I'd like to ask a question for the snowflakes: how does it feel to know the best criticism of the american middle class...

I'd like to ask a question for the snowflakes: how does it feel to know the best criticism of the american middle class comes from a white supremacist and crazy motherfucker? do you actually dismiss his criticism because you hate him or you simply ignore because you want to believe in your own stupid ideas?
How does it feel to know you have to keep protecting yourself from information because your personal feelings are more important than the truth?

>And the children of the White middle class learned instead that doing drugs and putting safety pins through their noses and wearing baseball caps backward and listening to Black rappers is cool. And the daughters of the White middle class began bedding down with Blacks and becoming pregnant with mongrel babies, and their parents didn’t like it, but they tolerated it, as long as they could hang onto their money and their comfort and their lifestyle. And eventually the enemies of our people were strong enough to launch the Clinton era. But the members of the White middle class were still comfortable, and so they tolerated the Clinton era too, with all of its treason and degeneracy. They tolerated the total Judaization of their government. They tolerated the Clinton government’s bombing of Belgrade to force Serbia into line with the New World Order. They didn’t like it, but they tolerated it…

Other urls found in this thread:


1 who are the snowflakes? An ice hockey team?
2 that is probably the worst criticism of the american midlle class ever, which is saying something considering how much there is wrong with the american middle class
3 do you assume everyone ti have heard of this guy?
4 if anyone, this guy certinaly sounds liek he has been the most protected from information

I unironically want the Turner Diaries to become real. Not even for the RaHoWa part, I just want to see the normies suffer and die horribly.

>, I just want to see the normies suffer and die horribly.

This is his best
I dont like his blatant racism however he is 100% right about everything else


as much as he can be considered ''racist'' his criticism of democracy would actually protect more minorities than the liberal-democracy of western society that people here love so much..


>white supremacist
>actually a mongol


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That's the main problem of Americans and especially the middle class, the rampant individualism will be their undoing. You can observe it even on Veeky Forums, the "Yes America might be 56% white and mongrelized to the point of comedy, but my small town in Idaho is still white so I don't give a fuck" mentality. And then when diversity train arrives in their small town in Idaho it will already be too late.

>the RaHoWa part

more importantly than the white problem in the video is everything the middle class tolerated for the past 70 years
They tolerated rampant crimes, rapes, shit wage, high tax, expensive healthcare, expensive medication, media monopoly, internet monopoly, wars in the middle east... but at least they have a nice car and their small little town has ''only'' 300 crimes a year
That's the big issue

It's not just tolerance as it is running away from the problem. When the cities became infested with niggers, crime and drugs, they just moved away to the suburbs instead of actually confronting the problem. Then when the entire state became a shithole, they just ran away to a different state. At a certain point there will be no place to run to anymore.

! the only idea worth sustaining is The Divine Infinite Unity , The Difinity , The Delta-Difinity , Θε Δελτα-Διφινιτυ ,.

even in areas where whites are the drug dealers and the junkies they do nothing about it
They accept the situation or move to another area
the black problem is a consequence of not the root of the problem

>Those voters who buy astrology magazines at the checkout stand and spend their time watching soap operas, game shows, and Oprah absorb their general attitudes on things through the television screen. They learn which ideas are fashionable and which are not by noticing the facial expression and tone of voice of Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather when the news is announced each day. Their opinions on specific issues are formed as they view televised sidewalk surveys taken by reporters. The only uncertainty about these people is whether or not they’ll be able to pry themselves loose from their couches long enough to vote for the designated candidates. That’s why it’s important to have lots of them.

You have to admit it is perverse that ghetto culture was commercialized and marketed to middle class white kids.

>At a certain point there will be no place to run to anymore.

Suburban metro Detroiter here and due to "changing demographics", I'm rapidly becoming the last of my friends who hasn't moved out to the quasi-rural outer suburbs and I'll probably end up being one of those crotchety old bastards bunkered up in my house surrounded by Blacks, just like that crazy uncle in the 1970s who never moved out from the city of Detroit...

