Veeky Forums memes
Veeky Forums memes
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Why did he lose so bad anyway?
Eddie there is giving me flashbacks to Wesley Snipes' bleached hair in Demolition Man
literally every pic posted was shit
just nuke this board
>t. brainlet
>Praise Nothing
pretty good
top kek
A Vandal magister with known Arian tendencies was holding a symposium in honour of Demophilus, a known schismatic.
"Before the toasts begin, you must get on your knees and worship God and accept that he was the most divine entity the ecumene has ever known, even greater than Christus whom he created!"
At this moment, a venerable Praepositus Limitis who had served on the frontiers for decades and understood the necessity of taming the Barbaricum and fully supported the creed promulgated by the great Constantinus rose from his couch and held up a crucifix.
"Who does this represent?"
The Rhenian cur smirked quite devilishly and smugly replied, "the created child of an indivisible God"
"You miss the point. Jesus Christ our Dominus is of the same substance as God and thus equal to Him."
The heretic was visibly shaken, and dropped his wine krater and copy of Eusebius' Onomastikon. He stormed out of the banquet hall crying those laetus crocodile tears. The same tears Donatists and Priscillians cry for the "poor" (who today are so holy that saints vie to kiss their feet) as they flee Roman territory to the outrage-committing Bacaudae in Armorica. There is no doubt that at this point the "learned" Vandal wished he had studied the work of the Holy Apostles and become more than a ludicrous teacher of rhetoric. He wished so much that he had a spatha to disembowel himself with due to the shame but he had sold all the city's arms for Gaiseric's ransom pay!
The partygoers politely clapped and all ceased their apostasy that day and accepted Jesus as the true Son of God. A divine light suddenly shone into the room and blazed upon the bust of Augustine and the statue wept miraculously. The Nicene Creed was recited, and Jesus Monogenes himself descended and banished the barbarians to the hellish wastes beyond the limes.
The magister lost his tongue and was castrated the following day. He was exiled to Troesmis, far from from God's Light.
Praise Jesus Consubstantialis.
Made this myself
Funny I had a family member who basically did this to Americans in the war of 1812
Damn, this thread is some 9gag tier garbage.
You faggots actually find this shit funny?
Literally the only good meme ITT and it's meta shit.
>9gag tier garbage
Most people on Veeky Forums are unironic redditors who get their "memes" from reddit, 9gag, Facebook and Twitter.
Yeah, really should look like pic related.
/letypol/ and Reddit taking over humanities and /pol/ taking over history? Surprisingly accurate.
I always wanted to see this version
I know there are a lot of useless threads about communism/fascism and WWII but most posts are always against them, discussions about various genocides are always more productive than those on /pol/ and it always ends with stormfront getting btfo.
The source from a Roman historian. The numbers are obviously inflated.
Both sides had 50,000 men and Seleukid loss mostly came from elephant rampage in Seleukid front.
>Not "Your kingdom is fugged"
Try this.
I thought the left leg on the /pol/ monkey was it's penis lol
Why does it always have to be WW2 maps with you morons? Why can't it be WW1 maps? Or French Revolution maps?
It fit.
It simply fit.
None of your examples do.
Who would be who in Great War or in French revolution maps?
I cant find anything on this other than that the riflemen got assraped
/pol/ = Nazi Germany
/leftypol/ = East Germany
reddit = Modern Germany
Veeky Forums = German Empire
First time I see the word "eaglet" but it's pretty cool. Nice painting even though it's a Ukrainian city now hopefully their sacrifice wasn't in vain somehow.
Most of population moved to Wroclaw(Breslau).
But yeah sadly its wasted on Ukrainian state and Ukrainians.
You implying that /pol/ is natural progression from Veeky Forums?
And then /pol/ split into redit and /leftypol/?
>Made this myself
Do you watch history civilils?
haha epic another funny facebook image thread these are my favourite on /his
That's fucking hilarious
Underrated post
name a better meme than /maobullying/
Romania is /b/
>the professor, Noam Chomsky
Bakunin was a poor choice. Feuerbach or Bauer would fit much better.
May Venice rot in hell
For those who don't know.
Better version: One of the polish partion maps with /pol/ /int/ and /leftypol/
>Hurrr we at Veeky Forums have superior intelect, unlike those stupids at everywhere else but here
>Hurrrr we are so spacial
>Hurrr Veeky Forums exceptionalism
They did nothing wrong. The Ottomans were better neighbors than the Byzantines
ill remember this next time a brit talks shit
I can't. It's too perfect.
doesn't get old
You don't know what shit is until you've been to a /mu/mour thread
>Finnish flag
Top kek
This is fucking sad to me, this guy is brainwashed and he doesn't even realize it.
>>The Jews went across the Mediterranean, founded the city of Athens, founder the city of Ceasar-Augusta, which means the Fortress of Zara
Wew lad