Why do people bother with "specializing" in "american history"
theres nothing there. I let american history majors know up front that i know everything they do and exponentially more
Why do people bother with "specializing" in "american history"
Like the nation's first drag queen?
>the us civil war was neither US nor CIVIL nor a WAR
Fuck you
Why did nerds like Tacitus and Polybius bother "specializing" in "Roman history"
There's loads of teaching in undergraduate survey courses.
hahaha good one man
Fuck american history
Fuck unironic Ameriboos
Remember, Ameribros
They hate us cuz they ain't us
what just happened?
USA maths; 3 towers, 2 planes
>a building can only fall down if a plane hits it
You are now aware that the United States is older than Germany and Italy.
You're non ironically trying to tell me smoke caused this steel structure designed to last aeroplane crashes, earthquakes, hurricanes collapse at free fall speed?
Americans, ladies and gentlemen.
Thoughts on the Bombardment of Qui Nhơn OP?
If your knowledge is so infinite, and US history is so small and simple. Why should you not know in detail of this battle?
More like hundreds of tons of skyscraper landing on it.
>a properly built and maintained skyscraper will collapse for no reason
>hundreds of tons of skyscraper
Yes, smoke.
Tbh it's not hard to believe that American engineering really is that shitty
>no reason
>being hit by a collapsing skyscraper
Is this some spicy new meme?
>haha look at those dumb Americans, not believing the same conspiracy theories I do! They’re so stupid!
because they could afford to. Unlike us, following this meme major known as History.
I wasn't hit by shit it collapsed in a perfect footprint of itself aka a controlled demolition and happened hours after the first 2. Any retard that believes or otherwise purports is a subspecies.
Conspiracy fact and a bunch of niggers.
What's with burgers and their love for conspiracy theories?
What's it like being an autistic shill on hard record?
>I wasn't hit by shit it
O rly?
They spend their entire lives being brainwashed that they're the best, the most perfect and the most powerful. When something bad happens the only way to reconcile that is to believe there must be a conspiracy that let the bad thing happen, rather than face the truty that America and Americans are just like other people.
The pay's good, so feels good man. Now tell me, why are you a racist fascist?
Maybe it was the two mountain sized buildings that collapsed right next to it...
What's more pathetic you retard (samefagging/s) or your audience paying for your existence?
Buildings dont collapse from that. Youre mentally handicapped/underage for either believing or heretically saying such you autistic shit looking for attention. Get marked for extinction so something note deserving may breathe your oxygen
>implying history majors even learn that
Because they enjoy having a job. There is a lot of opportunity for American history experts in America because Americans never get tired of hearing about themselves. TV shows, writing text books, doing lectures, teaching at all levels of school, documentaries, even political advisory roles are possible for experts in American history.
I'm gonna kill myswod