Thats capitalism for you

Also its because white middle america has no culture of its own so they have to steal other peoples

interesting the same people that argue degeneracy has always existed also argue that capitalism is the root of the degeneracy issue
as if money could control culture

I already live like that.
t. white guy living in the inner city ghetto


Capitalism and meritocracy are the root of the problem because they allow for malignant elements such as the Jews to take over entire civilizations instead of relegating them to marginal shit peddlers huddled in some ghetto.

capitalism has existed in socialist states and there were jewish parasites there too
I mean money is not the root of the problem just like absolute power is not the root of modern totalitarism

>socialist states
>there were jewish parasites
It's almost like capitalism and communism are communicating vessels of the same origin and the same goal, don't you think?

It is agenda driven capitalism because ultimately (((the media))) determines what gets promoted; suburban white kids wouldn't even have known what rap music was if (((MTV))) didn't exist to tell them it was cool.

>white middle america has no culture of its own so they have to steal other peoples

Go back to tumblr you ignoramus. Humans inevitably produce culture and if you want to know what pure middle class American culture was before it got hijacked by the (((media class))) it was cowboy/western stuff like Howdy Doody and the Lone Ranger and the music was crooners like Frank Sinatra or Bing Crosby. It's really only in the past 20 years that white music has been completely erased from the mainstream because even if you want to argue that rock 'n roll was stolen from blacks by the 70s it had become a completely white sound. No one would argue that bands like Van Halen or Nirvana were ripping off black musicians.

>middle america
Hi coastcuck.

>Abolish money and degeneracy will vanish. Peace on earth shall come
This is some stupid which not even potheads believe
Right-wing and left-wing materialists will never understand how mass culture determines the direction of wealth
>It's almost like capitalism and communism are communicating vessels of the same origin and the same goal
Yes. However your logic that: ''abolishing wealth shall abolish parasites'' is laughable. Political power and culture control money. if you don't have a plan to replace the current political structure your arguments against capitalism will trigger libertarians, nothing else

What we actually need is feudalism.

Every serious communist will use capitalism to get in power first and then think about their proletarian memes later
It's about time people who are against the current structure use capitalism for their own goals because for the past 100 years only communists are doing this and it works every time

I obviously mean the middle class you fuckwit

Literally had to make sure I wasn't accidentally on /pol/
Fuck off and die, all of you in this shitty thread

You're still dumb for thinking white American middle class culture doesn't exist.

Not an argument, leftypol.

Kindly fuck off with your capitalism worship, Schlomo.

No, white middle class american have fuckall idea who they are, when they look into a mirror they gaze into a pale abyss, the have no tradition, no shared experience, none of the hallmarks that bring a people together. Their society is based on the principle of not really being a society, and so their culture is based on the principle of nefer really having culture. They have nothing original to offer the world except an obsession with wealth to try amd fill the void left by their lack of collective identity.


I mean that guy is probably an anti-white but he does have a point. Middle class American culture is basically a deracinated society created in the 1950s when white people of various ethnic backgrounds moved into the suburbia and became a blob of giant plastic nothing, raised by television and comic books. There USED to be an American middle class culture prior to WW1 and WW2, but there isn't one anymore.

>even if you want to argue that rock 'n roll was stolen from blacks by the 70s it had become a completely white sound.

Which is a myth, "Black" music is wholly based on and derived from Euro-American folk music and there is nothing African about it, as Blacks had been living in a Euro-American culture for hundreds of years.

>white middle class culture is cowboy movies and frank sinatra

As i said, there is no white american middle class culture, they have scant traditions to bind them together and most of their history is one animosity towards one another

While I agree that white middle class American identity is currently verboten in the public sphere, American culture is only deracinated by autistic Nazi standards. Middle class white Americans do have a shared culture but at this point it is almost on a subconscious level because our institutions are designed to condition us to feel uncomfortable to talk about it.

