You fags ready? Expect gains by friday
Chain Link countdown timer
yeah i cant wait for my chainlink to go from 0.38c to zero. heaps excited
So ominous. Stop scaring people so much user!
SIBOS goys on suicide watch.
I went all in and now own 300 LINK
266 LINK here. Feeling comfy, not giving a fuck about the dip.
>tfw I get more link than this every time I buy and sell half of my stack.
Finally someone near my quantity.
Everyone here has 1K or more.
I envy you linktard.
maximum poorfag
I’m down 17%
wew man you're going to make $100 today, aren't you excited?
I'd rather make a hundred bucks than nothing at all. Gotta start somewhere, I got little money to spare.
>maximum poorfag
I got into cryptos a week ago. Do you think I'd invest all my money into something I know nothing about? This is a gamble.
Fcking shit chainlink. Only deluded linkies think this will make them rich LMAO
It's about turning it into a profit. Nobody's going to become rich by LINK.
I literally think it's the next ETH and I'm not selling my 1k LINK in 2017 probably also not in 2018.
Don't be the guy that sold ETH before it reached $1
daily reminder that you don't know LINK until you read the whitepaper, and realize this isn't a week-long moon as much as it is an ETH-style yearlong buildup
You got cucked by biz bag holders. Congrats, user.
well just because you are not even a private doesn't mean we big boys won't get rich, don't be salty, buy more or sell everything, we don't need weak hands onboard the rocketship
You will get poor. Deluded user lmao. Invested in some overvalued ERC20 token LOL. Lets wait till that pothead gives the conference and see the freefall.
overvalued maybe for you, I went balls deep when it was still dirt cheap and I'm not a limp-wristed weak handed faggot like most of you fucks
I sold all but 50k because i don't care if that crashes 70%
I seriously want this to explode in value sooner rather than later.
No weak hands but I need to finally quit my job.
This is the most retarded thing I've heard all day
lol ripple is about to rip you a new asshole
>some overvalued ERC20 token
Chainlink is a decentralized network that allows for mainstream smart contracts.
Hnnnnng. Loving this FUD.
Gonna flip REQ and buy discounted LINK in a week.
Thinking LINK is "just an erc20 token" is like thinking an airplane ticket is "just a piece of paper".
Cant wait to see the freefall to sub 50 this week and see you deluded links being bagholders. You do realize that outside of Veeky Forums nobody cares about this shitcoin and thinks it is overvalued? Lmao.
Stop being so ominous user, you're scaring the children.
i have over 3k worth
You dont get an invite to SIBOS if youre shit or have a shit product... let that sink in.
Don't hype SIBOS so much.