How old are you Veeky Forums? How much do you bench?

How old are you Veeky Forums? How much do you bench?

22, 245x1 reporting in

was benching 150 at 16 two years ago

42. I've put up 2pl8 for one rep. I think I could do more but I'm afraid to try because my crippling social anxiety prohibits me from asking for a spot like a normal human being. So I can only attempt what I already know for a fact I can do.

My usual workout weight is 195 for 3x5.

Isn't that emma watson?

she did it on purpose

34 - 225x1

>dem crosseyed titties

wow much feminism such a statement

Holy shit man what are you doing on here? Honestly curious

Did 225 for 3x6 yesterday

Shes not a whore. Shes leagues above most females in the class department

I think they're cute

315Lb 5x5

Newfag detected.

46(at least that's what I tell people online) 255 3x5
But that was months ago and after a heavy strenuous deadlift and powerclean+overhead press session.
So I don't really know my max.

Recovering ex-fatty. I didn't see in the sticky where there was an age requirement.


nipples are shopped


Nope. This is the real deal. Her pr team is having a fucking fit over this look it up. Its not even that bad desu

sometimes i feel that way. Just pretend you are acting as a confident character and just say it.
>hey could you give me a spot
Dont fucking stutter.. dont mumble it quietly.. just clearly say it. You will feel better.
Thats literally all you have to say. Pretty much everyone is in the gym is really nice. If you are starting to sperg out its better just to say nothing unless they ask you something. Then just say thanks.

Why would anyone lift 1 pound 245 times?

77 lbs, 3x10

started 1 week ago, am I going to make it?

24, best was 340 lbs but I cap only max 300 now

also if you keep saying stuff like
>i have crippling social anxiety
things will never get better. I know its hard to live and battle with mental health issues like that as I have plenty myself but you obviously aren't happy about it. Accept your anxiety and stop using it as an excuse for not getting where you want to be. Every time you ask someone for a spot it will get easier. The first time is the hardest.


345 1rm

20. 180 1RM

What did they say about her leaked cunny pics? I mean she has a brilliant looking snatch, but a billion and one males have launched a small river of semen over her gash by now.

>I will never lick her tiny pink nipples while she whimpers her approval
Fuck this life

Fuck, why is everyone itt so old?
I'm 18 and do 165x5

135x10 for 4 sets. I go full rom and shit but it's pretty pathetic and I'm stalled out.

What? Why the fuck are you doing sets of 10 at only a 135lb bench??

hes a dyel. thats what they all do. 3 sets of 10 for everything

I've noticed a strange trend on Veeky Forums. There seems to be an abundance of people who can bench over 225lbs, and an abundance of people who bench 135lbs or under, but bizarrely few inbetween. How can this be explained? The 135lb-225lb range should be the most common.

i started working out 1 week ago and this is what my program says I have to do

is my trainer wrong about this?

how do you think i knew you were a dyel? all gym bros who go to the gym once a week for 2 months then drop out do that shit. Trainers are for retards btw. Do GS LP. Watch form videos on youtube especially for compounds. Practice your form with lightweight until you have it down then just fucking go for it. That is exactly what i would do if i had to start over from scratch.

I was plateaued at 115 for the longest time. Stop benching and do dumbbell press instead. Also get your inclines and incline fly in. I pushed 125 on incline three weeks after I stopped benching. I'm sure I've broken the plateau

I'm 23 I was stuck at 115 and now I'm sure I can do 1pl8

>doing 10 reps
>surprised he's not making progress

let me guess, lifting for aesthetics?

This is shit advice, if he was stuck at 135x5 for months it may be ok to use, but the guy is doing sets of fucking ten, of course he's not gaining strength. Fix that first, if he's still stalling maybe he can switch to DBs.

im a different person

I decided to go with a beginners program because my muscles are in a shitty form (25 years old, 6'1)

then I will switch to a body building program

That guy your responding to wasn't me, the guy stalling at 135. Yes, I am going for aesthetics, hence the hypertrophy. I hit the gym 6 days a week, every week, and don't miss. I have watched a ton of proper form shit. I'm making gains on incline dumbbell press and expect to make gains on the bench shortly.
I do incline dumbbell and incline flies. Good luck with your 1pl8 - it's a magical moment when you hit it.
I'm not training for strength. Why are you guys acting like this is such an insane notion, that I'm not training strength?

26. I bench 3x150kg

>can't bench more than 135
>complains about stalled progress
For your sake I hope you're a 5'0 manlet

lol he's been lifting for a week or so. I didn't have this info.

lower reps, higher weight, get that muscle nice and worked up. I suggest going w no trainer and just trying to see what's the max weight you can crank out 5 reps with (add 10-20 lbs each time until you find it, starting at your usual 135). then work on that weight and keep pushing.

If you're a pussy who is too scared to ask for a spot (I know I am) coordinate with friends to go to the gym and spot each other. (If >tfw no friends, then man up or go DB since you need less of a spot there, but come on... you can ask someone for a spot, I know you, you're great, just do it, I bet you even have friends and shit)

Problem is no one ever got big benching 1 pl8. I'm certain it has been proven the optimal route (even for aesthetics) is to start with a strength program or at least include low rep high intensity compounds in your routine until you get out the baby weight zone.

