>How many more sets do you have?
How many more sets do you have?
However many I FEEL like you impatient PRICK
*gets up and clubbers him*
>Two. I rest for 5 minutes between the sets, though. If you can move the weights yourself, you are free to work in.
Chads are actually pretty friendly people. Only Chad-wannabe turbo-autist Veeky Forumsfags try to "out-alpha" the people in their gym.
>5 minutes rests
2 more, You can jump in if you want brah
>5 minutes
Oh so you were that guy that one time you fucking faggot.
>tfw i just warmed up
Do you also have le leg days?
I am doing 8 sets of 3 plus my warm up with the bar, 50 pounds more, 50 pounds more and 50 pounds more. So seeing as I just got here I have about 12 sets left.
Wh-what are you doing in my house?
All of them.
But seriously, you're a fucking idiot if you wait 5 minutes between sets. You must stay at the gym for 3 fucking hours. Fuck you. I literally would demand to workout between your fucking 5 minute rests, you fucking little bitch beta
I interupt my routine and wait for him to finish so I can continue
"All of them"
Dyel detected
no, you're the dyel. You will always be a dyel you piece of shit
5 minutes is nothing. Some permabulking powerlifting was telling me about how he ran the Texas Method with EIGHT MINUTES of rest.
Is this bait?
If you lift any serious amount of weight, is recommended to ready anywhere between 2 to 8 minutes between sets
Hell, when the gym is empty, I sometimes wait up to 15 minutes. Especially if I'm trying to 1 rep max a deadlift
if you're not baiting i can tell you're nowhere even close to being considered strong, same for anyone who agrees
sometimes on volume days I would even rest for 12 minutes, mentally it was much more challenging than physicaly
y-you too
this many brah
If you're doing strength work, you better be resting as much as you need. When the weight is really heavy, you definitely need 5 minutes, some people even take like 8-10 minutes. Low rest intervals are good for bodybuilding/hyperthophy work, don't mix up the two.
>cuck...c-couple more
pls don't hit me
Do you do 10 exercises every day? Top kek.
>I literally would demand to workout between your fucking 5 minute rests, you fucking little bitch beta
I am completely fine with people working in between my sets. You have to fix the weights though.
>8 minutes
fucking DYELs. Sometimes I take an hour in between sets. My volume days usually take around 36 hours
Found the beta cucks that pretend they lift by sitting on bench and staring at their phone all day and then bragging about being at the gym for 3 hours. Stay legitimately cucked
that reminds me, call me dad from now on