbated to a climax. After this they dressed, had a nightcap, Hitler thanked her for a pleasant evening, and a servant saw her out.
• Sometime after this, in 1936, she took a vacation to London where she was kept under Gestapo surveillance. In London she saw both Zeissler, whom she told her story to, and her ex-lover Frank Deutsch whom she briefly resumed her intimacy with.
• Returning to Germany, she found herself blacklisted and it was rumored that she was to be put on trial for “race defamation,” as her lover Deutsch was Jewish. Under this pressure she became addicted to morphine. To cure this, she entered a sanitarium. After being discharged, she tried to see Hitler, who refused to see her. Back in the sanitarium, she was looking out the window one day in 1937, when she saw a car full of SS officers pull up. Believing that her arrest was immanent, she killed herself by jumping out the window.
8] Contradictory evidence exists about the affair with Eva Braun:
• Eva told her sisters that her sex relations with Hitler were “completely normal.” But she also confided to a schoolgirl friend (the future Fräu Esser): “Als Mann habe ich von ihm überhaupt nichts.” (roughly “As a man, from him I get nothing.”)
• Herbert Döring, chief at Obersaltzberg said: “Their relation ship never went that far (sex), Never! Never!” and “ Let me be completely honest with you. We did some spy work back then — no one knew about that — to see if we could find anything in the beds. And all those years, that never happened. I am sure of that. But that’s all I want to say about this private matter.”
• Albert Speer claims that Eva Braun told him, in the middle of 1943, that “Hitler had told her that he was too busy, too immersed, too tired — he could no longer satisfy her as a man.”
9] Eight women that are thought, possibly, to have been intimate with Hitler, attempted suicide: Mimi Reiter tried to hang herself 1928, Geli Raubal died of a gun-shot 1931, Eva Braun tried suicide in 1932 and 1935 before succeeding in 1945, Frau Inge Ley, Renaté Müller, and Suzi Liptauer were all successful suicides, and Unity Mitford attempted suicide in 1939.
10] “Carpet Chewing” referred not to any sexual practice, but rather to the way Hitler was alleged to throw himself on the ground during his fits of rage and literally chew the carpet with rabid hatred. Propaganda and nothing more.
so just a regular german guy then
>Eight women that are thought, possibly, to have been intimate with Hitler, attempted suicide: Mimi Reiter tried to hang herself 1928, Geli Raubal died of a gun-shot 1931, Eva Braun tried suicide in 1932 and 1935 before succeeding in 1945, Frau Inge Ley, Renaté Müller, and Suzi Liptauer were all successful suicides, and Unity Mitford attempted suicide in 1939.
that is a little creepy.
>my fucking sides
>“He is thinking about the peasant girls. When they stand in the fields and bend down at their work so that you can see their behinds, that’s what he likes, especially when they’ve got big round ones. That’s Hitler’s sex life. What a man.”
Damn, didn't realize Hitler had such excellent taste.
She looks like my mother.
Does your father look like this?
This thread was a wild ride from start to finish.
>mfw youll never have peasant girls bending over in the fields
>tfw no fat booty peasant girls to admire as they work in the fields
How come the autopsy revealed that he had one testicle if he was burnt nearly completely leaving a couple teeth and some jaw fragments?
creepy uncle-ing
Why are Germans so fucking degenerate