>those asymmetrical nips

2/10 would not bang

That would honestly be more work than someone who can bnch 245 once


Just maxed, so as of today 275lbs x1

teh 275x2

>I'm not training for strength. Why are you guys acting like this is such an insane notion, that I'm not training strength?
show me a really muscular aesthetic guy that struggles benching fucking 1 plate babby weight.

This is hilarious. How long have you been stalled now? top kek

19. 280x1 at 180 lbs (about a month ago)

You're gonna make brah, just gotta stay consistent

If she was actually a feminist her crotch would be bloody and she'd be taking a wide-legged powerstance.

230x1 checking in

22 100x5
Tfw hit 90x1 when I was 17 but wasn't consistent :(

I'm can and have managed more at lower frequency. This monday I had a go at 145 and did a set of 5. Next time I'm going to go for 145 again and try to hit 10 for a set, and maybe another set and another, whatever I can push out of me. That's how this works. The main reason I stalled was that I was fixing my form which I discovered wasn't a full rom, and now I'm catching up. You move the weight up and do your best.

And I'm 5'10
I'll look into it then seeing as Veeky Forums is meme'ing at me but I haven't seen anything against it myself.
Again, I stalled because I found out I had to fix my rom, wasn't going all the way down, and now I'm back up to sets of 10 with proper form. It's taken me two months to get proper rom and get back up to 1pl8.

>20. 180 1RM
Heh, I have 10 years more and 10 pounds more

When I was in high school I couldn't even put up 135 one time. 25 years later that's warm-up weight for me now. The weird thing is, I don't ever remember an "in between" time.

Looks like she could have a tilted pelvis or something. Not because of the nipples but her shoulders position

show me a powerlifter who can bench big boy weight for a couple reps with no chest

then find me a bodybuilder/aesthetic lifter who struggles with babby weight.

I'm not claiming to be shredded dude. I'm claiming that I'm training hard. I literally don't know a single body lifter/aesthetic lifter besides like, scooby or zyzz or rich piana. I'm not sitting here claiming that people who lift 1pl8 for higher volume sets are shredded. I know that I am not shredded.

Trained vs. untrained

Lifting 165lbs atm

18 currently lift 155x3 5 months ago I could only do 115x1

19 280x1


yeah man! only us young cats are allowedd! no oldies amirite XDXDXDXD!!!!11!

21 100kg x 1
I don't know how to convert that to freedom units tho

oh sweet summer child

Why not just leave the bar unclipped then if you fail you can just slide the weights off onto the floor? Only place this isn't perfectly acceptable is planet fitness where you would activate the 'lunk alarm' but that isn't a gym anyway


200x1, but I only started to bench 2 months ago.

154lb / 70kg
in total (counting the bar)

for 8 reps btw

I was actually curious about this after reading that and so I just tried it by doing 245 reps with my pillow. I did 2 sets of 245 and both were easy as fuck, I probably could have gone to 500 without much trouble if I could be bothered. I cant even bench 245 for 1 so theres no way 1 x 245 is more effort than 245 x 1 or any 1 rep max for that matter.

5 months in.
I don't take care of myself well


>it's actually real

I started at like 80lbs bench too
Got to 2 pl8 in less than a year

90 pound bench for 5 reps :(
3 weeks in

300 pre cut/on cycle
275x3 now
>tfw weakling



started 1 month ago


How far did you get natty?

newfags love to post instead of just lurking, and only people who have been here long enough and who are actually strong have anything worth bragging about in posts

285x1 but on an out of control permabulk

Because once you hit 1pl8 the next meaningful increment is 2pl8, and people probably don't want to post til they hit it.
190lbs 3x5 here

20 this saturday
255x4 a couple ntiimes

Anyone else used to find her hot af until you heard she was a staunch feminist?


225 for 3


it wont go up.

multiple deloads, added accessories, subtracted accessories, volume/intensity variations. nothing works. even after eating myself up 30lbs, it always plateaus there.

>rarely go that heavy
>usually start with 225 and moved to to 275 for 4-5

My elbows are starting to hurt so I rarely go heavy anymore. Lol, not that 315 is really anything impressive, though. Pic unrelated.

>leaked emma watson pictures

w-wait what


22, going to do 180 next week albeit honestly I might just go 185 and get a spotter for my sets. The goal is to hit 205 by the end of the year.

225, now, that's what I'm really looking forward to.

Also, tidbit, I need to hit 205 by the end of the year because this little crossfit manlet bitch always tries to give me daggers when I look at his girl lmao, she is so bangin tho I am sorry senpai

23 and 1rm is 295.
Imma get that 3pl8 bench even if it's just once.


can't lift shit, I destroyed my left arm somehow. But as of a week ago


Man 295 seems forever and a month away man, and that tells me, that you'll hit 3pl8 mane. TIME IS ALL WE NEED BB

22 years old with a max of 275 for a single 3 second pause rep



240 18

225 4x6
265 x 1