>me at uni >smelly >invisible force field between me and my peers >shower 1-2 times a day depending on schedule >always use strong old spice deoderant >wipe until white and then some more >sometimes feel the B.O radiating off my body like a heatwave >sometimes go to the toilet just to wipe because my ass gets sweaty as shit >no friends because bad anxiety and smellyness
>me on vacation >shower only after a workout (~3x a week sometimes less) >smell neutral always >always ask family members if they smell anything >always answer no >stacy sister laying on my chest >ask if I smell like b.o >she says always no, why am I being paranoid blah blah What can I do Veeky Forums? I'm starting to think my lifetime shyness is because of my smell.
sorry pajeet but it's a genetic thing in Indians, you just smell.
Levi Parker
I'm a fucking white male though
Connor Watson
same thing
since puberty
Landon Lewis
Anxiety induced BO? I dunno. Go to a doctor
Christopher Morris
how do you deal with it?
Jackson Clark
What's your diet like?
Andrew Ortiz
Only get this in my feet
Smell relatively pleasant but the second my shoes come off I unleash a miasma of death and disease
Zachary Ward
uni cafeteria minus the junk food, so no pizza, burgers, fries, desserts etc.
Anthony Torres
Shave body hair, use a bidet
Elijah Scott
i dont really, i still smell but I think it's gotten better
I just shower once or twice a day and use shampoo and body wash several times per shower.i also use ralph lauren perfume / deoderant, don't even know if it helps though
impossible to get gf like this
Matthew Torres
Sounds to me like the smell is just in your head dude.
Thomas Ross
Shave When you shower soap all parts of body twice
Jason King
also my family doesn't notice it either, don't know maybe it's genetic. i've heard of something called fish odor syndrome but how am i even supposed to check that
am i supposed to go the doctor and ask him if i smell or what
Asher Nguyen
>I worked out hard last night. >Sweated up a storm. >Fell asleep before showering was so tired. >Woke up late for uni so rushed out, only brushed my teeth. >got told I smelled good by classroom acquaintance who is grill. >feelsconfusing
Joshua Sanchez
Are you obese?
Chase Morales
>impossible to get a gf like this I know man, I fucking know
Jonathan Evans
6'1 165 lbs, I have a bit of a gut though
James Morales
strong old spice deodorant smells horrible
Jacob Thomas
Well you go on vacation and shower when you work out, but aren't eating uni food. It could be the uni food, user. Try cooking some shit for yourself and see how that pans out for you. And don't give the i wont have time shit, either. I went to college, you have so much free time you look forward to classes if youre not working, so work a part-time job and cook some simple, fit-oriented meals and I'm sure you'll smell better.
Gavin Brown
I know it's not the food, it was the same in high-school when I at homecocked meals.
Jose Sanchez
Your shirt is too tight. Try wearing something more loose when you're not at home. Worked well for me.
Kayden Anderson
Sounds like refractary olfatory syndrome. I think I may have that too and it sucks. I think about it every single day
>Olfactory reference syndrome (ORS) is a mental disorder in which there is a persistent, false belief about and preoccupation with emitting abnormal body odor(s) which are foul and offensive to other individuals. Persons with ORS often misinterpret others' behaviors, e.g. sniffing, touching nose or opening a window, as being referential to a body odor which in reality is non-existent and cannot be detected by other people. fug
Aaron Reyes
>tfw I haven't showered in 5 days and I still don't smell
Feels good not to be a pajeet
Jaxson Wright
no, i am absolutely sure this is real. all the way through high school people avoided sitting next to me or covered their noses somewhat if they did
also actually had people tell me straight to me and heard it behind my back
Elijah Harris
I know this feel so well.
Worst thing is the sweat stain on plastic chairs though. A dark spot where my asscrack was when I stand up. Fucking embarrassing
Jack Brown
how long ago was it ? in the high school your hygiane could be very different, this causes such disorders
Im sure you dont smell if you shower daily and use deoderant
Luke Rodriguez
Drink water you fucking shithead.
That's the number one cause of body odor. If your pits stink - you're dehydrated. If your balls smell - you're dehydrated.
Unless there's some other obvious source - ate something aromatic like garlic onions curry or rolled around in shit - YOU NEED TO DRINK WATER.
Fucking teenagers.
Ryder Nelson
How was the weather when you vacationed in contrast to where you're at in Uni? Weather can play a factor with excessive sweating, and allergies could be a factor as well, attributing to BO.
