How do i into penny mode?

how do i into penny mode?

Eat less calories than you consume. That's really it, she doesn't look like she does anything else.

Stop stuffing your fat mouth with food.

dem arms though

Yeah, looks like she could almost curl a 4 lbs db

Do you guys think my wife is Penny mode? I mean, she even has the same hair.

What. She has pretty cool shoulders.

Uh, that's what arms look like when body fat is low. They aren't big at all.

Would creampie all day every day. Good stuff my man.

Dude look at her forearms

Besides she doesn't look very lean

nightmare mode

i really hope im not gonna marry anyone that looks like this



Did she play tennis? Her shoulders are wider than the shoulders of manlets that i see at my gym lol

Genetics xF

>sweet memes are made of these
>travel the 'Chan and the seven seas
>everybodys lookin for upvotes


she lifts and plays tennis
friend of friend used to play on the same college team as her ex-husband ryan sweeting

IMO it looks like she aerobics and eats carefully. Certainly does not lift much, if at all.

>Eat less calories than you consume. That's really it, she doesn't look like she does anything else.
No brae, she has actual muscle tone in her arms & shoulders. Nobody gets that from doing nothing.

Start a new game and select a female character.

Her arm looks like a dick lol

Fuck Raj everyday

holy chest wow how many pl8s he bench?


If you could be any character from the BBT's gang who would it be?

I would be Penny and continuously harrass Sheldon and make him uncomfortable leading to a finale of raping him.
(i'm a guy)

what the fuck

You're idiots, she definitely does some type of resistance training. This is what a girl who is thin who doesn't lift looks like. Kek, fucking playing wonderwoman.

>le Reddit maymay

Kekt hard on that webm
I can't remember for the love of god what was the original video called

Its some Australian show. The episode is like 1 hour 29 and uts so cringeworthy

stfu dyel skeleton twink smegma gobbler

The dude is some kind of pt or nutritionist, and he is on a show where landwhales try to explain why calorie in calorie out doesn't apply to them.
He tries to argue with arguments but that doesn't get him very far and the discussion just devolves in a hamplanet pity party.

>Eat less calories than you consume
