>Warsaw Uprising
Warsaw Uprising
>April 30th, 1945
>Katyn Massacre
>Volhynian Slaughter
>First Mongol invasion of Poland
Polan is unironically the worst country in the world
I like to read about the various genocides and partitions when I'm done watching porn
Never happened.
> Not invading Warsaw is worse than Hitler in Poland
>third Mongol invasion of Poland
>second Mongol invasion of Poland
I can't support Poland anymore as a nation. Poland is a fascist dictatorship run by a nationalist and catholic party that gets its ideas from the Kremlin. I'm not saying that Poland is a Russian puppet but they are acting like Putin and Russia and I don't like that. So fuck Poland and fuck Russia also. I don't think Poland should be a country anymore because their slide into dictatorship under the PiS Party. I'm scared that Poland is now a backwards country and I can't support Poland if its going to be against liberalism and democracy. Fuck Poland. The EU needs to invade Poland and bring back democracy.
Literally just stop giving them money.
it's literally repeating 1930s poland. it's eerie. third partition when?
The third partition was in 1795.
Poland deserves all the shit it gets for trying to expand east instead of going west and trying to exterminate G*rms while they weren't unified.
they did try to exterminate the Germans when they thought they had the backing of France and England
if you make a Polack think he can get away with it, the beast within will show itself
nt goebbels
t. Asian horde
more respect to your hunnic soldiers
Hey retard.
it is rather unfortunate, but as a non Pole I don't think its my place to do anything other than not support Polish business, invading or partitioning the country to force them to respect liberal democracy is not the answer. It's something Poles will have to demand from their government.
That is the greatest strength of democracy after all, if people don't like their government they can throw it out.
do you actually know anything about the situation in Poland or are you just repeating memes about some imaginary 'coup'?
Illiberal cathocuck part is in power and eroding institutions. Its a slow motion coup.
t. underage /pol/tard
Fuck off reddit
t.ankie pro
>every time a polish nigger dies
>2 soybeans have been deposited into your account
Fuck off newfag scum
>Hey retard.
The onl thing we know for certain about this event is that Goebbels personally invented the number of victims.
Beyond that, we don't know what happened, or even whether the massacre happened at all. We know for certain that Bydgoszcz was bombed before it was taken over by the German army.
Beginning in early September, Nazi intelligence organization Abwehr reported in document prepared by general Erwin Lahousen that German armed saboteurs conducting operations behind the front line in Bydgoszcz suffered heavy losses[7].[8][9]Their operations coordinated by Abwehr resident in Bydgoszcz-Grischner are documented in operational reports and plans in Abwehr archives. Among task allocated to armed saboteur groups documented in German archives were:blowing up the main office of German organization Deutsche Vereinigung, passport office Deutsche Paßstelle, German private school, and setting fire to German theater and offices of Jugdendeutsche Partei[10]These operations are documented as coordinated and organized by Schutzstaffel SS[11] Additionally a special Abwehr sabotage group was located in Bydgoszcz according to German records from Abwehr Wroclaw department, called Sabotage-Organisationen Gruppe 12 whose task was to disable local power-plant and cut phone communication between Innowroclaw and Torun.[12]
Besides these sabotage groups in Bydgoszcz, Abwehr also recorded in its documents paramilitary groups that were formed in the city. According to German records stored in Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv in Freiburg they counted 150 members in Kampf-Organisation under leadership of local German named Kleiss and were part of larger military formation coordinated from Poznan which altogether had 2077 members, in addition to this group a 10 member combat unit under command of German named Otto Meister was also formed in Bydgoszcz and received orders from Wroclaw local office of Abwehr.[13]
During the night between 2nd and 3rd September a number of German saboteurs dressed up in Polish uniforms woke up inhabitants of two districts in Bydgoszcz telling them to run as Poland has been defeated, and as a result a significant number of civilians panicked and started fleeing the city, the chaotic flight disrupted and restricted movements of Polish military on the roads[15]
By morning 3rd of September certain few Germans who were in good relationship with their Polish neighbors started warning them to hide as "something bad will happen in the city", offering them shelter under the condition that that they must hide by 10 AM in the morning, but stated they can't disclose details on what will take place[16] .
Poles are so bad at strategy that they almost deserved 45 years of communism for it. No idea why the soviets didn't dissolved Pooland once more, not that anyone would have minded.
>Poles are so bad at strategy
>Raids from the direction of Coudehard managed to penetrate the Polish defences and take captives. The final German effort came at around 11:00—SS remnants had infiltrated through the wooded hills to the rear of the 1st Armoured Regiment's dressing station. This "suicidal" assault was defeated at point-blank range by the 9th Infantry Battalion with the 1st Armoured Regiment's tanks using their anti-aircraft machine guns in support.[6][58] The machine guns' tracer ammunition set fire to the grass, killing wounded German men on the slope.[59
>Stefanowicz, himself wounded during the day's fighting,[52] struck a fatalistic note as he addressed his four remaining officers: "Gentlemen, all is lost. I do not think that the Canadians can come to our rescue. We have only about 110 able-bodied men left. Five shells per gun and 50 bullets per man. That's very little, but fight all the same. Surrender to the S.S. is futile; you know that. I thank you. You have fought well. Good luck, gentlemen. Tonight we shall die for Poland and for civilization! . . . each tank will fight independently, and eventually each man for himself."[56]
>According to military historian Gregor Dallas: "The Poles had closed the Falaise Pocket. The Poles had opened the gate to Paris."[62] Simonds stated that he had "never seen such wholesale havoc in his life" and Canadian engineers erected a sign on Point 262N's summit reading simply "A Polish Battlefield.[6]
>In 1965 on the battle's 20th anniversary, a monument to the Polish, Canadian, American and French units that took part in the battle was erected on Hill 262.[63] Marking the occasion, former President of the United States Dwight D. Eisenhower commented that "no other battlefield presented such a horrible sight of death, hell, and total destruction."[64]
>phone poste
>too dumb to know the difference between tactics and strategy
>triggered by user post and urged to post rare example where poles didn't fuck up
Yeah, you pole and you dumb. history never changes.
Did they give him Stalin's nickname on purpose?
>leftists actually believe this
Communism isn't coming back so stop trying to force it.
>2 of April 1982
>Sea People
Fuck Poles desu
communism has never been implemented. did you mean state socialism?