Parker Adams
i graduated two years ago, not sure if I still do but i've just assumed i do. I don't sweat much either so i really don't get it
will do
Zachary Mitchell
its just in your head m8 relax
Grayson Ramirez
>neighbor an autistic aspie >every morning he goes to U.N.I. (Unimportant Nimrods Institute) >decide to grace him with my alpha presence >greet him with "hey little man" >he his shit for no reason starts ranting how he is a "six foot alpha male" even though he is 5'5'' at most and as omega as they come >henceforth he has been screaming "SIX FOOT, SIX FOOT, SIX FOOT!" in front of my house at odd hours >I don't need this shit >replace his Old Spice deodorant with skunk oil >he perpetually smells like shit now >his family is on the joke because they see him as an embarrassment and this will hopefully hasten his eventual suicide >he is going absolutely crazy
I have been fucking his sister in very degrading manner for a while now. How should I break it to him to maximize keks?
Brayden Rogers
Daniel Sanders
Nice try Nito. I can hear your bones rattling over the taps of your keyboard.
Jackson Hill
How do you know you smell? Ask a random 3rd party. Don't want to look weird? Say something like "hey man I'm about to ask this girl out but I got just enough time to shower before, its sounds paranoid I know but a friend of mine just said I smell a bit. I doubt he was telling the truth but I really want this to work out. Do I smell to you?"
You will actually look weird, but you will hopefully get a straight answer, especially if its a girl.
I actually doubt you do smell, but if you do check to see who else uses your water (if you live in a dorm or not) and see if they "smell" as well.
Afterwards check to see how recently you washed your towel. Towels can go sour in about a week ESPECIALLY if you are getting it wet more often than the typical person (by showering twice a day as you apparently do).
Otherwise change the method of which you wash your clothes, use different detergent/machine/etc.
Finally change the place in which you store your clothes, perhaps bring a friend or family member in to do a smell test of where you keep your clothes.
FINALLY check to see if you are putting on TOO MUCH deoderant/perfumes because the smell of that can actually be obnoxious and overpowering. Remember you want to smell like that stuff only when they are VERY near you, otherwise you want to have no smell at all. Once again ask a friend or family member.
Best of luck
Lucas Moore
She's attracted to your natural body odor. Give her the D.
Kevin Long
Sweating doesn't cause body odor - it fights it. The flowing of sweat clears out the skin and keeps odor producing bacteria from growing. If you're dehydrated (and I don't mean complete lack of water here), you wont produce enough sweat to flush it away.
What will happen is the combination of moisture and heat will give those stank cunts a perfect environment to breed.
Drinking water will give you ample opportunity to maintain homeostasis which keeps your temperature down and again help prevent that hot and moist environment that stank cunts love so much.
Lastly, when you're hydrated, you will be able to breath away that heat your body makes naturally. If your in a hot as balls environment, you will begin sweating. But in good weather, breathing does enough.
Just don't forget the deodorant on top of that.
Kevin Anderson
it means your natural immune systems are complimentary
You would have genetically superior children.
Jaxon Butler
protip: clean behind your ears and wash your ears (literally dig in your crack and asshole with a soapy washcloth)
problem solved
James Phillips
Well she's a qt blonde hair blue eyed yoga lover and I'm a dirty half spain half white animal. Look more white which is great. Time for some INTERACIAL
Jose Clark
>and wash your ears
i meant wash your ass, my bad
Henry Nguyen
bidet is the answer
Robert Wright
Don't eat greasy shit, don't drink anything but water for a while. See where that goes
Mason Gutierrez
cut out dairy for a start
Logan Carter
There was a similar thread a week ago or so. Mig even be copy pasta, don't remember too well. Anyway, a lot of people seemed to think it was Ops laundry. Apparently if you don't move your clothes from the washer to the dryer immediately they will get mildewy and that smell will come out when you sweat
Jordan Edwards
Pls help me. I thought GOMAD was guaranteed to swole you out of skelly mode and my feet stink
Charles Turner
Deoderant is a meme.
I've gone without it for years and people never avoided me
William Ward
Yea but once you use it, it takes a while to be able to smell fine naturally.
Jackson Wilson
Stop eating fried foods and eat more vegetables. You stink because of what you eat.
Kayden Jackson
Is your diet different? What you eat could actually be the source of the smell.