Crypto Currency general. No coin shilling allowed

This thread is for discussing crypto, blockchain, and other relevant technology. This thread is not for shilling your latest pump and dump scam coins (that means you LINKfags).

I have a request about the blockchain what no one has been able to help with.
Prove to me that the blockchain is a thing that exists...
Every time I try to get tech specifics on the blockchain or ask someone to prove to me that it exists they immediately start with buzzzwords and end with saying the technology and science is too hard to understand.

if you want actual technical discussion and not retarded shills i recommend IRC, Usenet or possibly some small forums

asking for that here is like asking a garbage dump not to smell

buy link xDDDDDDDD

No one ever has an answer anywhere. It makes no sense how no one can even prove that the blockchain exists. It takes no time to prove something exists and should involve zero buzzwords.

>cryptocurrency general
>he doesn't know Veeky Forums stands for

b cryptocurrency

Every other thread about crypto is just people shilling their various bags for their individual coins. There is no thread for a meta discussion and blockchain discussion.
It makes me think that crypto is just a ponzi pyramid scheme

i like the theory that bitcoin is just a slush fund/retirement fund for the NSA

>SALT crashing
>KNC crashing
>ARK crashing
>LINK crashing
>ODN crashing

what the fuck am I supposed to do????

stop buying scam coins that are memed on Veeky Forums

nobody said it isnt.

ponzi sheme is just the wrong definition.
its more the rush in something that is
-with unbelievable mega bull forecasts, since it reached 100$

as long as everyone believes that there will be a guy that pay more than i paid everything is okay, but if there isnt anyone who want to pay more - we are doomed (again)
its all about hype.

blockchain ----> modified linked list
block -----> made of a modified binary tree (merkle tree)



linkedlists + binary trees are literally first year computer science concepts

if you don't believe a blockchain can exist, you are less knowledgeable than a sophomore in university who's taken two programming courses

I am getting into crypto, and I'm looking around at the best crypto "infrastructure" to set up


>other shit

Where do you hold your long positions? Do you use the wallet provided by your exchange, or do you send your coin to another wallet?

Do your own fucking research.

Any recommended reading for setting up a staking node? I've never done it before and don't know where to start.

IRC? Don't you mean LRC? As in, Loopring, the next coin that will do 10-20x.

theres a reason why people call it a solution trying to find a problem, but meh were in biz so buy my fomo coin.

Is that mspaint flowchart supposed to prove something? I have done research. I find no evidence that the blockchain exists aside from word of mouth

>b cryptocurrency


I haven't been able to update mist and to support the hard fork and I may not be able to until well after the fork. Will my eth become incompatible with the new chain or an I good as long as I do eventually download the updated get and mist and let the blockchain synch normally after?

Does the internet exist?

Im assuming this is like an philosophical question.

Correct me if I dont understand your question correctly.