I only have 2 ETH left to throw at this thing, then I'm all in. Fuck this needs to work out.
>inb4 fud by burgers
Other urls found in this thread:
Its under ICO price already lmao.
this is literally the most annoying meme lately
Heh...I can't wait, Requesties.
nice just dumped 100k!
fuck idk if i made it
no please though let me buy at 3x before it goes 10x
Was für eine Währung soll das bitte sein?
I think that this actually won't sell out and we'll go to day 4.
we are gonna need a new waifu for every coin, you cant use iris heart for everything
possibly true, many poor pajeets (like me, fuck I'd like to max out again)
you're not gonna make it.
Please no more. Already stressed out from sending today.
It's a shitcoin
> 92'010 ETH raised / 100'000 ETH
Unlikely, it's going to sell out today. I think there are enough whales and accounts to take it to the finish line.
the fact that its not sold out yet isn't a good sign, there's not much hype/demand for it. It'll be trading below ICO price for quite awhile.
can Laura be the Requestfu?
Will the coins be unlocked a week after the start or end of the sale?
does it make you fearful?
There's hype, there's just no way for more people to join the ICO, and there's too many poor people or people who did multiple accounts in the ICO.
After the end. Day 4 is the final day though.
>fudding a project with one of their own
dunno about that one m8
3 days after sale ends
Huh its a great sign meaning there wont be any excessive whales, so if they want to get more coins then they have to pay a premium post ico
And price will start from 3x ICO price. Screencap this.
No, the rolling cap structure of the ICO pretty much meant it was always going to day 3. Think about it, how many actual whales would have 50+ KYC accounts and be able to take it all? How many normal people got in there without much money they could invest with?
It's a brilliant ICO, to be honest.
Now imagine not being on the whitelist and just seeing the ico go on for 3 days.
Yep its my favorite ICO by far
Either it hurts your balls good, or you start being an angry FUDder who laughs that is can't sell out immediately because everyone on the whitelist should have nearly 7 ETH.
They even had a gwei limit as a cherry ontop.
So many fudders who didn't get on the whitelist would just be salty as fuck while they watch everyone take as much as they want.
Pic related is the state of Request Network.
Reqtards btfo.
118k REQ
>gooks were the most registrations in the ICO
That makes no sense given the ban.
Can ban poos from crypto
Day three's cap is 26.852 ETH. Who has that kind of money just lying around to fill this cap except for whales? Most people I would expect could probably barely fill day 1's cap let alone day 2.
who is this guy?
sent 1000 eth to request yesterday
Who the fuck makes it onto the request whitelist with less than 4k
the ban was on domestic ICOs
Its literally trading at 7x on EtherDelta right now
He has no request in his wallet
>tfw when somebody called you a whale
oh you
early strategic investor. confirmed by the team on slack
god damn
They said in slack it was a strategic partner. So probably ING or someone...
Nice meme
hi I did, what's the problem?
You're making the burgers think the ICO is a fail because you can't fill your cap
How did you even hear about this ico while having so little?
Fuck this list, what the fuck. I am from New Zealand and was KYC. Where is my country representation?
For me, all my other value is in different icos and few alts I won't sell at this point. All eth I had is now in req, so excited how this shit will turn out.
Also what has the wealth to do with knowing about icos, lmao
Do you pay for a info group or what dude
announcing partners this week, watch it moon homeboy
because I didn't trust QuadrigaCX back when ETH was 8 dollars and the only way to transfer money would have been a bank wire so I gave up like a bitch instead of participating on the greatest bull run of our times. Instead, I got to divest my $2000 in mined shitcoins when they blew up with the rest of them in late May. It's been rough but I've learned a lot and I think this one is my ticket out the ghetto, not that I plan on flipping it any time in the near future, this one's great.
Just assumed anyone informed in crypto would have a decently sized stack
to a point. I don't like to gamble on pumps or day trade so I have missed out on a lot of potential gains and taken some hits due to paranoia and ignorance early in the boom. I think I'm past the harshest part of the learning curve but not out of the woods yet.
They could have made today's cap 50 ETH tbqh.
Got like 16 ETH in allocation left?
anyone wants to invest through me? I'm not a trusted individual though
>A total of 11444 Token Holders found
why did 3500+ people go through the kyc process and not buy in?
Yeah I thought this would have sold out by now but it's becoming clear day 4 is happening.
greedy pajeets got cold feet because of 10% ethusd rise as they had all their 'investment' in rupees.
I want a new list of accounts in countries that contributed 0
The devs said they will issue the ico report. Will be interesting to check the numbers.
only 324 people went all in so far
if they max out tomorrow it'll be 8753 eth
only need 6280 eth more to reach 100k
looks like it
I think it will end today. Once it overpasses 95-97k fomo will kick in.
Same mate, where in nz are you from.
how did you find out how many people went all in so far
desu it doesn't represent it fully accurate. I had 5 accs and put like 60 eth total but didn't max out any of them
Went all in last two days. Gonna go all in tomorrow as well. This is my ticket boys.
I would like to throw more as well, but I think it's going to end today
good luck dude, only enough req for a 5 minute flight to moon here but pls send me a postcard when you're there
What the hell are you me. I also have 5 accounts and put in 60 eth
holy shit, GIB
A lot of the people put in $2.5k into it, but are not able or willing to risk even higher amounts. the demand is locked out by the early white list and the brutal KYC with about 25% of the accounts getting rejected:
>Number of incomplete or rejected accounts: 4'772
See you on the moon, breh
Iam a poorfaq, iam sure a lot of whitelisted ppl can't afford their whole cap.
I mean
I maxed out on what I can invest on day 2. Not enough for the moon, wish I had more available to throw in but ~$4.5k is about as much as I am able.
Next ICO I will be you, with gains from this :)
fuck I hope this pulls a Kyber or something. I need dem gains. Strict KYCs are awesome
Several years ago I gambled away probably 20-30 bitcoins