>all power to the soviets!
>lmao just kidding here have this centralized dictatorship
What did he mean by this?
All power to the soviets!
>dictator says he's not a dictator
>installed as dictator
>lol I'm a dictator
>Kills dissidents left and right while openly advocating for terrorism and slave labor
>Ugh, Stalin is such an authoritarian guise
What did he mean by this?
He meant exactly the same as politicians in Revolutionary France. Adapting to circumstances and reality of things.
he meant that the soviets should be free to elect the Bolsheviks or die
>organize elections
>get raped
>"woah, I was just kidding guys"
really good "adaptation" right there
>organize elections
There were no even remotely general or democratic elections in February Republic. Communists only cared about them to get publicity: as their public and fundamental position was that the Soviets, Workers, Peasants and Soldiers councils, were the only legitimate power structure. They were elected representatives too, and the Bolsheviks attained complete control in those just before they launched their Revolution.
>We're gonna be called "The Soviet Union"
>Ok now dissolve all the soviets lol
Fucking Trotsky
>never accomplish anything except gassing peasants to death and getting encircled by the Poles
>for decades after your death people claim you're a military genius that would have saved the Soviet Union from the Germans
Trotskyism was a mistake
More like any dictator.
Stalin murders the old Bolsheviks,takes all power away from the Soviets, destroys the red army and corrupts history by making himself seem more important than he actually was during the revolution and the civil war.
Hey that isn't cool.
Lenin was strongly in favor of individual states' sovereignity, it was Stalin who was the imperialist m8
he did try implementing communism as theorized, the process almost provoked a counter revolution. He called it "war communism" and then did what he did instead
Whoever made this doesn't know the difference between an ice pick and a pick axe.
He was killed by an ice axe though, not a fucking ice pick.
easier to talk than to walk
The catch with communism is its an end to be achieved and so its possible the quickest way is through dictatorship
>strongly in favor
that doesn't mean much when he never does anything to seperate his country from them.
Lenin was not a dicator. He shared power with the party and it had the authority to veto his decisions. During the latter part of the civil war, the party often had to, cuz Lenin was going off the rails.