Honestly Black American music is African rhythmic traditions combined with European tonality and when it comes to the history of rock 'n roll Chuck Berry is a really big deal.

Nope our shared tradition is the pioneer meme that started at Plymouth Rock, continued on the through the Wild West and even went to the moon.

>Also its because white middle america has no culture of its own
they have have whatever ethnic culture they maintained. (Poles, Germans, Italians, Irish ext) plus American culture.

>Poles, Germans, Italians, Irish
They largely discarded that culture and the only ethnic elements they retained are commercialized faggotfests like St. Patrick's day. Not talking about 1st generation immigrants obviously, that's a different category.

>They largely discarded that culture and the only ethnic elements they retained are commercialized
you are speaking for millions of people of whom that just isn’t true. I’m 3rd generation and maintained more than commercialized memes as did many members of my family.


>We wuz nig music n shit

Try again, there are actual African roots in Afro-American music. Just because there are plenty of Euro-American roots in black music, it doesn't mean that it's just that. I highly doubt that jazz as we know it, rhythm and blues, soul, rock, funk, disco, hip hop, house, and techno (techno being an interesting case, as half of its origins are rooted in German sybthpop and the other from American electro-funk, disco, and house) would sound the same or even exist without West African musical influences that the slaves brought with them. Hell, even the banjo has origins in West Africa.

White people have no culture besides being an isolated alienated drug addicted psychopath and the only things it produces is murderers and suicides, who gives a fuck?

Are you serious?

White America has produced nothing of value and is worthless. I am fully serious

You said white people though, not just white Americans

>White people have no culture besides being an isolated alienated drug addicted psychopath and the only things it produces is murderers and suicides, who gives a fuck?

Sounds like a more apt description of black americans 2bh

Come on now.

how common does this guy think "mongrel babies" even are?
If anything black people have to tolerate "mongrels" more because of centuries of their women being bred by white men. Thats why light skinned black people exist at all.
Anyway, interracial marriage is more common now than it was before but it is nowhere near the norm. Virtually all studies done on the subject in recent years, specifically the ones that analyze dating trends and response rates on dating apps/websites, suggest that it is white men who every one else wants to "bed down" with.
The delusion on display here is amazing. Imagine being this guy.
>sees interacial couple on the street

Maybe WLP got all his info from TV because American media paints a very different picture from what you are describing.

American media is trying to push the idea that America is blacker than it really is, and it influences public conscience.


Really makes you think.

>first picture gives no information on anything and is totally irrelevant
>second is from a music video of an artist who is very publicly in a relationship with a white chad
>third is a movie nobody saw
>fourth is an example of one couple in tv show that nobody walked
>fifth is literally a /pol/ cartoon. why the fuck would you post this and hope to be credible?
>sixth is just JJ abrams and two actors, im assuming you think are in a relationship yet they very clearly are not
In any case Rey in these new star wars movies is most commonly shipped with Kylo Ren, who is a white man
>seventh is a netflix show, i guess this means that even though the marvel defenders franchise has three white men that all have love interests that they promote your warped worldview?
>then a promotional image that doesnt represent the show at all
>last is a picture from a comic book that nobody reads.

Jesus christ dude go outside once in awhile.

the only one of these that angered me was jimmy olson. The actor they got to play him not only wasnt a redhead, but his skin on his face looks like he got it from skin grafts taken off of the scrotums of senior citizens.

Supergirl dramatically increased in quality when he stopped being a regular and his role as a romantic interest was dropped.

Satan pls.

Refute his FUCKING points.

>Kylo Ren, who is a white man
That's a kike if I've ever seen one

He did not raise any points, he merely posted his personal impressions as if this were his personal blog or something. It is indisputable that bm/wf relationships are statistically over represented in American media.

>highest view count is only 11,000
the only people watching these videos are people like you.
I totally agree that its fucking stupid when the BBC makes some dumb miniseries and shoves black people in there for brownie points with tumblr. But thats all it is, just a stupid marketing ploy, and its not as common as you think.

