Why is Christian theology so much more well developed and makes so much more sense than any other religions doctrine? When you see how perfectly Christianity captures the basic nature of humanity it really does seem like it came from God, either that or the people who came up with it were some of the most insightful human beings who ever lived
Why is Christian theology so much more well developed and makes so much more sense than any other religions doctrine...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Christian theology making sense
>still thinks he is smart
cool aid drinkers at work
>Compiled by brainlet atheists who are stretching the definition of what constitutes a "contradiction" as far as it can go
Not very compelling. If you're reading the Bible like it's an IKEA instruction booklet on how to put your table together then you're already starting off on the wrong foot. It's a spiritual document that was compiled over the course of a thousand years so pretending it's a John Clancey novel and saying "Aha but it said on page 52..." is approaching it from a position of deliberate and knowing ignorance.
Are you suggesting that the Bible is not a logical text?
You grew up in a Christian culture.
Why would it be? It deals with the relationship between God and man, it's not a high school math textbook
Because God knows logic because he is omnipotent. Anyways, if it is not a logical document, how do you know you understand it?
>take mature Greek and Roman philosophy
>add Christianity on top of it
>wow Christianity is so mature
The only reason the west can even do anything is because they still follow in the steps of Greece AND Rome. If you want to see what Christianity without Greek influence is like, look at middle eastern Christianity. It's a shit hole.
Reminder that the Renaissance only happened because people remembered that the Greeks existed
>God has to do whatever I say
>I know better than an omnipotent being
Why are fedoras so freaking dumb?
literally this western christianity is only like that because of philosophical traditions and christianity outside of the west is literally a retarded shitshow
>how do you know you understand it
Why do you think people do bible study?
Another moron in sight. Renaissance meant fucking nothing in terms of advancement outside of art. The scientific revolution has its basis on scholasticism
The only dumb one here is you. Who thinks im questioning God when im questioning you.
>In Eastern Orthodox icons, Saint Christopher is sometimes represented with the head of a dog. [...] This Byzantine depiction of St. Christopher as dog-headed resulted from their misinterpretation of the Latin term Cananeus (Canaanite) to read canineus (canine).[22]
Truly insightful and divinely inspired.
If something is not logical, it cannot be studied by definition. And instead, must be created. Which is what the christians have historically done with their creeds, saints, sects. As for bible study, its how they provide evidence for protestant creeds.
It's ok if you just admit you don't know much about Christianity friend. You don't need to keep pulling things out of your ass.
>christian logic
go burn a witch you pagan filth
surely there are other explanations
Are religions a natural response to fear of death?
>burns a teenage girl at the stake for getting high off mushrooms
Pffffffffffft, nothing personnel witch
No. They're an extension of culture and then their worlds get reaffirmed with fake miracles like Jesus and the buddha. At least, most of them are.
Why do theists get so aggressive when someone questions the nature of the topic? How come its seen as so offensive?
Normally it depends on how much 'blasphemy' is committed by the asking of the question.
holy fucking brainlet status
How do you understand art fagot?
WIth my art degree. Ecclesiatics as a degree is like having studied ranma 1/2
Anything humans do is a response to the fear of death, with the exception of suicide.
>Anything humans do is a response to the fear of death
>everything is about sex
sex is also a response to the fear of death, read Freud.
>ontology in my psychology
>Christian theology so much more well developed and makes so much more sense than any other
>more well developed
I know this is a bait thread but...
>Not Lacan
Brainlet detected
>God is both his own son and dad
>He didn't technically cuck Joseph
>The holy spirit is a person
>Don't worry Jesus will fulfill the rest of the messianic prophecies when he comes back to life
>John the Baptist thought Jesus was super cool, our book says so, Mandaeism BTFO
>>He didn't technically cuck Joseph
>>The holy spirit is a person
Who says this?
Allow me to BTFO your argument:
>Christians believe 3 is 1.
Ice, water, steam. Three different aspects of one substance. BTFO.
Jesus is not an aspect you bogolomist
Lol except theologians said don't think of it as aspects.
Hurdurr Mysteries!
Are you sure, OP? It relies on a shitton of retarded Literally Why assumptions. Islam is a lot more streamlined.
Pic related
The word you're looking for to describe this succinctly is a u t i s m
>makes sense
I'll take that you don't understand that you can't carry all the animals in the animal kingdom on a boat for 40 days and 40 nights.
>When you see how perfectly Christianity fails to capture the basic nature of humanity
A lot of medieval christian theology is basically Aristotelian metaphysics , dealing with things like powers, the nature of the soul, basic ontology etc.
After the refformation christian theology started focusing on ethics and reconciling theology with science. There is a huge gap seperating the two phases. A lot of people in philosophy are going back to Aquinas,Bonaventure, Abelard, Ockham, Scotus, and Burridan right now to discover the origins of modern western philosophy. To answer your question OP, its not that it makes more sense from a purely logical point of view, but that many philosophical assumptions we have stem from these early western philosophers, and the development of later philosophy is heavily influenced by the major metapphysical debates at the time (the most important being on the univocity of being, the problem of the universals etc. ) The other faiths never had a thing we in the west call "theology", because it was never really a religious interpretation of philosophy to begin with, it is really religion disguised as philosophy. Ancient Greek philosophy is also very different because they don't bring religion into the picture, while western theology formats God according to metaphysics. Islam never made this breakthough because they were unwilling to bring God into philosphy, and were stuck in interpretating "Gods will", that is problems of causation and not of fundamental ontology, beyond Aristotle.
>posts a graph showing interlinks and citations within the Bible titled as "contradictions"
>I-i'm right!!!
I just want to know why someone who willingly commits mortal sin by posting such a shitty fucking cancer meme wants to talk about the afterlife. Is it because these feelshits have been taking us to Veeky Forums's afterlife for five years?
