Let's see where Veeky Forums is from, post your old town/square and let people guess
>brotip: mine is tough
Let's see where Veeky Forums is from, post your old town/square and let people guess
Fuck off NSA
It past high noon manigga
It is cold and late here, so I can't be bothered to walk through the snow to get to our "Old Town," to get a picture, but I can give you a big clue: It served as one of two major influences for the design of Disney World's "Anytown, USA" plaza, the other one being Burlington, VT
Hint:remof kebap
Nigger like some organisation NSA tier or deeper doesn't know your exact location, last time you took a shit, and what the contents of that shit was. Fucking newfag
I know, faget. Toompea in Estonia.
Hint: flags
It's not Brussels is it?
nah, you're way off
Tirana, Albania
Nikosia, Cyprus?
Close af nigga
Nicosia like another user said, but just because of the greek and the "cyp..." on the side of the picture, apart from that I woudln't be able to guess. With architecture like this, it could be anywhere from San Sebastian to mezzogiorno to half a dozen french cities.
I'm guessing it's somewhere in Hungary
It's colonial architecture and south of Nicosia, on the shore. You're really close.
Limassol? Only other cypriot city I know by name.
Or am I getting colder? I literally don't know any other city in Cyprus
Lol back to Cyprus mate
Closer, but still wrong
Not even (that much) close.
It's Vicenza, innit?
Not even kidding
i'm curious about your guesses
Hint plx
looks too comfy for belgrad or sarajevo, pls resolve
Believe it or not it's south of Vojvodina AND south of Belgrade. It's one of the few comfy towns between the mudshits in the south and the Hungarian cities in the north. It's called Jagodina, in central Serbia with actual Serbs. We also have a mega mafiozo mayor called Palma who pays for shit like the waterpark, stadium, zoo, karting, shopping malls, parks etc.. but there still is a lot of commie architecture. Despite that, the squares are pretty nice.
cuckville, murimuttsberg
Freiburg im Breisgau
yup, you get an infograph as a reward.
Krakow, Poland.
I cross this street almost everyday.
Yeah what with it saying the name in the top
Oh shit, didnt notice
Thanks. I went to Freiburg once, but just for one night. I remembered not being able to find a hotel for several hours before midnight, but in the end I got very lucky. I haven't seen a lot of the town though.
Town is stupidly fucking small and young, will be amazed if anyone knows without cheating
Not Toompea, just the old town of Tallinn. But close enough.
Isn't Toompea like the hill in Talin where pic is located?
Toompea is the hill in the old town. Toompea is a part of the old town itself. Toompea houses the Estonian government and parliament, which is in the Toompea Castle. But the picture with small towers in my original post is taken not at Toompea, but the lower part of Old Town, close to Toompea though.
Pic here is Toompea Castle/Parliament house
What am I looking at? Towns ended in x?
This pic might explain it better. Toompea is on the lower right corner, while the original picture towers are in the left lower corner.
Yeah, It's pretty much all town endings in Germany, they indicate different things, for example the ending -ingen is associated with settlements of the Alammnen, weil -rod(e) means clearing in old Franconian or Saxon
What a coincidence! ow and itz in easter germany! as if some slavs lived there before!
-itz and -ow indicate Slavic origin. Not always but most of the time.