While you waste your time and money on some vaporwave developed by only two retards in their basement that will eventually will be worth something in 3 years (coff... coff... LINK.. coff.. coff...), Ripple is taking off.
Get in here, fags.
While you waste your time and money on some vaporwave developed by only two retards in their basement that will eventually will be worth something in 3 years (coff... coff... LINK.. coff.. coff...), Ripple is taking off.
Get in here, fags.
I hold both fucker. If LINK tanks, my Ripple profits cover my LINK losses. If LINK FOMOs once announcements are made, I make money off both.
See how the game is played ADHD gamblers?
you're only gambling on one...
XRP is going to be on the moon this time tomorrow
It's going nowhere.
It'll pump 1k sats at best...
Enjoy your baby gains.
The fact that they went out of their way to make a conference same day and town should speak volumes
I have been on ripple since 3-4 cents. We will see non stop FUD until we actually moon then everyone will stfu. XRP is one of the only cryptos that is actually being adopted
This is the most cancer LARP show I have ever seen. The Rick and Morty fan base gets a lot of hate for being cringey pseudo-intellectuals, but this show's fan base is a million times worse in that regard.
We are Not fucking buying
The conference is being held over the next three days. They will most likely save the best for last. We moon on Wednesday.
Ripple owns like 50 billion more XRP tokens.
Enjoy the bags.
has anything ever mooned after conference in crypto?
Tomorrow is the days of Ben Bernanke, most likely the hype day is tomorrow.
We might expect a pump, a dump and another pump for whatever they announce in the next days.
Can‘t believe that xrp haters still don’t get that those billions of xrp will be locked away via escrow. Are you really that stupid?
Link is literally designed so we can't get rich off it. It's a vehicle for rich kikes to get rich and control us.
Seriously, almost like (((they))) think link is legit?
Up up and away
ripple is throwing punches at swift nonstop. guess who is associated with swift? nothing personnel, kid
where can I buy ripple?
>nothing ever good came out of a single digit number of people doing something in their basement/garage
>Time magazine
You absolute dimwit.
Now list the ones that didn't make it
He's just being interviewed, I don't think he's actually shilling for the coin. They've invited some of their competitors to speak, too. In an open debate
Why would the jews be scared of themselves?
How would we know what they are if they didn't make it?
Why do they need them in the first place