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You are a newcoiner who got memed by Veeky Forums into buying a pumpNdump scam coin

I warned you all to sell this piece of shit coin lmao, muh sibos, muh motherfucker sibos aint shit youre expecting them to partner with SWIFT? Lmao fuck outta here

We all warned you dumb user. Yet you buy this shitcoin.

Look what bitcoin is doing

All alts are down retards

Yeah guys buy high sell low ,feeeeeells good

Thats weird because Ripple is still going up

Just wait till the drop after the conference. Going to be brutal. Shit chainlink is a sinking ship.

It's not tho


should have sold faggot

where did all the linky fuckers go?
the ones calling all nolinks fucking retarded for not buying near ATH?


Right here. Ask your answers.

not ark

do you remember how you laughed about ODN?
it seems it wasn't that bad to flip LINK for more.
i'm thinking about to flip again, for LINK. tomorrow, after the real dip...

I feel bad for everyone that got lucky during the alt coin pump and put all their profit into link.

how can you feel bad for someone who bought link under 0.5 in 2000 fucking 17!??


You must be braindead if you still holding link now.

There is no news to sell you autistic fuck

80's wall street tips are not relevant in crypto.

WTC mooned on news, not rumours


Waiting for SIBOS


Oh no, I bought at 10 cents in presale and its dipped all the way to.... 38 CENTS?!? Fuck me I better let my weak hands do their job!

you must be brain dead to not know that this is a project in the making since before ethereum existed, and that you dont just get an invite to give the only blockchain specific presentation at SIBOS without an outstanding and innovative product to demonstrate

it s time

You call this a crash? Or even a dip?

Don't bother with OP. Fucking FUDers again

this. whales are legit accumulating.

>price in USD to hide the crash
the absolute state of deluded linkies

>meme lines
>muh whales

oh you

>comparing one volatile asset against another
Brainlets, swear to god.



>he's so new he's still measuring in USD
daily reminder that ETH was $400 at 0.143 and again at 0.08 sats.

Damn you linkies not only deluded but straight retarded

>he measures the value of his portfolio in BTC

well why the fuck are most predictions on USD then? why do we keep barking about market cap and shit if it shouldn't be compared? sure, you peg this to btc if you the goal is to accumulate btc but this shit can stand on its own eventually. it's just retarded if you compare everything to sats. oh no, this went ATH at 11k sats, it's only 6k now, i guess its value went down almost 50%. i guess it's only 25 cents now. yeah. also, you think new money/normies (for when this shit blows up) are gonna use sats as a price? fwiw using sats with shitcoins is the way to go because you only pump and dump them for sats profit but this one isn't a shitcoin, at least for those investing in this coin they aren't here simply for flipping. i typed a lot of shit to be honest when youre obviously just fucking around but whatever it feels good, intellectual masturbation or wahtever the fuck knowing this coin is actually has a decent chance of a moonshot

There was an all in linkie earlier today who didn’t know what is a satoshis and how much it’s for a link

from 0.0017 to 0.0012.

>daily reminder that ETH was $400 at 0.143 and again at 0.08 sats.
Right. And you don't see the problem with this?

At both 0.143 and 0.08 sats, you were still only able to buy the exact same things.

Trying to value one volatile asset by comparing against another volatile asset is as dumb as trying to calculate the variable speed of a car while sitting in another car with variable speed.

It's unnecessarily complicated and the result is the same relative speed you would've obtained as if you were measuring from a fixed position.

Only because of ETH's own movement.

There’s no fix for your retardation, linkie. I am abandoning this thread because this is pure lobotomy

>this is pure lobotomy
That explains your retardation.

>sell 100 LINKs at 11k sats, get 0.011 btc
>sell 100 LINKs at 6k sats now, get 0.006 btc
you guys could've sold your LINKs at 10-11k sats a week ago and would've gotten more gains. instead you chose to be a retard and held a shitcoin. i think you're just trying to cope with your poor decision. smart money who sold around 11k sats can buy in at anytime RIGHT NOW and would have 50-80% more of their stack.

umm youre acting like none of us did exactly that? how does this even relate to the value of LINK as a product/technology? regardless the price is still the same, well near it at least

the price is not the same!

>LINK is now 3k sats
>hurrrdurrr it's still 40 cents. it's still the same as when it was 11k sats!

We are here to make money, not fractions of a meme.

okay but can you tell me where i'm wrong? is it not around 7k sats right now? and was it not 11k sats a week ago? you're doing a piss ass job at making money if you don't understand that you're actually bleeding money and not even know it.

>>sell 100 LINKs at 11k sats, get 0.011 btc
>>sell 100 LINKs at 6k sats now, get 0.006 btc
And the beauty of valuating LINK directly against USD is that it doesn't matter how much you get in BTC. The $ amount is the same.

