>he isn't a Sunni Muslim
Why do you want to go to hell user?
He isn't a Sunni Muslim
>threatning people with allah
you will go into the third or fourth circle of hell, consisting of elephants and grapes like very other wastrel and false-prophet of islam PBUH
I'm not threatening anyone? I'm asking a question. I've also never heard of this
>He ins't a Roman Catholic
Why do you want to go to hell user?
>believing in hell
Stay cucked forever. Apostates, infidels and heretics may as well leave this board
>he's a muslim
Go rape someone.
hahaha epic bro mudslimes btfo
>a literal shitposter
Do you take advice on race from the nordic tripfag too?
This is a good a thread as any to ask I guess.
I know this Muslim girl. We've been talking yada yada you know how it goes. Is converting to marry her weird/wrong? She's pretty religious so can I/should I look forward to an obedient/loving wife? I am a white male by the way. Whole family is Protestant.
Need your opinions Veeky Forumstorians
Begone devil spawn! Go be a filthy prot somewhere else.
converting to a dead religion is pathetic
Why is it pathetic? Also isn't Islam growing fast as fuck anyway?
>you know how it goes
Pic very much related. That aside, what downsides are there to convert to Islam as a man? I mean, as long as she doesn't expect you to move to some desert shithole or join ISIS
Their God is dead. So its pathetic
Nah her family is Yemeni but she was born in America and is fairly westernized all things considered. Still follows Islamic beliefs like hijab. I won't have to do any crazy shit like move back. I wouldn't even if she suggested anyway.
I'm not religious anyway so I'd really just do it to be with her. Idgaf about her God or anything
Do it brother converts are welcomed with open arms
>like hijab
Well, as long as you make sure that there are no overly large hooks attached, I'd say go for it
Converting to another religion because of a bitch is the most beta thing you could possibly do.
as for obedient wife it depends on her upbringing
I am. It feels good as fuck desu. I dont have to hassle with weeding through tons of sluts in the west to find a good women, ill just get me a girl from back home once my im done with my education.
Are they actually? I was worried about this. Apparently there's a lot of harsh cultural rules that she and her family follows (it seems like that's more important than her religion, but I digress) and I don't want to be outcast for being a convert.
I've considered how beta I'd appear. But I don't care about that so much these days.
She seems like the obedient type. She has mentioned that the only way she could marry somebody was if they were Muslim, all the men in her family approves, etc. Her brother already likes me, so thats good. Apparently her father is fairly westernized as well so I dont think it'd be hard for him to like me, especially since Im performing very well in uni right now.
Yeah. If her parents didn't beat her enough she'd show too much ankle
>I've considered how beta I'd appear.
Literally who gives a shit?
>Are they actually? I was worried about this. Apparently there's a lot of harsh cultural rules that she and her family follows (it seems like that's more important than her religion, but I digress) and I don't want to be outcast for being a convert.
Well I can only speak from experience. One of my aunts is a convert and she is accepted but she's also a very good person
Convince me that Muhammad was a prophet.
Islam is actually closer to my viewpoints than mainstream trinitarian Christianity.
Basically how I feel about it. 3 years ago I might have cared but not now.
That's calming user, thanks. Her family isn't too big on going to Mosque and such they're pretty closed in except for other Muslim families they're already close with. So it's not as if I'll have a lot of people judging me (hopefully).
The way I see it, Islam is "winning" right now and has in the past. Mainstream Christianity is starting to splinter and people are starting to lose their faith (It happened to me). Meanwhile, Islam is growing, and not only that, is growing while maintaining its relative strictness in a world where strict Christianity is frowned upon. So something "right" must be happening.
He beat the two strongest empires of his time dewd
>can I/should I look forward to an obedient/loving wife?
What's her mother like?
Considering her mother doesn't work, and is only 16 years older than her while her father is in his 50s, pretty damn obedient if I had to guess.