Megalith 4 days
Megalith 4 days
The Atlantean Survivor Empire ruled the world up until the 1700s even Empires like Japan and Egypt and the Hindus and the Native Americans and the South Americans and the Mayans were all atlantean survivors
Greek all branches of the Atlantean Empire with similar symbols like mushroom hats and pyramids and mummies and drug culture and polygonal Masonry
History is. Made up garbage that is perpetuated by the Rothschild parasites and the Illuminati true history is that we came from a golden Atlantean age pre-flood era where everyone took mushrooms and built megaliths history is false made up by Jesuit priests
Don't you know that there was a master race that lived by the North Pole in the Russian area that spread megalith technology and mushroom worshiping religion all over the world
It's true history verified by DNA evidence and all sorts of dating evidence and there's megaliths sites all around the world that date back to 11000 12000 and even 20000 BC Noobs pyramids all over the world megaliths on every continent and the Survivor culture literally was still rolling up until the year 1700 that's not to say that the events like Alexander the Great using drugs to take over was not true just that ancient history is almost 100% false made up by governments who are trying to cover up the truth about mushroom drug religion you little b****
The atlanteans ruled the world and then there was a great flood a continuous flood that flooded for hundreds and hundreds of years sometimes it would arise 200ft within a week or two and it flooded hundreds of miles of coastline everywhere in the world some more some but the vital culture was never lost literally every Empire in the world was based on mushrooms and other various drugs the mystery religions it's true history that the world governments are trying to cover up real archaeology based on fact it's very easy to compile a true timeline of the world
We are in a real war it's the anti-drug people versus the prodrug people there's a reason drugs are illegal in most countries because they wake you up to the truth and ancient atlanteans were steeped in a drug mushroom mystery that's true history
And on Easter Island there is even polygonal masonry way out in the middle of the ocean
You can't deny the truth serpents dragons royalty symbols the Tree of Life tree of knowledge elongated skulls swastika the two-headed bird the Survivor Empire rule the world and their symbols are obvious polygonal Masonry stepped arch in trees that people would take drugs in front of like mushrooms the flood myths white God myths with blue eyes the mushroom crowns the drug bag in Mesopotamia and in Egypt and in India mummification pyramids the creation goddess in all cultures that's true history it's the truth about the Atlantis just look at the link it's the new Earth Channel
This is fascinating. Where there any European, as we know them now, descendants from Atlantian culture?
Elaborate on the drug bag. Were these gifts for everyone or only the priest?
Atlantis was a time period between 35,000 BC and 10500 BC when the great flood happened in 10500 BC it entered into the age of the survivors where the atlanteans basically continue to thrive once the coastlines of the World got flooded. The survivors continued to make megaliths and culture and religion up until the year 1700. Which basically was what all the pirate frenzy stuff was about the fall of the survivors of Atlantis. As for European culture every culture was a Survivor culture. We are all survivors that came from a golden age. Now we live under the parasitic Rothschild control. The history of the world is very controlled by governments and it's a giant conspiracy where some archaeologists are saying radical claims like there's megaliths that are a million 2 million or even 4 million years old. Some even say that there was multiple ages of Atlantis where Empires would rise and fall over the course of millions of years. Governments all over the world hide archaeological evidence like mummies end the inside of pyramids because they don't want people to wake up
As for the drug bags it depends on the specific mushroom culture but mostly it was just for the priest because the societies were based on something called priestcraft. They say they even in the age of Atlantis there was always the war between the parasites and the atlanteans. This drug bag symbol is depicted in megalith cultures all over the world and what it is is a carrying purse for various drugs specifically mushrooms
Etruscan people HYPERBOREA kings the Greeks the Egyptians the Mayans the Mesopotamians the city of UR the Native American people all survivor culture there's so many pyramids so many megaliths that it's absolutely absolutely shocking to the common person practically no where on Earth one can search and not find a abundance of megaliths
Thank you for the in-depth response. My next question is how did the rest of the society become enlightened if the bags where only given to a select class?
Atlantis is a mish mash of the sea peoples, bronze age collapse and Minoans.
The bags were not necessarily given to any specific class the bags are just a symbol or a piece of art or a signature that represents the drug that's inside like the holy grail. The societies were enlightened because the very foundation of the culture was based on the drug mystery religions and some societies or the oldest societies the common person did have access to the mystery or the drug experience this is true history. And modern times we live under the false capitalist Rothschild system parasitic control pyramid and everyone is taught false history
Atlantis is a time pieiod Of pre-flood era megalith World Civilization culture that worship to the mushroom gods. And yes they were a seafaring people they traveled all over the world and all the continents had contact with each other. Atlantis is more of a specific time on a world timeline it is not a Fantasy Island. The whole world flooded and coastlines all over the world got flooded those flooded areas were Atlantis. Those people or the survivors moved inland.
The Atlantean Empire actually ruled very recently up until the year 1700 but even before that like in the year 1500 the last of the survivors of Atlantis the paist kings and queens of the remaining Atlantean Empire Still ruled in areas that are now Russia and other areas like Japan and there was a great war going on for the control of the human species. This is true history the Atlantean Empire still had power very recently and this is what they try to cover up constantly. Daily they are obsessed they meaning the world governments and the current parastic cancontrol scheme. Even to the point where they will destroy new archaeological megaliths and other evidence.
The Atlantean empire fell in the year 1700 ad. Or the Survivor culture the last remnants of the Atlantean Empire ruled and still had power and standing armies in many parts of the world. They were in a horrible work for a control with the parasitic parasites of the world who want to impose all types of jewiy control systems on to the people of the Earth. The world governments don't want the average citizen of the world to know that only a couple hundred years ago the Atlantean Empire still had control and was still ruling most of the world .
The Illuminati Rothschild parasitic capitalistic bureaucratic parasite devil worshipping Jew control system is evil. The Heavenly Atlantean mushroom worshipping mystery religion was steeped in Godly knowledge
The Jews are parasitic devil worshipping bottom feeders. And modern-day Christians worship the devil. Indigenous people still hold on to the original Atlantean teachings this is true history come at me bro
Parasitic nightmare Jews Run the World and Christians worship Beelzebub Illuminati Jew shekels this is a horrifying war between the parasites and the Survivor culture of Atlantis this is true history the history that the world governments try to suppress. Every time there's archaeological discovery World governments step in and steal the artifacts. Wake up as a survivor we're all survivors the parasites don't want anyone to know. Survivors of Atlantis