Fascist America

What would America under Fascism be like?

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Like the current year

Impossible in such an individualist country.

Chile most likely

Mandatory displays of nationalism, aversion against free press and increasing militarism. It would be horrible.

The overall goal of the fascist regime is to remake society in the image of its ideals. To that effect they will pass many different morality laws, that is to say laws whose intended effect is to shape the public morality. Many things deemed "harmful to the public good" will be outlawed: alcohol, most kinds of drugs including marijuana, pornography, gambling, tobacco, and so on.

This legislating away "harmful" things will eventually extend into the realm of ideas, and so cleansing entertainment and the media would be next. No facist regime can allow a free press to exist, nor indeed any form of media not directly under its supervision. All entertainment would be screened by the fascists and only those programs deemed "appropriate" would be allowed. In the beginning they'd only first remove those programs that directly contradict their party beliefs, but eventually anything that does not overtly support them would be removed, leaving only a mixture of vapid escapist nonsense and propaganda.

Secret police force would be formed by the regime to "find and quickly suppress terrorist plots against the nation" but whose actual goal would be to arrest and disappear dissidents and critics of the regime.

Schools are of course of great important to fascists. Molding the children into future supporters of the regime is utmost importance, so controlling the information available to them is paramount. If you've already done the previous steps then this is fairly simple. You just replace all the teachers with loyalists and rewrite the textbooks so that the official story lines up with everything they see in society around them: their entertainment supports the party, all the businesses left support the party (because anyone who didn't was arrested for being a terrorist), and so on.

This. Americans have little/no concept of duty or sacrifice. Even if everyone in the country was a /pol/tard it wouldn't actually go fascist.

sounds like JFK

It's an Anglo thing really, as America has mostly Anglo culture. Mosley tried to import fascism to Britain and completely failed mostly for the same reason even though he was a very charismatic figure. Fascism is largely compatible only with continental European cultures.

Sounds like communism

I feel like the question was rhetorical it was so obvious

These. However, a more conventional right-wing authoritarian country like is very plausible. Military junta with strong influence from three letter agencies/MIC/Wall Street. Nearly happened in 1933.

Because fascism is ultimately a method for installing totalitarianism, and once you have totalitarianism it doesn't matter what the original impetus to get there was.

fuck off drumpfie

Utopia compared to now.

I'll elaborate on my thoughts now that I have some words.

American identity is not an ethnic identity, American identity/culture are built almost exclusively on liberal values, and for that reason, America is intrinsically anti-fascist. Even our most hardcore nationalists are anti-fascist.
Some core liberal values:
>Individualism (inherently anti-fascist)
>Liberty (inherently anti-fascist)
>Justice (inherently anti-fascist)
>Tolerance (inherently anti-fascist)
You would have to remove those four from American culture in order to prepare America for fascism. In doing so, you would take away everything it means to be American. "Fascist America" is an oxymoron because America cannot be fascist. It's inconceivable and impossible for America to become fascist. But as said, America has a notable chance to adopt right-wing authoritarianism. It could have a fascist government, but never a fascist population/culture. It's not fascism without a fascist population/culture.

Fascism doesn't have to be ethnic.

Right, it's a mode of social organization that is extremely collectivist that mandates greatness and sacrifice from its people. It's pretty vapid to have fascism without it being focused around the strengthening of an ethnicity or religion though. Usually we think of fascism being ethnic instead of religious though, I forgot to acknowledge the possibility of non-ethnic fascism.

>It's pretty vapid to have fascism without it being focused around the strengthening of an ethnicity or religion though
also I'll add that you could simply have "humanist fascism" being driven by pure prosperity or scientific advancement

The original Italian fascism or Integralism were not ethnic, just statism on steroids.

>All totalitarian systems are the same
Hello horseshoe

Slave empires

>Mandatory displays of nationalism, aversion against free press and increasing militarism. It would be horrible.

Underrated comment.

>aversion against free press
There's no such thing as free press, all media are either chasing profits or publishing propaganda.

You're living in fascism right now brainlet

american fascism is the only way we will be able to economically compete with fascist china

>fascism is BAD and everything that's BAD is fascism!
Fuck off retard.

Daily reminder that fascism is not and has never been a coherent political philosophy. Not even experts on "fascism" can define the word conclusively.

It's a buzzword made by Mussolini who was more interested in PR than he was being a serious theorist.

theres nothing to compete with. Boomers simply surrendered their means of production to be wage slaves.

