Bittrex is stealing millions of dollars by disabling thousands of accounts on their shitty exchange. They do this with disabling wallets for different coins in critical times as well.

They disabled thousands of accounts for 5 days now. They dont answer support tickets and if you go on their slack chat they are banning anyone who asks why their account got disabled.

Check out twitter with this hashtag :


Or simply search bittrex disabled account on twitter. There are threads on Bitcointalk about this as well. Just go over their slack to see it yourself.

These mother fucking scammer are stealing millions of dollars as we speak. Withdraw everything you have from this shithole before its happening to you.

Other urls found in this thread:

They really fucked me disabling the neo wallet before red pulse, it was intentional

How can i sure them for this? They are literally scamming people

They have listed very few new coins lately. Lost a ton of respect for them when they listed ADA immediately after it was released, even though it was an obvious shit coin. Withdrew my whole balance after that, guess it was good timing.

These mother fuckers literally ban you on the spot if you ask why your account got disabled on their slack. No answer on their support system as well. 5 days of locking up millions of dollars. Imagine the amount of money they are stealing by this.

You are a moron if you think it's Bittrex doing this. It's the SEC invoking civil forfeiture.

Would be such a shame, as other replier said it could be the SEC. Maybe they have let too many accounts from states that ban trading on exchanges without proper authentication.

They disable wallets for different coins in critical times to steal millions of dollars in the time of maintenance. Its just beyond ridiculous at this point. You must be a fucking imbecile to believe the bullshit you just said.

The most ridiculous thing about this scam exchange is that they are literall 5 people running a multi-million financial website. They have no support staff and their CEO is on their slack chat all the time shit talking people and banning those who ask why their account got fucked up. You know how fucked up this company is when their CEO is chatting 24/7 on fucking slack instead of fixing the problems. And yeah those problems are intentional as well. Just get the fuck out while you can before you lose all your money.

Wait for the news this week.


Man 3days ago I tried to deposit 0.003just for training purposes but it's still pending deposit. WTF

Bittrex is garbage that did a lot of shady shit before the SEC got ahold of them. But this? This isn't their choice. You can reeeeee all you want man but it isn't about Bittrex. It's about the SEC.

And poloniex is worse they stuck my withdrawals with their approval shit. So the question is hitbtc or binance don't do that right?

Every time a bittrex thread is posted here Bittrex shills invade it.

For anyone who is reading this:

If you want proof that Bittrex is scamming people just go over their Slack chat here is the url :

They are banning users who ask for their disabled accounts. Literally thousands of people are losing their money as we speak. GET THE FUCK OUT BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!

thanks for keeping people warned about this

they only got me for 50 dollars but others have probably lost a lot more.

I lost only 20 but the problem is that I don't know who can I trust.

And actually I am much mor interested in trading than mining or gambling crypto


I had a legacy account and logged in the the other day to find that Bittrex took legacy status away from me and my account said "New" and warned me I couldn't withdraw until basic verification. However, my account withdrawl limit still said "1337" which is the tag for legacy accounts. I tried withdrawing my BTC (0.9) and it worked anyways. So if you are in the same situation as me and you want to evacuate this shit it seems you can still withdraw if you have the legacy limit even if your account says New now. Of course if your account is actually disabled your fucked I guess.

they saved me, i was about to withdraw when i couldn,t so i just fucking sold at 780k

next thing i knew, the ICO was 3 minutes delayed from the timer, and over a million neo were locked away for a week,
Rode the BTC moon and I can rebuy with 600 extra neo


Yeah BASED BITTREX stupid fucking piece of shit of a shill. If youre not a shill youre gonna all your money when they lock your wallet next time or when they lock your account entirely. There is evidence they locked thousands of accounts. Youre next in line.

can't bot anymore now aye, SEC got ya?


This will be a lesson to anyone who is using an Ameriscammer site. There is a reason why Bitmex and banned Americans from using their website.


you're REALLY mad that you got caught lmfao, i would be too if i were engaging in such activity,

oh wait i'm not a fucking idiot

Where the fuck do I go? I don't know who to trust anymore. Is there such thing as a trustworthy exchange?

They are harvesting biometric data and Passport verification as we speak in the name of diasbling accounts. How the fuck is this the spirit of crypto? They also ban you if you object.


i srsly think that must be a logic reason to all those bans

Yeah sure buddy. Thousands of users getting banned at once. All that money stolen. No answer on support system and they ban you on their slack if you ask why your account got banned. Dont do stupid shit by depositing money there so you wouldnt cry later. Learn your lesson here.


nice FUD piece of shit

Doesn't work for me. My legacy / 1337 turned to new and the kikes have capped me at 0.025 btc per day. Good thing I took out almost everything after seeing some bittrex fud few weeks back thanks to biz.

