Here it is! New XVG "black paper" (white paper)
Here it is! New XVG "black paper" (white paper)
Shits about to take off!
gonna throw $500 at it.
This paper is pretty fucking well written
bought in at 80 sats hoping for it to 2x maybe even 3x if we get lucky medium hold I think
Im so fucking moist right now. This black paper was so much more clear than their initial one. Wraith is going to fucking happen and Verge overall will be able to do more (and in terms of adoption viability) than any other privacy coin.
whats your price prediction??
I dont know but when RSK smart contracts are implemented.. monero will struggle. Verge will have no issue with scalability
106!!!! Selling at 130
Bought at 145 so I'm down, but I've got 15000 of them so fuck it. I'm just going to wait and see if it explodes big time, if this thing goes into the ~dollars~ ranges we'll be happy happy user.
This paper was released an hour ago. This has a hell of a long way to go up. Wraith will make this one of the more desirable privacy coins.
With the total supply only 16000 people can own 1MM. For the price of 1BTC this is a bargain. Filled my bags with 3MM.
>with the total supply only 16,000
what did he mean by this?
With the total supply (16555000000) ONLY 16000 people can own a million XVG or more.
>Have 3500 Verge
>The only coin that i have since i started trading
I knew this had potential too bad i bought at such a high price lol
ya i bought in awhile back around 145 as well. I think it's delusional to expect this thing to ever reach a dollar though I mean that would put it 50% above Ripples current market cap, going from below $0.01 to $1 is never ever happening with this.
you mean they still didn't deploy wraith?
holding this piece of shit for the last month has paid off
Think well see 140 today?
Not if the 110 sell wall doesn't come down.
very nice
Sold this coin months ago at 180.
Lol @ you guys who missed the boat
Did you really just bump a 30 minute old thread to laugh about others?
PDF has a virus. 2 hits on virustotal so far. Running through Joe's sandbox now.
No one gives a shit about how old a thread is on this Mongolian throat-singing enthusiast board, and ridiculing others is always good fun (plus it teaches faggots to git gud).
Any results from running in the sandbox?
Are you telling me that this bag might go somewhere?
200 says when?
Also I bought some pepper sauce with much xvg
>tfw bought at 155 sats
I'm happy for you guys
I bought at 14 sats
Wtf its going down on ETH
Jesus fuckin Christ it's dropping again.
What the fuck is Wraith, what the fuck is any of this but god damn gambling? I hold the big 4, I fuck with anything else and it's completely unpredictable bullshit. I never lose because stop-loss, but holy fuck is this bullshit.
Sell walls are pushing it back.
I'm excited but also very skeptical. I've 30k Verge but until they actually launch Wraith, I'll keep waiting. Everything I've seen from transfer times, Wraith itself, and their Black Paper looks like they'll take this coin not just to the moon but to mars and beyond.
What continues to doubt me is the shadiness of the devs, especially the Michael Stollaire guy who has the charisma of a used car salesman. Additionally, they've delayed multiple times though in their defense, Irma happened and additionally the Marketing Team isn't on the same page as the devs.
Wait and see perhaps. I'll keep mining Verge in the mean time.
> Marketing often fucks up release timeframe.
Yup, just take the video game company Valve. They release far away from the initial declared date. And their product gets very positive feedback. Verge is the same.
Maybe. I have some faith and I also have a bag that needs selling. I'll give them around Novemberish to get the ball rolling and if not, I'll sell.
Just looked at the whitepaper, it's nothing.
>mentions technical term
>gives summary
Thanks for that, you could have just linked to wikipedia.