TJ The Amazing Atheist a man who is considered by many to be one of our generations greatest intellectuals is planning to take up the mantle of Kraut and fright against race realists. How Will this go down /pol/?
TJ "Amazing Atheist" vs JF soon
Is he pro or anti
who's JF
>considered by many to be one of our generations greatest intellectuals
>TJ The Amazing Atheist a man who is considered by many to be one of our generations greatest intellectuals is planning to take up the mantle of Kraut and fright against race realists. How Will this go down /pol/?
>Amazing Atheist
>greatest intellectuals
It shouldn't be too hard to BTFO these guys.
I've had so-called "race realists" argue to my face that I should not be allowed to go to school because I'm too stupid and am better suited to physical labor...while my grad GPA was 3.92
>I've had so-called "race realists" argue to my face that I should not be allowed to go to school because I'm too stupid and am better suited to physical labor...while my grad GPA was 3.92
I'll take shit that never happened for 500. I expect this sort of behaviour from mongs though.
Happened twice, actually, once by an esoteric hitlerist that I quickly stopped associating with and once from a friend's drunk cousin.
It's cute though when someone advocating for blatant racism says that reported acts of blatant racism are fantasy. It's not like it's a completely transparent tactic or anything.
>implying I suggested racism is a fantasy
>making up an actual irl "esoteric hitlerist" which you clearly pulled from a thread earlier today about the subject
>picked it because it sounded edgy and hardcore when in reality it's just talking about Atlantis
>making up an associate of an associate that got drunk once and punched your buttons
IQ confirmed 80
This. is going to be. bananas.
What the fuck is race realism even supposed to be and why would anyone label themselves as such?
>race realism
I have bad news for you...
You're really not going to like it....
>note: some of the countries are actually overrated because of small sampling sizes selectively chosen for misrepresentation, for instance Sierra Leone.
So is he like a reddit conservative guy like Sargon of Akkad and the black pigeon
wtf I love chinks now
black people are generally dumber asians are generally smarter and white people are a healthy intermediate level nowhere in meat space is this controversy watching a bunch of YouTube neckbeards debate this like they're uncovering hidden knowledge is cringey as fuck
No, I think he's against "race realism." In the past he said he'd rather have to walk through a poor black neighborhood than a poor white neighborhood at night. He also said racism is evil.
>like Sargon of Akkad
You've got to be really far on the left to think that Sargon, who describes himself as a liberal, is a conservative.
Me too
>discriminates against his own
I really wish I kept that graphic of the poorest whites committing less proportional crime than the richest b*lacks
Pic related.
obama was never like on Veeky Forums and was called a nigger from day one
redditors need to cool it with the revisionism
This, it would be more correct to point out for example the 180 in supporting Ron Paul in 2012 (and then begrudgingly Mitt) to supporting Trump; Came to this shithole in 09 but from what I remember politics was only talked in the internet freedom context.
>that pic
Well, atleast /pol/ has stopped attributing that quotation to Darwin
I've been here since 08, mostly /b/ and /sp/. Most anons supported either Obama or Ron Paul. /k/ was almost completely for Ron. Nobody gave a fuck about McCain.
>making up claims about the most active and intellectually honest board on Veeky Forums
>Most anons supported either Obama or Ron Paul. /k/ was almost completely for Ron. Nobody gave a fuck about McCain
That sounds right
>TJ The Amazing Atheist a man who is considered by many to be one of our generations greatest intellectuals
>Gambia is whiter than Germany
>Namibia is whiter than Serbia
Where does Tunisia fit into this theory?
Does this have to do with the Kraut & Taa eceleb drama on /pol/?
TJ, who is one of the greatest youtube scientists, will certainly destroy JF's racist pseudo-science.
I for one, am eagerly expecting the reckoning.
I can't wait to hear the usual oh-so-great arguments like "more variation within that between" and "what about poverty!".
>1606 words
A couple of pages? Wow, absolutely mind-boggling.
He's usually anti-racism but I think this time he might switch sides (like with his support of Trump) to pander to his alt-right fan base.
This gave me a good laugh on a bad day. Thanks OP.
>describing yourself as a liberal mean you are a liberal
>believing a person completely non bias description of themselves
Why are you supporting this delusion user?
Because it's ideologically advantageous for them to offer prospective recruits a "classical liberal" (even though almost everyone who describes themselves as such is a modern ((read: neoliberal)) libertarian) as a gateway drug for other more extreme ideologies; fascism, nationalism, ethnotribalism, quasitheocracy, segregationism, etc.
Because it comes down to more than what he says he is. Every belief he puts forward in his videos supports this. Why would he make 1000s of hours of material that goes against his true beliefs. Fair enough if he only made 5 minute videos pretending to be Liberal but that's not the case
>"This will surely be there end of these racists", says the increasingly nervous man for the 100th time this year
It amazes me how TJ, even when involved in one of the dumbest communities of the internet still manages to be the dumbest one there. That man is mentally handicapped
>t a man who is considered by many to be one of our generations greatest intellectuals
>a man who is considered by many to be one of our generations
I'm sure this is satire but I still laughed in disbelief. I mean I like the Drunken Peasants podcast but TJ is generally the least reasonable person there, especially compared to his brother. Scotty may have anger issues but he also has a better head on his shoulders.
Basically an excuse to be a collectivist.
so a debate between one who stuck a banana in his pillbox and the other who masturbates in his mothers panties, aka two attention whores?
Did either of them intend for that to go public?
Literally never heard of that frog until the recent rigamaroo sauce on his dirt
Ryan Faulk beat the shit out of Kraut, he will do the same with TJ.
That version was funnier though
Last time I saw this quote it was literally attributed to Darwin
He's an anti-SJW and anti-religion left leaning guy and would have voted for Bernie. He's also good friends with Kyle Kulinski of Secular Talk.
>If I drop a redpill on him I can disguise the fact that I just denied his personal experiences and bitch about pedantic shit like the autist I am instead of outright saying I'm a racist piece of garbage
Leftists are cretins, if someone says trannies are not women that's enough for them to label someone a conservative. Even if he's an atheist who supports gay marriages. Anyone who isn't a complete degenerate choking on shit covered dildos is a right winger to them, and anyone who talks about race is literally Hitler.