>be me
>tfw no gf
>start to lift
>now hot girls make conversation with me expecting an alpha
>i'm still an autistic beta
>cute/average girls don't like muscles or assume I'm a jerk who loves himself
you lied to me...
>be me
>tfw no gf
>start to lift
>now hot girls make conversation with me expecting an alpha
>i'm still an autistic beta
>cute/average girls don't like muscles or assume I'm a jerk who loves himself
you lied to me...
You fell for the lifting cures autism and mental health problems? Kek
>thinks he'll ever make it
>be me
>have worked out at the gym for 2 years but still haven't managed to hit 2plate on bench press
>suspect there's a secret everyone knows but won't tell me
>go to the biggest guy at the gym and ask him for advice
>"how do I get big like you", I say
>"well, brother," he says, "I always start my morning with that first sip"
are you saying you'd be better off if you were an autistic beta with a shittier physique?
Haha fuck. Gj user, made me lol
lifting for cute boys was confirmed not long ago
You wanna trade?
>be me
>Tfw no gf
>Get fit
>get confident
>Zero attention from girls
Not sure this is better famalam,i know exactly what to do if a girl approached me but they dont
I think if you knew exactly what to do you would have a few in ur life kek
Knowing how to handle a situation isnt the same as knowing how to put yourself in the situation user
Hot girls dont come running begging me for dick as they do to every other asshole on this site who lifts for two weeks which i find strange
You are delusional, I find that funny. Maybe some autistic 3/10 desperate for cock will fall on you dick
>And youll know how to handle the situation.
>Be autistic beta.
>Go to the gym.
>acquire GF for 2 years, we break up.
>Go in alpha mode fucking a bunch of tinder sloots within a month with daddy issues.
>Now feel like a beta autist again that just wants to cuddle up and have a cute GF.
My life is like the complete opposite, i get laid but almost no attention and girls just come over to fuck occasionaly but then end up having a relationship with some other dude.
But this is not the end of the game yet OP. You just unlocked cutemode. Keep going.
24 / 1.84 / 76KG
Blond, green eyes, i do calisthenics a lot but i do have bad skin on my back.
I kind of have high standards too i guess.
The problem is that you don't squat enough.
Are you me??
Been fucking great looking girls on regular basic but i still missed cuddling.
Found a 9/10 gf coz i function better ( i can focus on study and lifting instead of drinking and chasing girls).
Last night im going to the restaurant, she is dressed up and 10/10 every guy there is constantly turning heads to catch a glimpse of her. I honestly look ugly nest to her, but she is all over me.
>still feel like ive accomplished nothing since i can't talk about nerdy things like video games, marvel movies and things like that with her....
>video games, marvel movies
Literally kill yourself.
Really nice anyway user
Reading stories like your gives me hope that i too can make it on tinder
Good luck with your back
>if a girl approached
You're doing it wrong.
you are probably ugly
What else am i supposed to do exactly?
You're retarded. Women rarely approach men unless you're literally 10/10. The other end of the spectrum is fat hambeasts with no shame anymore.
>Why aren't the fish biting when I haven't cast my rod?
approaching girls? Waiting for them to approach you is, literally, autistic,
Those cute girls who say they don't like muscles really do they are just shutting you down before your can shut them down. Go for them it should be easy.
But you cant force attraction, seems like a pretty big flaw in your plan mate
Sure i can creep on girls and get rejected but id rather succeed and since girls dont seem to like it when guys creep on em i dont think its a good strategy
I think you might be autistic lad. No insult.
How do you know they don't like you if you've never even initiated a conversation.
>and get rejected but id rather succeed
I can tell right now you're afraid of getting rejected, you're gonna have to get over that or get used to fucking a flesh light.
pretty much same here, people see me as a normie, girls flirt with me, getting asked to go to parties, but they dont know im /r9k/ introvert antisocial guy that has nothing to say most of the time, just smiles at everything like a retard, and get in the most awkward situations/conversations.
kill me
Because from what ive noticed it doesnt seem girls really like guys since they reject so many
I mean ive noticed girls generally dont go for guys and are cold as fuck towards them and are outright mean, TRP i think calls em shittests but that just seems like autistic behaviour to me
I dont mind rejection but if i can avoid it i do
Also, you generally notice if someone is attracted to you because i think it would be obvious
IDK how to help you, TRP is almost on PUA level of badness. Yes you can tell if a woman is PHYSICALLY attracted to you based on how she acts, if they're being rude or cold to you they're either a bitch (this rarely happens) or you're not getting obvious signals that they're not interested.
stop putting the pussy on a pedestal
I dont think any woman has ever been openly rude towards me personally but i digress
Girls dont behave like boys, they dont feel like we do sadly
fuck you
nah mate that is not true, girls rarely show interest, and if they do you might not even see it.
Friday night I was out at a club for the first time after my oneitis broke up with me. we invited 2 girls over to our table one was blond 5'10 and very slim overall 6-7/10 the other was brunette 5'2 high test(big tits and ass) maybe a 7/10 cuz I hate big tits but loooove dat ass.
> I quickly asked the blondie for a dance cuz my friend was talking to the brunette
> she told me I could go with her friend cuz she couldn't dance
> got her out on the dancefloor anyways
> she again told me she couldn't dance
>''well can you kiss'' I asked her
> she couldn't kiss for shit either
> Later I met the brunette outside the club
> talked about her friend etc.
>apparently she was in the club with a guy
> oh well she's young so she needs to experience life I said
>''yeah I'm much more mature compared to her''
> don't tell me that''
>''why not''
> ''oh well maturity turns me on''
>after that I think I said, ''don't be mad at me for doing this'' and then I kissed her.
Turns out she was sober (I was drunk AF but could surprisingly act almost sober). I got her number and she tells me she neither drinks nor smokes and she loves to work out, atm she squats 80 kilos and she's coming over this saturday. I can't wait to clap dat high test ass. And I'm hoping for more than a booty call but let's see where it ends.
if you're confident and just do what you want to do when you feel like it you will get a lot of good responses from girls. They like that you take the lead. these 2 girls didn't come up to me and told me they were interested. No I had to show interest to get them, just like 99% of girls.
Good story and i love the fact that you also dont like big tits but love a good big ass, i feel very alone in this
Anyway, ill work more aggressivly to show interest but im not counting on anything happening
Somehow i seem to live in a vaccum of nothingness because girls just...dont seem to like me
>Lifting things and putting them down in an orderly fasion cures autism
When will this memem die?
Just stay relaxed and casual when talking to girls like you're not into banging but just friendship, often they pretend they're innocent and not into one night stands but most of them are.
They just try to hide their slut level and you got to dig that out in a subtle way during the first or second date.
I had a date with this awesome nice girl i mett on tinder that appeared innocent and was studying on academic level, she even approached me first, turned out she had daddy issues though i found out on the first date and that she's fucking randomy guys all the time.
She gave me insane deepthroat action in the car with tears going down her cheeks and kept on going throughout the day, the kind you see in porn movies and this was on the second date.
Shit was cash, but definitely not GF material.
You sound cringey as fuck, I really hope you're not older than 18
>Lift until I leave humanity behind
>Approach tons of girls until the autism cures itself through trial and error
>Now have no problem attracting girls and bedding them
>Until I bring them home or try having a serious relationship and they see I'm a huge weeb playing anime games with 14 years old Japanese girls fighting cute monsters
I even got rid of my figures but fuck
>I hate big tits.
Stopped reading right there.
Pls don't spread your genes.
>Get fit
>Women now let you go first when grocery shopping
This legit NEVER happened when I was out of shape, but now it's pretty common.