Atlantis thread. Atlanteans Survivor culture General ask me questions. For more information go to the "new Earth" Channel on YouTube
Atlantis thread. Atlanteans Survivor culture General ask me questions...
The Atlantean megalith culture fell in the year 1700 and it started in the year 30000 BC it was a worldwide drug mystery religion culture that worshipped mushrooms and other various medicinal ethnobotanical drugs
This is the new Earth channel
See everyone here on history and Humanities is talking about fake history . it's real history but they completely take it out of context where they're talking about events that happened but they completely discredit the past where 30000 years of History is cut out of the timeline and then they talk about Napoleon or World War II it's actually completely fake history. The Atlantean Empire fell in the year 1700. The Survivor culture in the Atlantean Empire Still ruled the world up until the 1700s and there was a war between the atlanteans and the parasites. So it's very lame when people here on history and humanities talk about events and they're completely clueless about ancient megaliths history.
It took a while for my eyes to focus on this map. I thought the Pacific Ocean was land.
Yeah there are so many islands in the Pacific Ocean and easter island that has polygonal Masonry the Atlantean legalist culture even had they're builders travel all the way out in the middle of the ocean. It's very strange but everywhere on Earth has the polygonal Masonry. History is a huge lie
Friendly reminder that Hyperborean civilisation > Atlantean civilisation
Yes Hyperborean culture was Atlantean Survivor culture.
>claims to know about Atlantis
>doesn’t post a single picture about the Atlantic mass under the Azores
You discredit all the other coastlines around the world that they got flooded Atlantis wasn't a single Island noob. Atlantis was an era in time, Atlantis was the entire Earth in the ancient past from the year 30000 BC to the year 10500 BC when the world got flooded. the coastlines all over the world got completely flooded.
1. Hyperborea
2. Lemuria
3. Mu
4. Meropis
***Power Gap***
5. Atlantis
No Atlantis was a time period not an island. those cultures are just survivors of Atlantis.
>Mu in the top five
In the age of Atlantis there was some weird white people that lived up by the North Pole and Russia that spread megalith technology all over the world and also sent out small bands of people to spread their genes all over the Earth as well to pre-existing cultures that were primitive. They would mate with these already existing cultures to create higher cultures
Just bumping to remind everyone that the Jews are horrible bottom-feeding parasites that have been working hard to mess things up for a thousand years Judaism is based on Moses Moses is a fictional character not real.
All of the world's religions are originally based on mushrooms in ancient Greece they called it the mystery religions. In Egypt their entire society and religion was based on mushrooms and DMT. In the South American Mayan culture their religion was based on mushrooms. In fact every megaliths site in the world that has the typical Atlantean signatures had cultures that were based on mushrooms.
I think it's called something like cracking the mushroom code.
So didn't you history and Humanities people know that all of history is fake based on false Jesuit priests that made up all of history and the world governments are at least some of the world governments have perpetuated the false history to confuse everyone because they want to suppress the true history of Atlantis. It's good to get lots of history books like some of the threads on here say. But that still doesn't change the fact that ancient history leads up to the present. You could tell with most of the posts on here that most people are living in a fake false history fantasy world that has nothing to do with the real reality of that every human on earth is Survivor culture from 30000 BC to 10500 BC and every religion every civilization and every culture after that was just Survivor culture. Survivors of Atlantis. And then the survivors of Atlantis fell in the year 1700 and the world is ruled by parasites. Parasitic bureaucratic parasites
Okay I'll tell you the true history of the world. About 450,000 years ago to a million years ago or more in the receding rainforests of Africa humans emerged from monkeys and left Africa and waves and waves for hundreds of thousands of years we shared the planet with about 10 other species of humans that were lower subspecies like nandorthalls is the most well-known. Humans being the most Superior spread across the globe and eventually made their way up towards the North Pole and into the Russian area. About 300,000 years ago or 40 thousand years ago or 30 thousand years ago humans on Earth basically ascended and created super-advanced shamanistic megalith culture. That culture spread there culture all over the world and the Earth entered into the age of Atlantis which ended in the year 10500 BC with a great flood that lasted for about a hundred years. It flooded coastlines all over the world and by that time all the other subspecies of humans we're going extinct except two or three. Or rather die under those went extinct 45000 years ago and the other subspecies had already gone extinct. After the flood the the atlanteans moved Inland and started great cultures like the Hindu people Egyptians the Mayans the Greeks the Etruscans. This is true history that the world governments don't want you to know about.
>no annunaki
>"basically ascended"
That's in the east Imperial Gardens in Tokyo, faggot
Yeah no s*** you stinky piece of s*** bastard Japan was part of the Survivor culture and one of the last standing armies of the Atlantean Survivor Empire
Yes sir basically ascended meaning all the ideas that we have about Ascension is what atlanteans did
And Christianity came out of Egyptian religion which were both based on mushrooms and Moses was a fictional character
Hello anons anyone know any good megalith topic
I think berbers are the direct descendants of Atlanteans
Its always fascinating to watch the work of a schizo mind. A lot of words, not much coherent dialogue. And damn the jews and all that.
am I on /x/?
These are the ramblings of a fucking mad man
Same. Ignore the crazies.
>Vedic religion not Indo-European
>4000 BC
"Atlantis" was in the S.China Sea.
