What was the general opinion of British soldiers by the French during WW2? Also what about Free France and Vichy France relations?
French and British soldier relations
>What was the general opinion of British soldiers by the French during WW2?
Bad. Dunkirk left a deep sense of abandonment.
>Also what about Free France and Vichy France relations?
Very very bad. When they landed in France one of their motto was "Maréchal, nous violà!" , an ironical reference to a song dedicated to Pétain.
>Bad. Dunkirk left a deep sense of abandonment
>lose most of your country to the enemy because of your ineptitude
>see half your citizens aid and abet the enemy because they are either ideological-sympathisers or cowards
>have thousands of your men rescued from a beach
>accuse the rescuers of cowardice because they didn't offer themselves up as cannon fodder
The French really are the most wretched people in the world
>When they landed in France one of their motto was "Maréchal, nous violà!" , an ironical reference to a song dedicated to Pétain
What you've wrote means "Maréchal raped us", "Maréchal nous voilà" means " Maréchal we're coming" which for them implied "to kick your ass"
>Bad. Dunkirk left a deep sense of abandonment.
Actually that's wrong. The French army knew their collapse had led to Dunkirk happening, and most were grateful that a hundred thousand Frenchmen had been evacuated to safety.
Most French came to detest the British for wiping out the bulk of the French fleet in Mers-el Kebir when they refused to hand it over.
>Be British
>Get your asses saved by the French as they fight to save you as you flee from the Eternal Teuton
>Shoot the French when they try to board the ships afterward
>Pretend that it was all you and the French did nothing to save you
>Blow up their fleet
The English really are the most wretched people in the world
>how dare you attack ships that were about to come into possession of a state that was at war with you
the entitlement is real
They really weren't capable of understanding the life or death struggle that WW2 was swiftly becoming by mid-1940. The French were so war-weary and terrified of another Verdun that they'd have happily taken the Reich deep into their sphincter so long as they kept their bumfuck Indochinese possessions.
kek that was a nice typo, sorry.
>Get your asses saved by the French as they fight to save you as you flee from the Eternal Teuton
all of britain was fighting for france
half of france was fighting for france
none of france was fighting for britain
All Frenchmen are twats, smelly, arrogant, cheese eating poofs, honestly I wish the krauts had slaughtered more of you, Calais is rightful English clay
>inb4 some Bong claims that France would have given their fleet to the Germans
France wanted to kick hitler's shit in over CZ, Britain digressed.
>all of britain was fighting for france
>half of france was fighting for france
>none of france was fighting for britain
That's actually pretty kino put it that way
This, but unironically
France should have been ethnically cleansed and settled with Anglos
The absolute state of Veeky Forums, ladies and gentlemen.
im British kek :3
Don't cut yourselves on that edge anglo pieces of shit
anglo faggots please leave you aren't wanted, you further embarrass yourselves by posting here we do not want you
The frogs were never even close to handing over their fleet to the Nazis. When the Nazis occupied Vichy later in the war, the frogs destroyed the remainder of their fleet.
Slaughtering the frog sailors was one of the 20th Centuries most despicable acts, truly earning the bongs the Perfidious Albion moniker.
Oh the rosbeefs tried, but as in all matters military, they failed.
Collaborators in uniforms. They were given a chance to join the alliance. They didn't, thus they were the enemy.
>Shoot the French when they try to board the ships afterward
I dont understand this post
The bongs have always been good about gunning down helpless targets. It's their trademark. Too bad they get BTFO whenever they meet any resistance, eh?
>litterally begged to join the Allied fleets or if that wouldn't do, sail to a neutral country and leave the ships there until the war is over
>refused for fear of angering their new masters
Utterly pathetic.
>military fleet
What is utterly pathetic is Perfidious Albion slaughtering innocent and neutral targets... again. Weren't there some dutch farmers they could shoot instead?
>advocates slaughtering neutrals
checks out
Truly the trademark of the bongs.
What a fantastic explanation as to how armed military vessels are helpless.
>joining the enemy who have invaded your country and killed your comrades, even as your allies beg you to come with them and help liberate your people
>not perfidious
>gunning down neutral sailors laying at anchor
>not perfidious albion
>siding with the enemy who have invaded their country