Would he win if he never invaded Russia?
Would he win if he never invaded Russia?
Reminder that Czar Paul I was collaborating with Napoleon to invade British India
Still has Spanish Quagmire and pissed off Euros due to Continental System. Russia had to be conquered
He was killed dumbass
What the fuck does this have to do with my post regards to him planning to invade British india, retard?
Well, would it have been better if he invaded Russia in April?
Wasn't collaborating with Napoleon entirely, fucked up that part.
How would Russia invade India, if Paul was killed
Nappy could have just blockaded Crimea and St. Petersberg.
Continental system could continue if they fuck with Russia's warm water ports.
He shouldn't have tried to set up the European common market. It was dumb then, and its dumb now.
...Yes? I was just saying he was planning to, fuck's sake.
Russia had the worst navy in the world.
How would it invade India?!
I know you're meme'ing but supposedly Paul I would've sent out an army of Cossacks via Central Asia, I recall reading he would've also accepted some French reinforcements before invading.
Who killed the Tsar?
Yeah, because they couldn't stand the Russian winter, but the French like totally can cross the Himalayas without freezing to death, right?!
British conspirators
They don't need to conquer India, all they need to do is show up with a couple thousand soldiers and start a popular Indian revolt, just like what General Hoche almost succeeded of doing in Ireland.
Interestingly enough the russkies were under the impression that the Indians were absolutely pissed about British rule and that they would treat the Russians as liberators as soon as they stepped foot in India.
But how the living fuck would they go to India without the British drowning them?
You have to keep in mind, in those days, ships have no idea there's other ships in the area until they stumble upon them within visual range. There's no satellites or radar or radios. If they just showed up out of nowhere with no forewarning, they'd have a significant element of surprise. This is how the french fleet managed to land in Alexandria, despite Nelson ping-ponging around the Mediterranean trying to find them.