Fuck bittrex and sec in they shitholes


Someone asked on their Slack a couple days ago and the Bittrex employee literally admitted they were trying to detect the "bad guys accounts" and their script was overzealous.

>all these new twitter accounts and bitcoin talk accounts

Nice try, :b:inance


No one is shilling any exchange here they are all shit. Just keep your crypto in your cold storage wallets. I learned my lesson hard.

Hmm that's weird, I guess it's just fucking random what anyone's account can do at this point.

In any case, anyone who only used this exchange because you had legacy and doesn't want to give them your info should get out and use something else. I guess if you are actually willing to give them your ID there's nothing wrong with it but the way they do things rubs me the wrong way at this point.

Not like they add any relevant new coins these days anyways.

Can I get some more info on the people being banned? Are any of them Americans, or is it just Muslims and Indians? Is there a common factor among those that are being banned? Like using bots or something? Would hate to have to move all my shit to another exchange. I thought bittrex was supposed to be the legit exchange out of all these shitty chink exchanges.

They are from everywhere. There were Americans, People from Europe and Asia. This must be the 10th thread about this on Veeky Forums. You are not safe even if you are American. Just withdraw while you can. This shit is serious.

Probably targeting bots, good for them.

I'd give them my ID if they ask for it nicely since they've kindly grandfathered in long time users without needing extra verification. Also coz they're the least shadiest exchange compared to polo and cryptsy

But to snub us long time legacy users and treat us like some fucking daesh paki pajeet sand nigger terrorist pisses me off.

Soon there will be a clearly explanation, no institution or anything would fk with people like this and expect to be unpunished

I never used any bots stop shilling for Bittrex you piece of shit

Its been 5 days. Imagine if you hold all that money which is millions of dollars in a bank account. Do you know how much you can make? Same with crypto. They are manipulating the market. Anything is possible with these fucking scammers. Their CEO is a fucking chink and another one is a pajeet. I wish i was joking.

Sounds like bittrex is a scam. What is a good exchange? I'd prefer non KYC.

I heard HitBTC is good, any comments?

What should I look for in an exchange?

what if they are just banning unverified people because of the SEC

calm the fuck down

Are you fucking retarded? Just go on their slack chat and see it for yourself retard.


okay retard

wtf I just lost all my LINK

I am glad I am still using Poloniex

bittrex is terrible. ive been telling people for a while something is really wrong there. it got to a point where i could tell which posters were using bittrex without them ever mentioning it.

I want to sue Bittrex for market manipulation and literally stealing my money i had 50 BTC there. Please anyone experienced with law inform me how i can sue them?


I already have binance, should I just move my shit there?

I think the "banning" refers to Slack usage, not the Bittrex account itself. Although some people have had their Bittrex account randomly disabled, not sure if they got re-enabled by just giving in and providing their ID or contacting support.

If anything this effects Americans more, since Bittrex is actually based in American they have to take it up the ass from the US gov and follow all applicable laws, and some states aren't even allowed.

My account was disabled and I was still able to withdraw, but I can say I'm Canadian (although I never gave them any real info or address so they'd only know from IP) and my account went randomly from Legacy to New and bugs me for ID every time I log in now.

Yea for anyone who signs up to Bittrex now, it's only fair not to complain about having to provide info. But some of us had legacy accounts and signed up before info was necessary and they are trapping people's coins with no warning about losing legacy status.

No they are all scammer. I want to sue Bittrex. I lost 50 BTC there.

Seconding this. I got my money off Bittrex and into my wallet, but where do I go now to trade?

*Meant to say my account was still enabled

The Next-Generation Digital Currency Stealer


that happened to me too. not a coincidence. they do that shit all the time. they are really doing a terrible job convincing anyone that centralized exchanges are a good idea.

and i can't believe how rude their team is being about issues like this when confronted.

can't wait till a better decentralized option is released, fuck bittrex.


Thousands of accounts got fucked. Millions of dollars stolen. Everyone get the fuck out while you can!

they're only locking up accounts from specific countries you fucking retard, you're likely shilling for some other exchange and want bittrex to die. kys faggot

Damn bro, if I had 50 BTC I'd just bite the bullet give them my ID to get the coins.

Does anyone know if there are any good, functioning decentralized exchanges with any volume yet?

i can't believe they have the gall to claim only .00001% of users were affected. they could not be handling this more poorly. no apology, no public statement. let's just sweep this under the rug and ban anyone from our slack who asks us for an explanation.

