How can I capitalize on the liberal and social justice movement?

How can I capitalize on the liberal and social justice movement?

You can sell those "No hate lives here" signs.

I see tons of those fucking pieces of shit in peoples yards, virtue signalling faggots.

U literally cant


this. they are fucking broke and dont buy anything.
the only thing you gain from supporting liberalshit is not being boycotted.

There was a Vice article about these black bitches that sell a 'white reparations kit' or some bullshit as a monthly subscription.
The cunt said something like, "I don't care what white people use it for, I just care about giving black women their money."
So, capitalize on guilt.

Connect shitty SJW mentality to the blockchain by using chainlink

double dubs, nice. brb making White Reparations Coin

I am a white heterosexual male who is about to become a professor in a somewhat prestigious university.
My whole work has no real academical relevance or artistic merit, but I had a scholarship from college to PhD simply by pretending to be a SJW and using their flags.
I never had to do real work, and the university takes 20h/week from my time, in pretty great conditions.
To make matters better, sex is so easy that it is a joke, and I get to sodomise feminists while they are young and have not totally fucked up their bodies.

You meant they're broke because they buy everything?

They take out loans on the newest iPhones like good little goyims

The way most SJWs get money is they start campaigns and accept donations to raise awareness or battle some bullshit. They usually hire their other SJW friends to help them.

Sell t-shirts that say "I'd rather be a cuck than a yuck"



You sell fair trade coffee
Farmed to table food

My point was that you can always use the stupid to your advantage, as long as you have the stomach to deal with them.

Convince them that they are weak and need to workour to battle the Chad's in the field. You will have your own line of nurtional supplements to sell them.

To get started join your local Antifa and work your way up the ranks by demonstrating your strength on combat. Eventually you'll be at the top of the local faction. This is when you get noticed by the other big dog factions around the usa. You'll get invited their leadership meetings. From there you'll need to smooth talk and work your way up to the top boss, George Soros. Get him to buy your supplements and the world is yours.

Forgot to post the picture to accompany the mission.

Have children and sell them to george soros and john podesta.

Unironically this.

>Move to a country with unenforced crowd funding laws like China.
>Start several crowd funding scams.
>Transfer all of the money raised into Bitcoin and cash it out through Local Bitcoins.

become a professional victim and ask for gibs on the internet

Make queercoin. Its first backing product can be a trans dating app. Recruit Bruce Jenner to shill for you.

The degeneracy train had already left a long time ago.

You certainly can and its purchasing power is being scrutinized to detail.
Check out as an example.

persuade them that they are miserable until you give them product x, use as much emotional turmoil and social anecdotes as you can (like everyone is doing it, why are you?) and less logical sense the better. you need to tap to their weaknesses without looking like an enemy to them and appear like you're their friend. be their friend and simply joke to them that they will never amount to anything because they neglected to do x and then you show them this get non miserable quick scheme or product x and save their soul blah blah blah its basically marketing religion but you get the idea, same thing as liberalism

See Google, Facebook, Target, most Banks, most fast food joints, basically everything advertised on TV. Liberal women are the dumbest consumers out there.

>Liberals are poor
>Liberals are dumb

Except my liberal ex girlfriend, an accountant, was top of her class and all her liberal friends were scientists or studying accounting too.

Sell dildos with feminist logos
Sell Hillary Clinton merchandise
Sell books like Twilight and Scum Manifesto
Sell pink things
Sell cat eye glasses
Offer to paint things pink for money
Sell hair dye
Open up a tattoo and piercing parlor
Sell Wonder Woman comics
Sell George Soros t-shirts
Sell contraceptives
Sell mace and whistles

I'll think of more, my fellow anons, but this should be a decent starting point.

College and high school is designed for liberal sluts

That means nothing

yea you can but you must be a minority or a lesbian and then make a sob story about how some nazi cis white male made your life hard

pick one

Audible kek.

Not where I'm from, we actually have academic standards at universities unlike burgerland

You need to capitalize on the right wing stuff too as all this "us vs them" mentality creates an ample opportunity to buy such products too.

Also don't forget to cash in on anything Donald trump says or does. That man is a goldmine of product ideas.

We've reached the top of the student debt bubble SELL SELL SELL

If they take over they'll wreck the currency by trying to use social programs to uplift useless genetic garbage. It'll never work. Jamal and Mohammad will never be economically productive no matter how much money and white guilt you throw at them. They'll just breed and exacerbate existing social problems. You'll spend and spend on them until the dollar is worthless.

So buy bearer assets to protect against hyper inflation and bail-ins. Gold, silver, platinum, bitcoin, alt coins, land (in foreign countries), you get the idea. Maybe hold a little bit of paper currency for the initial stages of a crisis.

The only way their utopian dreams will not turn into a nightmare is if they embrace genetic engineering and designer babies. I admit if you remove the MAOA gene from the lefty pets and give them high IQs things might be sustainable. So buy some stocks associated with genetic engineering just in case they figure it out.

You easily can

Just start a blog about evil white men oppressing everyone and sell merchandise or something

short Western civilization

Buy a funeral home.
Most of these people are committing suicide.

Capitalise by being friendly to people of minority sexuality, and calling out people who are bullies to gay and trans people.

Oh, you meant like financially.

Pick a side and sell either MAGA hats or tofu

Make a shitcoin targeted at "oppressed minorities" and "marginalized groups". Market it was a way for them to trade between eachother outside of the control of the evil white man. Get some rich SanFran retards to back you.

that picture is so accurate. why are there so many people who look exactly like that? where do they come from?

it's like the leftie version of the fedora neckbeard.