>confusing /pol/ with SJW's

Gee, I wonder what side of the political spectrum you're on.

>concentration camps for foreign "enemies of the state"
>president for life
>massive public works projects
>expansion of the bureaucratic state
>military conscription
>full mobilization of industry behind the war effort
We did fascism the same time everyone else did.

>implying /pol/ aren't SJWs
>implying you didn't just get #triggered

"Tolerance" is not a core liberal value. It contradicts liberty, as you cannot force people to "tolerate" things that run against their moral orientation. It's not a core American value either.
Justice is not anti-fascist. Injustice is not the Fascist endgame.

I'm not even a fascist; pull your head out of your ass, lefty.

Fascism is bad you fucking repressed neo-slave stop breathing my oxygen.


>uses the prefix neo
Yep, that's a lefty.

Passive aggressive shill - yep that's a sperg

So basically China today? They seem like they're growing pretty well


bahahaha oh man that's legit true

can you /pol/fags stop posting fanfic threads


how do u guys still think triggered is funny?

Just like alt-fucks sucking the cock of Peterson uses neo-Marxism as if it means anything?

1950s America was pretty much the the National Socialist ideal.

Just ask the orange Duce-bag in chief.

It isn't. It's a very serious social issue. We need to take it more seriously.

>thinking Peterson is an enemy of liberals

Just admit you're a far left wing ideologue.

>Just like alt-fucks sucking the cock of Peterson uses neo-Marxism as if it means anything?


>FDR being voted president for three terms is equal to Mussolini and Hitler becoming leaders by force

Fuck off drumpfie


>he thinks Peterson is alt-right even though he called them out and they all hate him now
>thinks neo-marxism is just something far right extremist made up


It seems you are working with the contemporary definition of Fascism which amounts to nothing more than "big meanies in uniforms clubbing people they don't like".

every man a king

Try pointing out how he's wrong in each point instead of just saying his definition is wrong

>"Tolerance" is not a core liberal value.
I'm speaking of tolerance as in not engaging in violence against people who engage in thought or lifestyle different from your own.
>It's not a core American value either.
We used to have a relatively strong freedom of speech and we still currently have freedom of religion. There is nothing more tolerant than free speech.

>Justice is not anti-fascist.
Fascists are highly machiavellian, the whole point of the totalitarian government is so that it can censor, imprison, and kill as it sees fit to strengthen the people. A fair and objective justice system is not compatible with true totalitarianism and it would hinder the progress of fascism.

>Injustice is not the Fascist endgame.
The fascist endgame seems to be democracy or anarchy maintained by a conditioned population. But fascism requires injustice to reach that.

I made it pretty clear that I'm a liberal. Liberals and leftists are mortal enemies and no ideology has dispensed of more leftists than liberalism. I hate leftists a lot more than I hate fascists because leftists are actually competent in destroying liberal values.

No, I'm going by the proper definition of fascism. Class collaboration + totalitarianism + nationalism. They believe in the cooperation of all classes sacrificing to help the nation as a whole, under a totalitarian state which does whatever is necessary to strengthen the nation and itself.

They are the same thing. Both are fixated on identity poltiics, get easily triggered, feel disenfranchised and entitled, act like babies, and think actors playing a character represent white genocide or white supremacy.

The same as early 1900s america but without elections and free speech. Many of the other characteristics of Fascism (eugenics, segregation, expansionism, breaking up of labor movements) were already in place.

meh america is too much big for that and too much diverse. You had fascism in italy, ns in germany, para-fascism in spain and portugal.

What does Petercuck have to do with fascism?

My predictions:
-Restrictions on freedom of speech, travel, press, inter racial relationships (romantically, commercially etc)
-Certain limitations on guns (probably no minorities would be allowed to own a gun, and the gun owning whites would be incorporated in some way to the state sanctioned militia)
-More references to religion
-More harsher penalties towards crime, organized crime would become very weak (like mafia during Mussolini). Less prison time, more death sentences
-Increased social programs, charities getting replaced by state run organizations

>many of the other characteristics of Fascism >eugenics, segregation
What did he mean by this?

I'll give you individualism and liberty, but Justice is inherently neutral (Hell, people would unironically support a fascist regime if it meant enacting their form of "justice") and a concept different to every individual, while tolerance is dead in a good portion of the country, particularly the south.

That said, there's one major cultural trait that follows alongside individuality that you left out, and that's self-determination and self-reliance. Fascism inherent erodes those two aspects, which to Americans is a front to the very core of their being.