No one is shilling for any exchanges here you god damn piece of shit. Shut the fuck up and read the thread.

of course you don't need to explicitly shill for other exchanges otherwise your hidden-agenda would be way too blatant, fudding against bittrex so that people will move their funds somewhere else is already good enough, amirite? fuck off faggot

It seems like Iran users did get mass targeting but if you actually look through the Twitter/threads you'll see tons of other people from other countries were affected too.

How would this even benefit him though? He hasn't even mentioned any other exchange to move your funds to. How is he a shill then?

Its not FUD you god damn retard the evidence is here:

Its all over bitcointalk as well as their own Slack chat just go over their slack to see it. Stay there and lose your money.

> be a shill for some other major exchange (let's say binance, or poloniex, or whatever)
> fud against bittrex
> traders will move their funds some other user-friendly exchange
> what are bittrex's competitor? bitfinex (but it has way too few coins), poloniex, or binance
> people start moving their coins to the other big exchanges
> profit

all i see is a bunch of iranians whose accounts have been locked. good riddance, i'm sorry for your 50 btc loss, ahmed



Check the bitcoin talk and twitter its all over the place. Millions of dollars stolen by Bittrex. GET THE FUCK OUT ASAP!

Man, with 3 bitcoins worth in USD you can contract any third worlder to go to the US and personally attempt against Bittrex staff.
One bitcoin is 1.5 years of minimun wage here (and 10-15 years of minimum wage in Venezuela), you bet your ass a lot of people would accept to go to the US and commit a crime there for this ammount of money.
If you don't believe me, google it: "Venezuela minimun wage 12 dollars"

I don't think it's just FUD, man. Look at the bittrex hashtag on twitter. But you're right, it does look like only a bunch of muslims and shit so far. But other anons have said people from America have been disabled too.

i second this, look at the evidence guys. the only persons whose accounts have been locked are iranians. do the math, kek

Do you seriously think anyone here is in a position to profit from converting a few fucking Veeky Forums users from one exchange to another? Especially when hardly anyone here still uses Bittrex since they don't add coins anymore and Veeky Forums only chases the latest and most obscure coins? Most people here are complaining about all the other exchanges being equally shitty too.

I'm from Europe do not listen to the Bittrex shill. Lots of evidence posted so far ITT. There are anons ITT from Canada and America who lost their accounts as well!

Would you risk your money with all this evidence? Would you?

i bet those ppl have shady past, suspicious political connection or suspicious btc transfers

Yea the whole point of crypto is to help people get wealth away from tyrannical government control but fuck people who actually use it for that purpose right?

Read the god damn thread



Someone post this shit on Reddit these motherfuckers have already stolen millions of dollars and they ban anyone who asks for their loss on their slack. Fuck Bittrex!

maybe it was like that in 2013. in 2017 the whole point of crypto is screwing other people over and make money off other people's naivety

lmfao, iran huh

i'm not surprised

i see, so you're an european refugee. go back to bangladesh ahmed

Coinbase/gdax seems solid. Jew at the helm tho, scary.
Bitflyer is a pain in the ass to get to, but their support is supportive, i have never been let down by a bunch of slanties ( all nips, no chinks or gooks ).
Bitmex is the best tho, no where else can you lose everything you own in under a minute.

Evidence Number one

Well you're right about that at least, I guess the lesson of the day is do NOT trust US-based exchanges anymore. You're country might get all accounts auto-disabled based on whoever Trump is triggered at this week.

More evidence coming

More evidence here

More evidence fuck the shills

More evidence fuck bittrex shills

so i guess that next time trump will meet merkel, germans are gonna get BTFO from bittrex

Bittrex lost 100 million dollars in volume sine yesterday everyone is evacuating that piece of shit get the fuck out while you can pic related

tell me, why do you care so much about what exchange people use? you're way too overzealous to not rise some suspicions. the first lesson in crypto is always question other people's intentions, especially whey they're claiming to have your interest at heart. so, what do you gain from warning other people from using bittrex?

look guys
the truth is all exchanges are scamming you
they do this because exchanges are not profitable to run.
since bitcoin is so regulated, they don't really need to come up with a reason to banning your account or empty your money. they can just claim you are a suspected criminal or a terrorist

I lost 50 BTC read the fucking thread

no no no ofcourse youre not shilling binance, youre jsut creating the msot retarded fud for the main competitor of binance. well i guess you could want everyone to use coss instead right? or maybe youre just a humble etherdelta user right?

it's really weird, since nobody gives a fuck if someone got screwed, but here we are "guys, i want to help, get the fk out of there, i want u well"