I unironically believe that the US and her allies could have legit smashed the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany were JUST tier and stormcu.cks actually believe they were trying to save Europe
I unironically believe that the US and her allies could have legit smashed the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany were JUST tier and stormcu.cks actually believe they were trying to save Europe
Other urls found in this thread:
We should ban 20th century discussion.
>Those integers
But seriously why do we have to have Nazi hate threads everyday? Stop going to /pol/ and getting blown the fuck out that's not anybody else's problem
>t. 56% storm
>But seriously why do we have to have Nazi hate threads everyday?
to counter the nazi apologist threads that happen to appear everyday
>to counter the nazi apologist threads that happen to appear everyday
This isn't /pol/. You faggots bitch about making things political on a history forum and then show your ass by doing the same thing you bitch about whenever you lose an argument because the feels over reals view of the world you were given doesn't hold water in any situation where a professor can't remove a student who disagrees with his cultural marxist/ postmodernist deconstructionist world views.
you said it, this is a history forum, not a 1930's - 1940's forum
well they're kind of correct, fascism and national socialism were Europe's ideological response to the threat that marxism and americanism posed to the European continent and it's way of life
There's not a single neo-nazi thread going on.
Give janny a break and 404 your shit, OP
>getting blown the fuck out
says the faggots who get BTFO by his in every holohoax thread that they are now scared of even making them
No no, National Socialism could be considered just a different type of collectivist thought that was related to Marxism rather than opposed to it, until Hitler took over and the ideological parts were purged and Nazis's became just a Hitler cult. If Starsserism came out victorious over Hitlerism, people would say Nazism was a type of Communism rather than a type of Fascism.
Fuck off /pol/.
>says the faggots who get BTFO by his in every holohoax thread that they are now scared of even making them
I have never made a holocauster thread and I've only participated in one, a long time ago. I stick mostly to Greco-Roman, Napoleonic, and Imperial Russian history. If you wonder why it irritates me so much(this thread), it's because it comes of as a defense of communism and the spreader of threads like these is most certainly a left wing ideologue who doesn't actually argue history in these threads.
These threads are the Veeky Forums equivalent of BLACK NATIONALISM GENERAL-WHITE BOYS CANT COMPETE EDITION on /pol/. It's trash. It doesn't do anything except cause pointless bickering over non-subject material.
>I unironically believe that the US and her allies could have legit smashed the Soviet Union
>defense of communism
Angling. It doesn't remove the fact that Germany is the sole reason the USSR didn't lord over Europe. NSDAP is morally superior to communism in every way.
So you're a /pol/tard that got butthurt by imaginary communists and started sperging with /pol/ memes like the brainwashed drone you are, got it.
toplel, you tried so hard to present yourself as "cool guy who sticks mostly to Greco-Roman, Napoleonic, and Imperial Russian history". And you ruin it with a single post.
Never change, Burgers...
>It doesn't remove the fact that Germany is the sole reason the USSR didn't lord over Europe.
It kinda did start the war that led to that though.
>if you shit on nazis, it means youre a communist
europoors, not even once.
>nazi hate threads
>pro communist threads
We want neither but you fuckin commies seem to think that anything that isn't far left or commie may as well be nazi support.
So you come to Veeky Forums and bitch about /pol/ in a thread designed to counter signal /pol/. Do you see how this looks? You also didn't argue that communism wasn't morally inferior to NSDAP. You're the brainwashed drone and you can't even stick to the arguments.
It's the truth. I don't care if you believe it. I have more of a traditionalist attachment to the age of imperialism and the monarchy's of Europe than to NSDAP or that shortlived era.
>It kinda did start the war that led to that though.
I'm pretty sure it's just you here spamming posts and bumping your own thread. Interesting you go with the amerimutt/europoor angles simultaneously. Also pathetic.
Outstanding post, absolutely. Checked
>I'm pretty sure it's just you here spamming posts
and youre wrong. Its pretty clear you on the other hand are a typical /pol/fag who is having a crises of identity because you are slowly starting to realize how all the pro nazi memes you believed in are bullshit.
>my enemy is an evil nazi and must be punched
>this includes everyone who doesn't agree with me
>this includes everyone who isn't immediately amicable to my positions
This is you.
>You also didn't argue that communism wasn't morally inferior to NSDAP.
I don't need to condemn every retarded space in the political spectrum when shitting on nazis just to appease you autistic stormtards. Nor do I need to agree that tankies are "morally inferior" to nazis to think they are shit. I'm not even the poster you're implying I am.
>You're the brainwashed drone
I'm pretty sure the person that gets butthurt by a post against nazis, immediately starts sperging the memes he learned from /pol/ like a dog that just received his signal to start performing, and hallucinates communists in a thread where the OP clearly implies that communism is bad, is the brainwashed one. But whatever makes you happy.
I'm only here because another thread had to die for this.
Its not, you are once again projecting that the only people who hate nazism are communist/antifa types.
>mfw people literally believe Nazi propaganda made in 1939 to justify war 70 years after the fact
>using the word collectivist as something negative
Hi Ameribaba
>Stop going to /pol/ and getting blown the fuck out
Btfo as in this post ?
>implying the Germans didn't stop the greatest evil Europe has ever known
If you have to say you blew someone out, you didn't.
>the fascist ideology didn't exist before 1939
read a book before posting
t. onion
>tfw based hitler stopped the Eternal Czech
>Poland annexed part of Czech's land
>Poland annexed part of Lithuania
>Poland get's annexed by it's larger neighbors
Wow what a tragedy
We're different people.
>stop the greatest evil
>Western Europe divided between the Commie and Capitalist block for 50 years after WW2 with 75 million people dead
kek, they did literally nothing. The only thing G*rmans are good at is destruction.
>this is actually what stormies believe
How does it feel to defend a people and ideology that literally wanted to kill your grandparents? I cannot understand it, can a stormie fill me in please
>Gradma is contolled by Jews!
>"The only thing G*rmans are good at is destruction."
>.t someone who claims to hate brainwashed one sided propaganda
>Saves Europe by destroying it and murdering 30 million of its inhabitants
What did Shortler mean by this?
It's true though
>Bombohoax of Dresden
I wonder why we can't dig up graves in Dresden, or where did all the graves go, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
>it's because it comes of as a defense of communism
Stopped reading right there
In retrospect, I actually think that the communist experiment (and it's failure) was positive to show humanity what went wrong and the dangers of utopian ideologies. If the USSR was destroyed during WW2 there would be a bunch of people thinking "see, da evil capitalist is keepin da working people down" and communism probably would resurge with a vengeance in other nation not long after this hypothetical WW2.
Aren't all ideologies utopical by definition?
Idk. Totalitarian ideologies would be a better term in my post
>I unironically believe
That's nice.
I didn't say collectivism was negative.
Reminder that if you unironically think Nazi Germany and Hitler were "based" you're disrespecting the deaths of all those German soldiers who died at places like Stalingrad and Berlin, because of Hitler.
But communism did surge after WW2. In China, Cuba, Korea, to name a few.