Why don't Christians kill people anymore? Why is Islam allowed to kill people but Christianity isn't?
Why don't Christians kill people anymore? Why is Islam allowed to kill people but Christianity isn't?
Its a cuck religion about kissing the penis of your enemies.
US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan
Why would a Christian want to kill?
he he
***hellfires your wedding party***
>Why don't Christians kill people anymore?
But they do
>Why is Islam allowed to kill people but Christianity isn't?
Catholicism allows killing in self defence, in a just war, or when executing a guilty criminal
Also stop Crusader LARPing it's cringeworthy as fuck, Christianity is not about muh ebul mozlims
because christians like to kill other peoples but there´s nothing they like more than killing each other en masse
>he said, giving zero examples (not that his examples would be any good)
the thirty years war was the most destructive european war by percentage of population lost IIRC
it was mostly religious in nature
> not that his examples would be any good
how about ww1 and 2
You mean why don't they kill in the name of Christianity?
It was originally mostly religious in nature, that changes shortly after it began though. It's still only a small segment of in the history of Christianity. Historically Christians have gotten along fairly well even when they've disagreed.
Neither WW1 or WW2 had anything to do with Christianity and involved a shitload of non-Christian countries like the Ottoman Empire, Japan, China, India, Thailand, etc
orthodox still do!
>islam is allowed to kill people
*citation needed*
>WW1 and WW2 were Christian wars
Muslims are running people over every day in Europe. They rape girls. They chop homosexual's heads off in Saudi Arabia. And the media basically covers it up. "Nothing to see here folks" "Immigration is a strength".
It always amazes me, when people complain about christian destruction and shit they bring up the crusades and the saxon revolts and shit, which is all backwater chump change compared to 30 year wars.
Thats arab genetics not islam you stupid fuck, white muslims are unheard of in islamic terrorism.
weren´t they?
from a religious POV those were civil wars
Okay, then how come a lot non-christian countries got involved?
either for profit or as colonies of christian empires
>using christianity as a nationalist rallying cry is the same as a war being religious in nature
Any time groups of people fight their differences get emphasized my man. The Ottoman Empire was calling WW1 a holy war against Christians despite that their allies were all Christian countries, it's just getting people amped up.
Ottoman Empire? Imperial Japan?
Christians have been killing people for ages. Also, rightwing terrorism has been growing in the West too and its by definition usually perpetrated by christians
>ww1 - catholic france and italy, protestant britain, and orthodox russia vs protestant/catholic germany, mostly catholic austria-hungary, muslim ottomans, and orthodox bulgaria
>ww2 - protestant britain, catholic france, state atheist ussr and chinese complicated situation vs a bunch of fascist euro countries that often didn't have good relationships with their churches and shinto japan
Woah it's almost like the respective religions of the countries had nothing to do with the actual wars!
you forgot Orthodox Serbia
>rightwing terrorism has been growing in the West too and its by definition usually perpetrated by christians
Most people on the far-right aren't particularly religious these days, they only care about Christianity to the extent that it goes along with the ideology. See retards calling the Pope or Ecumenical Patriarch cucks for being concerned about the welfare of refugees while praising random obscure nationalist clergy.
I left a bunch of countries out, you get the idea
I'm not saying you're wrong. But being christian is a very important part of their identity
>white muslims are unheard of in islamic terrorism.
It is true that Bosniaks and Albanians are underrepresented among Islamic terrorists, but Chechens have been very active in the jihadist movements. One of ISIS’s chief military commanders has been a Chechen, for example.
In general, Christians have killed more people than Muslims, but Muslims have killed more people in the name of their religion
>Thats arab genetics
So how do you explain the Berber, Afghan, Pakistani, Chechen, Uzbek terrorists?
citation needed
All of them other than Chechens are non-whites, and Chechens are just inbred white niggers.
Maybe culturally, I doubt they actually give a shit. A lot of far-right organizations are just as welcoming to neo-pagans or irreligious people as they are Christians. It's people letting their politics inform their religious views rather than the other way around. I see it as the inverse of socially progressive Christians adopting positions that are contrary to the entire history of the religion just because they're trendy.
Honestly if white people converted to Islam it would solve their population problem.
Basically uust a different theology but they historucally have treated black like shit.
And they incourage multiplication.
>Uzbek terrorists
Okay let's be real that doesn't happen
It's a one-off, Uzbeks are usually based
Im usually pretty anti Muslim but I have to agree with this guy.
Uzbeks arent know for flooding Iraq and Afghanistan with foreign fighters and blowed up buses and churches and shit.
IMO, Kazakhs are the only civilized Central Asians
I think most Central Asians have been relatively pacified and content with simple lives.
You can only horde and rape and murder for so many hundreds of years.