Yeah, everyone who doesn't perfectly time BTC pumps doesn't make sound investments. Or any pumps, for that matter. You are losing money right now because you are not invested in some Pajeet shitcoin that will be pumped 200% today. Lol, neck yourself, subhuman.

lmao if you want your invested money amount to stay same then put it in a fucking bank, normie

Hi, I'm M. Bigdick.
I have a huge dick and I always trade for maximum gains. I sold the top and bought the bottom of every 5 minute candle ever since this shitcoin hit binance. I'll have you know that I also bought during the pre-sale for maximum gains.
You idiots are just holding your shitcoin while I'm quintupling my stack every hour.
Fuck you. You guys are pathetic for not trading optimally.

Protip: even you are valuing BTC in USD.

hey mr user youre starting to contradict yourself. i mean, im gonna admit, i only increased my stack twice, i wasnt able to time all the fluctuations. i cant even begin to imagine if youre actually serious though, you talked about increasing our stack beforehand and now youre telling us we're bleeding? if i had 10k link before at 40 cents and 11k sats and i increased my stack to 15k link at 7k sats (but still at 40 cents) im apparently bleeding, alright user you do you. shoulda just held bitcoin/chased pnds amirite

this fud is sad because im pretty sure it worked on some guys here who cant do basic math
also this, everyone holding LINK is retarded for not buying FLIK @1k sats then selling @3.4k then jumping to ETP to 3x gains then jump back to BTC as it mooned to 5.8k usd btw

>The $ amount is the same
keep telling yourself that when LINK is sub 3k sats but the /USD/ is still 40 cents

there's no need to time pumps. you just need to know when to get the fuck out based on market sentiments. if you didn't think a majority of people would cash out at 5x ico you're a complete retard. i'm not losing any money right now because i'm not holding a shitcoin that has a downtrend going to 3k sats.

protip: 1 btc = 1 btc

no, you fucking retard. that statement was made for people who fell for the hold meme and kept holding since 11k sats.

When the $ value of an alt goes up, it's not the same, is it?

>keep telling yourself that when LINK is sub 3k sats but the /USD/ is still 40 cents
When LINK remains 40 cents, it remains 40 cents.

>protip: 1 btc = 1 btc
When BTC moons, what is it mooning compared to?
That's right, USD.

This is probably the same dumbass that kept posting ONE BILLION COINS. Desperate to FUD with no ammo.

and before you ask, the current sentiment is "sell the news". it DOES NOT matter if there's no news to sell. the majority of people WILL sell because they're stupid and think the sibos event is the news.

I'm still up thousands of dollars on my investment and will be up tens of thousands in due time, while you can stay sitting on your BTC for an extra 5% gain you weak handed cuck.

But it doesn't. It's staying same for now and most likely will go down

Haha stop taking shrooms you deluded cuck. You will stay poor and get more poor with chainlink.

This. Google Keynesian Beauty Contest. This what smart money do.

Yes, just so whales can scoop up all the discounted LINKs and carry strong hands on their backs straight to the moon. Thanks for making the point that everyone who intends to sell low should exclude himself from the genepool.

sure thing mr belfort. congrats on your 10x gains every week. anyway i get your point but the others pointed it out already. congrats on getting the right call i guess? im sure you do it all the time. whatever, we really went off a tangent. the people holding LINK have the same reason as people holding btc, or just about any sort of investment really. it's because they expect it to increase in value. maybe they haven't done it optimally but they believe this shit will moon, hence holding. youve just been dissing people who hold instead of LINK itself (well aside from pointing it out as a shitty investment because its price dropped), which would really only convince the utmost retards in here. LINK is a shitty investment because its price dropped because.. its a shitty investment? yeah alright

Oh you were referring to the stable price of LINK itself?
In that case, I think it will go up eventually. And I do expect roughness around SIBOS, because of Retards gonna retard, but they won't shake me out of LINK.

Someone like the scan of the top 100 accounts

>there are actually people here who dont measure the value of their coins in USD

ok, but you could significantly increase your link stack. BTW
>I do expect roughness around SIBOS
yesterday everyone was telling me that LINK will be $1 by monday. Market sentiment is changing, eh?

Hindsight is one hell of a drug, wish I could sell and buy at the best possible moments like the armchair traders on here talk about.

Nobody has a crystal ball user. No idea why you would take price predictions seriously.

I'm here to take profits on my 109k link stack when it hits 1 bil market cap, not try to time a very new and small market.

they think the demo is gonna be the news event lmfao, oh the weak hands will be glorious to watch

1bn is like 7.5x from current market cap. Min 6 months if you are lucky, never if you are not.
Or you could do 2x*2x*2x with 3 different coins much quicker and with lower risk.

>muh whales
The mark of cryptautism.


It’ll tank hard...everyone sell, I’m sure a few idiots will buy your bags still

>guy'se I sold pls also sell so I don't have to buy back in at a higher price pls p&d

I'm one of those idiots.

I'll buy your bags, just sell