>while tolerance is dead in a good portion of the country, particularly the south.
I know very little about the south, do they practice shunning and censorship down there like in coastal cities? I was under the impression the south was a melting pot of tolerance compared to academic environments.

first post
best post

I'm not who you're responding to but this is just silly.
>I'm speaking of tolerance as in not engaging in violence against people who engage in thought or lifestyle different from your own.
Except, you know, the gangs of patriots roving around the South and New England beating the shit out of Loyalists after the Revolution. Or the Committees of Safety and Correspondence that were setup locally across the country during the Revolution to identify and harass Loyalists. Tolerance of anti-American dissent is not an American value at all, in fact the opposite is.

>Fascists are highly machiavellian, the whole point of the totalitarian government is so that it can censor, imprison, and kill as it sees fit to strengthen the people. A fair and objective justice system is not compatible with true totalitarianism and it would hinder the progress of fascism.
Yes, so they are not supporting injustice, but rather setting up a justice system that acts on a whole different spectrum from what was previous. The totalitarian system exists to change the very idea of what inherently is justice from the backwards old regime to the new progressive regime. You can see early examples of this failing in the French Revolution and succeeding in the American Revolution. Of course as a reactionary for the old regime you'd have an inherent interest in painting the new justice as not justice at all, but injustice. Just like the loyalists and monarchists centuries ago saw liberal justice as not justice at all but injustice.

>The fascist endgame seems to be democracy or anarchy maintained by a conditioned population. But fascism requires injustice to reach that.
I don't even know what this means, any state maintains itself by conditioning the population to believe that it is legitimate. Fascism is merely supplanting your ideal of justice with a new ideal of justice.

We already have corporate fascism

Not even a commie

>America has mostly Anglo culture

Fucking this, all the /pol/acks, stormniggers and leftyniggers trying to force their shitty Continental European ideology on a country that started out with the sole intention to avoid all of that in the first place are retarded.

If anything, the US could revert back to the "Good Ol' Days" which I imagine is something like the early 20th Century US and the nation still had issues then. All I can say as that Anglos-American culture needs to take control of the country again, the parts of the US are changing demographically, and therefore culturally, and it may be permanent if something isn't done about it

It really is a much more complex issue that goes beyond simple dislike of a specific group. The south is very focused on small groups like family, town/area culture, and just really specific mannerisms that lack definition but are noticeable when comparing yourself to other people. In a loosely defined sense, it's modern tribalism.

Southern hospitality isn't just a meme, it's an important part of southern culture. A southerner will welcome foreign people as an honored guest, putting on their best and regarding the visitor as a friend, regardless if they're from the town across the river, other side of the country, or somewhere else entirely. It's the same sort of behavior a duke or a king (Massively scaled down, however, since a southerner's domain might simply be a trailer house that's in dire need of repair) would show a guest in that it's their duty to ensure the well being of their guest while in their domain.

Just like that king though, things can get sour in a heartbeat if the guest fails to adhere to certain rules, namely that the host's sense of morality is not to be directly questioned, nor his relatives or those under his banner insulted, or any number of other rules that aren't always clear until you pass on one. If the host's ire is invoked, at best the host will become irate, and at worst you might become associated with a specific group that he already dislikes from poor meetings with them in the past. For example, a southerner might not hate specific black people, but have a negative overall experience with them, so he associates all blacks with that category until finding otherwise. Same goes for northern peoples, foreign peoples, etc, which can lead to a dichotomy where you might have a man who hates "Mexicans" with a passion but winds up having several Mexican friends -- the hate comes from a preconceived notion of the group (Which usually holds true for surface encounters), but isn't accurate when referring to a specific person.

I would go further and while you might have a lot of self-professed racists or nationalists residing in the south, in actuality, these people are at their most lowest level a tribalist, in that they hate the unspoken differences in thought, morality, and belief between the "us" of themselves and the "them" of all others. It's a trait that's present in Americans and people all over to varying degrees, but is strongest in the south.

Do you even know what free press means

Yeah, press independent of state control. Not desirable, because it's controlled by the kikes instead.

The kikes naturally gravitate to where control is offered, so if you close free press, they'll just show up on the state side anyway.

>No argument except name-calling and autistic pedantics

Yep, it's a retarded /pol/yp


what if we don't allow jews to have state jobs? this is a fascist government we're talking about here

Southern hospitality is a fuckin lie you shitspouting nigger.