So I found out you can buy land in Nigeria at $22 per acre.
Could I make a lot of money by buying up a bunch of land and then growing something like palm oil or cocoa?
So I found out you can buy land in Nigeria at $22 per acre.
Could I make a lot of money by buying up a bunch of land and then growing something like palm oil or cocoa?
If it were Chad you would make shitload, but since its Nigeria just buy Litecoin instead.
You'll end up spending a shit ton on shipping to get it to a market for those products. It's possible but land cost isn't really high on the list of costs when it comes to this kind of operation.
Yes user you'll be a fucking billionaire don't worry about uneducated workforce, huge established competition or even an entirely different environment. Not to mention the infrastructure problems and boko haram. Buy millions of acres already what are you waiting for
>B-b-boko haram, y-y-you're t-t-trespassing on my property
Unless you're trying to get into real estate and making a resort, it's not worth it.
Why? Is is better for agriculture or is it because of the minerals?
I feel like I can make enough without shipping the raw product overseas if I go with the oil.
>uneducated workforce
Not really, Nairobi is quite modern and there's plenty of eductated people to hire as managers and clerks, and with the manual labor it isn't really a concern.
>huge established competition
Not really a concern because it's more of vertical monopolies out there and I can just sell into the chain. But I'm not going to get cornered out some palm oil monopoly.
>infrastructure problems
rail infrastructure is fine in the area I'm looking at
>Boko haram
Not established in the area i'm looking at, and they're losing territory rapidly anyway.
>real estate
Pretty much asking to get scammed going that route.
have fun dealing with africans user, I hear they are just like white people but black.
You have to be a citizen first, ya degenerate
Have fun having your land expropriated once you do all the hard work in investing and developing it.
I'll pitch in if you're looking to buy anywhere near these concentrated Lithium deposits
be prepared to have an army to defend it. this is what true freedom is
fucking crypto gets shilled day and night and seriously interesting posts like this go dry within minutes
this whole board needs to kms
Nairobi is in Kenya though
Expropriated is a funny word lol
okay, I'll kys
Well the problem here user is:
>How much land can you buy as an foreigner
>how do you want to plant anything there you need people who do work for you
>Also you need to build up a supply link from your land to the next factory who will work on your product
You could but you would need pass a shit ton of redtape to export the products and process it etc. Luckily its an African country, so you just need to bribe the right people and you can basically do whatever you want.
D:: But thats illiegeil what are you a crimenal;?
its like the wild west dude, if you set up any facility and bought equipment it would just be a matter of time until a jeep full of niggers armed with AK47's roll up and push in your shit and steal whatever they can or threaten your life and demand payment and still probably kill you.
You'd need 24/7 security team. Even if you didn't personally stay there they'd still come fuck up your operation.
holy shit who threw all the lithium in the ocean