>not the Caribbean
>not an artificial island
>on the opposite side of the world
clearly there was some shit there as some of the sweetest land on the planet was around there at the time, but it's not Atlantis
Ancient Atlantean mushroom worshipping drug culture who are Master shamans and we're able to get people to work together through mushroom drug use we're much more spiritually advanced than us. The true history of the world is so obvious. There's a group of 40 archaeologists that work out there on Ancient megaliths and trying to unravel the real history. Every culture in every religion is based on drugs mushrooms DMT ayahuasca.
No actually finland's flag the two-headed bird is an Atlantean Survivor Empire symbol how do you explain the Native Americans on the west coast having the same symbol the two-headed bird. It's because the ancient Atlantean megalith drug worshipping culture spread their culture all over the world and had the same symbols the two-headed bird. The two-headed bird is a symbol everywhere in the world. That's why so many countries that used to be branches of the Atlantean Empire the Survivor Empire have the symbol as their flag. It's the two-headed bird. Japan was supposed to be a return to the Atlantean ways and fudral Japan and the emperor of Japan in that era we're trying to return. It was supposed to be a return to Atlantis and return to the old ways that's why the Samurais armor looks so funny and so detailed like a piece of art. But it's not just Japan it's every country every religion every culture . Wake up people histories fake. We are all survivor culture even the Native Americans.
have you heard of typical indigenous people that just means Survivor culture or third world. The first world is ran by the parasitic bureaucratic capitalists and the Rothschild World Bank and another government control schemes. While the third world is ancient Atlantean Survivor culture or indigenous people.
The third world fell in the year 1700 or the Survivor Atlantean empire fell. And Buddha was a mushroom and so was Jesus. And in India they were one of the cultures of the world that kept very close to the Atlantean Survivor culture ways. And has any of you ever heard of the twin Mayan culture. All these people worship dragons more like drug dragons.
An ancient aliens has been completely debunked there were no Ancient Aliens it was ancient drug interdimensional aliens. All these ancient megaliths cultures or worshiping drug beings not physical but interdimensional. And as far as UFO history goes the first UFOs were discovered by World governments in the 1940s. There's some case were UFOs would show up when they're trying to test nukes and the UFOs would shut down all their electronical equipment.
Just bumping to remind history and Humanities that history is fake as we know it basically all of Egyptian history is fake or at least the official history by the cwackoDamia fake historians that are followers of scaliger. Basically up until the 1700s the Atlantean Empire or Survivor culture ruled the world wake up people. They even had standing armies they were going to war with the parasites that's what fudral Japan was all about
Good sources for information on Atlantis so I may make my own deductions?
I have read Ignatius Donnely's Antideluvean World :
About to read his Ragnarok
Also, Legends of the Jews by Rabbi Ginzberg, thouh "not related" supplies an AMAZING amount of information on the periods, cultures of man and our origins. Things hidden from the goyim/infidel abound in that series.
No it's simply just not true the swastika was a Survivor culture Atlantean culture symbol all over the world and there are 15 thousand-year-old megaliths 20000 year-old megaliths and even 40000 year-old megaliths and there's an evolution to them . At first the atlanteans carved rooms inside solid rocks and made millions of rooms for people to dwell in then when humans migrated North and this was about 40,000 BC mind you. When humans migrated North and eventually made it to the North Pole area by Russia they completely ascended through Shamanism and drug use and learn how to cut huge megaliths rocks that are the size of cars and the size of houses. Those cultures in the north spread the megalith technology all over the world and the megaliths evolved slightly overtime and according to location. For instance some megalith cultures would build their megaliths way up on tall mountains and some megalith cultures would build very very large megaliths and from there it went to smaller size megaliths and polygonal Masonry is a Atlantean signature all over the Earth. It's all based on drugs people can't you see that mushrooms in particular
Cool ill take a look. That book look good. I always think it's a good idea to spend lots of money on books even if it's $10,000 as long as you have a place to put them. The new Earth Channel on YouTube has a 56 part series that is called when the survivors of Atlantis wake up. Also she's took an Ayahuasca 600 times. Ancient Atlantis was a drug based civilization and it was a time period from the year 40000 BC to the year 10500 BC. Every culture on Earth has a great flood myth. There was a great flood in 10500 BC that flooded for a hundred years and sometimes the ocean would rise up 200 ft within a week and it flooded entire areas for hundreds of miles inland. It's so obvious the world governments suppress the knowledge constantly
My God I see other post here on history and humanities and I'm like thinking to myself why don't these noobs just look up the new Earth Channel on YouTube. I see people wandering around in the dirt trying to figure out things that happened in history when the new Earth lady has an entire series called when the survivors of Atlantis wake up. The new Earth lady literally goes over every question I've seen here on history and Humanities about anything relating to ancient civilization. There's no doubt in anyone's mind that every religion and every megalithic culture was based on drugs where they would build megaliths go inside and take probably 5 grams of psilocybin then they would talk to the Gods. And the Great Pyramids of Giza or actually Chambers to go take mushrooms in. History is a huge lie actually mushrooms are the most important thing in the world.
so not only self advertising your shitty channel also trying to promote the use of mushrooms as drugs
what a shameful job to do here on Veeky Forums
>just look up the new Earth Channel on YouTube
jesus fucking christ we get it all ready you shill fuck god damnit
Anyone fund underwater archeology?
Maybe we could discover ancient ABO civilization?
The Guanches, untouched berbers native to canary islands, they didn't get blacked or arabised, first who conquered them are the Spanish, they show them as fair skinned, tall and some even blond
Fuck off you me and all humans are lyran descents
Bow your knee to your Master Lyran