And shame on you newfags for not knowing how to put sage in the options when there's frog or feels in the OP.
This. Christian Apologetics makes little sense to people outside that cultural frame of reference. It only seems intuitive to those on the inside.
>not knowing the bible was over centuries compiled from literally dozens of sources and even differing literary traditions
Or why God, a supposedly all-powerful and good being, originator of the universe, would allow evil to exist. Some would argue that its to give us free will, but the fact of the matter is that an all powerful being would be able to give people free will without the existence of evil. So therefore god is either not all powerful or exceptionally cruel.
Not him, but you have the reading comprehension skills of a 2nd grader
Evil is part of a proper form of Earth being the mortal plane.
Eat shit
>If something is not logical, it cannot be studied by definition. And instead, must be created.
Where did you make this shit up?
>desert savages 3000 years ago that fucked children and wiped their asses with their hands figuring out a single mystery of the universe or the human experience
the definitions of logical, and skills. What I said has historical prescedence too, considering Christians are still making shit up with no theological evidence.
Not an argument
If free will existed without evil then what would be the consequence of poor actions? Evil exists because people choose to let it.
You can lick the toilet too
It doesn't.
If God is omnipotent then he can circumvent logic. People can understand things without having to think ‘logically’.
Modalism is heresy
>If God is omnipotent then he can circumvent logic.
the definition of omnipotent is that all things are within his power. All would simply include all objects, and power is the ability to destroy and torture. Under these definitions God could destroy logic, but there would be nothing to replace it. Hence, he cannot circumvent logic under a Christian system, merely destroy it. Meaning that the christian world-view would make even less sense.
Because that's the religion you were born into and/or the predominant one in your culture. If you were born in a Muslim country, you would be singing the praises of the logic of the Quran.
Of all the arguments for why people are impious, where they were born is the most racist, nazish, and retarded
Not OP but i'm born in a muslim culture (egypt) what's your point
1 in essence 3 in person.
Why don't you actually show how christian theology is more well developed compared to a different religion
atheists don't argue in good faith
>implying that makes the theology somewhat better.
>Why is Christian theology so much more well developed and makes so much more sense than any other religions doctrine?
Because that's literally the only religion you're been exposed to, besides that one time your friend dared you to touch a copy of the koran in a barnes and noble.
To be fair, neither do Christfags.
Each faction is utterly convinced their way is not only right but the only way of understanding the world.
christfags being fake-christians regularly convert to atheism after baptized so its hardly dogmatic on that side. Atheists depends on their age, the older ones never convert.
Which Christian theology? Eastern or western?
Tom Clancey you mean? Another victory for athiesm.
But you grew up among the Copts
No, religions are responses to various degrees of human conditions.
Christianity for example is a natural responses to the injustices in this world.
Buddhism is a response to the suffering in this world.
Taoism is a response to the chaos of this world.
I don't particularly know of any religion that is a natural response to the fear of death. Christianity deals with death, but its not a central theme. The central theme and the foundation of Christianity revolves around how to better treat each other. Buddhism deals with death, but again its not a central theme. The central theme of Buddhism is how to end the suffering of the mundane world. Taoism deals with death but once more it is never a central theme. The central theme of Tao is the find order and balance within this chaotic life.
but the bible is the word of god u heretic.
Do you think all humans are as shallow as you are?
Exactly. Kind of crazy given that fact that people don't think the Bible was divinely inspired.
I love how the Trinity shows how absolutely retarded Christian theology is.
Modern Christianity is the most brainlet religion, because it's a European pagan religion disguised with Abrahamic clothes, IE: it's not that similar as original Christianity or other Abrahamic religions. At this point it's Neo-Christianity, which is one of the reasons why church attendance rates are so poor in the West
>3 gods
>pagan holidays
>virgin mother goddess
>saint demigods who are worshiped, invoked, and offerings given to
And then we get into the development and modification of the bible, where there are hundreds of different translations in hundreds of different languages. There is even considerable disagreement between what books or verses to include and what is authentic or not.
>Comma Johanneum
>The Longer Ending of Mark
>Matthew 16:2b–3
>Christ's agony at Gethsemane
>John 5:3b-4
>Doxology to the Lord's Prayer
>Luke 22:19b-20
Buddhism is vastly superior for instance.
Are you my mom?
You only think Buddhism is superior because of second-option bias and contrarianism.
t. American Korean who's parents converted to Christianity from Buddhism but I know about both religions because my grandparents are still Buddhists.
>t. second gen immigrant who probably only knows a bit about buddhism
Not Chan Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism is by far the best. Mahayana Buddhism is Buddhism-lite.
I guarantee I know more about it than these brainlet plebs who's only source of information on the matter is their 8th grade social studies class and new age blogs
>fake miracles
Jesus and Buddha were grade-A wizards
>Thinking an extradimensional being needs to conform to human understanding
lol, how much of a brainlet can you be?
>I guarantee I know more about it than these brainlet plebs
user, that's not very hard, you said it yourself. You seem to have been raised Catholic, so what did your grandparents tell you about the Buddhism they practiced?
You realize God defined the parameters of the universe, right? Trying to use your own perception of reality to judge what God is is as asinine as a program you created on your PC trying to determine what your attributes are based on the parameters you decided to imbue it's environment with.
>God defined the parameters of the universe
that was never stated in the bible
You realize 3 does not equal 1 and your faith is objectively against reality, right? That's not a perception of reality, that IS reality. You are a brainlet if your argument is entirely from ignorance.
>You realize 3 does not equal 1
Only within the universe. God could just as easily create a new universe where 3 = 5. The laws of methematics were defined by God in the first place so why are you trying to impose the rules of the thing he created on the creator? God isn't bound by any physical or natural laws we know of, he created them.