I'm pretty sure Mary Beard (the woman responsible for that video) gave up being a legitamate historian a long time ago and nobody really takes her seriously


hey man john urschel got a phd

Unless you have actual data on the proportion of black male/white female relationships in the media besides a couple of screenshots, your point is conjecture also.

Literally who

Are you blind?

You are making my giraffe all sad. . .

I might need to get a soda to cheer me up


and all you posted was irrelevant cherry picked images.
lets look at the all time most popular franchises in american media
>Star Wars
literally no interracial couples, only white couples. The only interracial couple that is being hinted at is between a black man and asian woman.
>Marvel Cinematic universe
two interracial relationships, one between a white man and a black girl, but they broke up at the end of the movie. The second also being a white man and black woman, but she's painted green because alien. All other relationships are white only.
>DC cinematic universe
no interracial relationships
>James Bond (arguable that this is a popular one today but whatever)
no interracial relationships
>The Walking Dead
Two interracial relationships, but none with black men. A white man and black woman, and then an asian man and white woman, but that one doesnt really count anymore since he died.
>Breaking Bad
no interracial relationships
>Game of Thrones
no interracial relationships except for an arranged marriage between a white woman and a stand in for mongols that didnt even last a full season
>Middle Earth movies
no interracial relationships, hell, not even one non white person in these films who isnt an extra.
>Modern Family
no interracial relationships, there is a fat mexican kid whose attempts at dating are always treated as a joke.

Try again buddy

Speaking of sports, just yesterday I was watching the Falcons game and there was a commercial featuring a fat white woman with a black husband and a mutt child.

so you think he really belives this? if that was true, then why did he only hire two black actors and then hide one behind a totally CGI character?
>posts another commerical that nobody cares about
oh i get it. you're pretending to be a retard.

>literally proving my point
Still not seeing any data

>says something
>"but he wasn't really serious"
Gas yourself

Assuming that he isnt being serious is the only way i can understand someone so incapable of putting together an argument.
I am left with no other alternative since he didnt even attempt to refute anything. Grow up kiddo. Having an opinion isnt the same thing as having an argument

All I'm saying is that if real life interracial dating habits were reflected in the media latino actors would be getting these roles yet the mainstream media prefers to pair white actresses with black actors for its depictions of interracial romance.

I'm talking about JJ Abrams you goof.

oh in that case you are even stupider.
Again, please try to make an argument next time.
Just to reiterate, Abrams said what he said, and then did not act on it at all. If he really meant it, he wouldnt have only casted two black actors, and he wouldnt have essentially nullified one of them by having her play a cg character.

its because black men and white women are the most likely to impusle spend. not because it reflects dating trends.

One out of every 100 commercials you see isn't the "mainstream media." More than half of the images you posted focusing on this aren't anywhere near the mainstream, and the ones you did probably are small enough that they actually DO reflect real life habits.

Are you a studio executive or something?

It doesn't get more mainstream than Miley amigo and you also have to appreciate the subtle details like the type of jersey she is wearing. I really makes you wonder who comes up with this stuff. . .

What did they mean by this?

This isn't a relationship. They're artists working together for a song. I really hope you're a troll, man. No one is out to destroy you, and if you feel this way then you need help. I get that you feel like society isn't going in the direction that you feel it should, but blaming minorities you've never met for your slights is just wrong.


Once again, artists working together for a single. The three hands are Migos, the group Katy Perry is featuring on the track. Wake the fuck up.

the guy's from idaho and the son of a preacher the last time i read his wiki

>the guy's from idaho

>This isn't a relationship.

lol they literally dated

what are you doing acting like you know whats mainstream when you are ignorant of what goes on in miley cyrus' life?

remind me how kim kardashian got famous again btw

ah yes putting the white girls head in a plate of fruit for black hands to pick at has no (((artistic meaning))) they just picked that particular image because it looked nice nothing to see here tee hee hee