Tomorrow is the day. How comfy are you?
SIBOS anticipation thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>stack lost 10% value in an hour
>skin turning deeper and deeper shade of pink
>eyelids involuntarily twitching
>girlfriend saying, "get away from your computer and phone Bae, all you do is look at your dumb coins"
>hair falling out
>fluid leaking from orifices
>heart palpitations
Y-yeah t-to the m-m-mewn
knai sibos going to be such a fail
so c-comfy... a-user please help this is my mortage
Smart money sold a long time ago. There will be no pump tomorow, only sells tonight selling the news. Sorry.
Not anymore it's not.
>Smart money sold a long time ago. There will be no pump tomorow, only sells tonight selling the news. Sorry.
this could be true. knowing my luck it will be. holding though. i want to get my 50% profit from this coin
>Tomorrow is the day.
I hope they are releasing news right after the presentation. SIBOS itself technically lasts 3 days or so (too lazy to look it up) and the last week was a pain without news.
This meme needs to die.
There will be no news at SIBOS. There will be no livestream. The news comes after the conference.
And it won't be the kind of news that you sell to make a quick buck.
did my life get JUST'd by bunch of kids on cantonese paper folding forum?
16th-18th, yes three dyas.
unlike 99% of other shitcoins this is actually good, unique, problem solving tech
>I hope they are releasing news right after the presentation
Look at little user here starving from announcement deprivation.
I'm not expecting anything from SIBOS itself. Maybe even more people will panic sell when there isn't instant news.
I am still absolutely expecting ChainLink to 10x in the next 12 months, I'm just not holding my breath for anything to happen tomorrow.
>yfw you realize that sibos conference is just a restroom gathering of influential people in economics and fintech
all they do is have a day off work and have nice food, pretty much like each and every tech conference
the REAL sessions happen in the men's restroom where the visitors will be most comfortable just lurking at each other piss streams and Sergey rambling about oracle's like he invented urinals
this is an easy x10 if goldman sachs people see sergey is also circumcised
why are you not investing?
im ready to get JUST'd. not sure how far it will fall, but im prepared
sergey can't urinate in front of other men and has to go into the stall in order for any liquid to come out, he feels paralyzed if anyone is around
So, the plan is for Swift to develop a blockchain and utilize LINK nodes to do what, exactly?
The dip has already been priced in.
I'm autistic, please be patient.
The LINK oracles translate external data for use with several blockchains, including Hyperledger Fabric (the one SWIFT uses).
Some of you guys are alright.
Stay away from SIBOS tomorrow.
>muh smart money meme
I guess smart money sold eth at $20 too
smart money can suck my dick
fuck em
inb4 people realize LINK is an ETH token and once banks start to use LINK, it is the Ethereum network they are using LINK on
After Byzantium and the BTC fork disasters, ETH will be #1 and LINK trailing quick behind