Where this guys come from?
Where this guys come from?
germscum's shit-riddled minds
Your mothers cunt
from BLACK Africa.
Shut up turkoid subhuman
someone redpill me on this. any truth to it?
The preceeding Villanovan culture. The theory that they came from Anatolia is bullshit. Their language being non-IE doesn't mean that they arrived after the IEs, since they simply could have retained their pre-IE language while being influenced culturally and genetically by the Indo-Europeans migrations.
I heard something like this on the ancient world podcast, it seems theres evidence to suggest a mass migration from asia minor into the Italian peninsula around the time of the collapse of the bronze age in 1100 b.c.e which would be around the time most historians date the illiad
I want this to be true so much.
IIRC there's some kind of genetic link between Italian and Anatolian cattle that a lot of people have cited as a potential link between the Etruscans and Anatolians, but I don't know how valid that link actually is.
It would be cool, but theres still a lot of debate around it
If the Aenid is proven to be historical fact, I will probably spontaneously orgasm. I want it that much.
Romulus and Remus were actually colored people. Romans were mainly africans before the germanic genocide
Why do we keep buying wh*tey propaganda? We have to put a stop to this
livy says aneas came there and started raiding and a local king convinced him to join them they then repelled some enemy together but the king was conveniently killed
Space aliens from the mothership.
Do we know anything about their genetics?
I read every single publication in the topic and that hypothesis is not feasible
Yes, they cluster with South Balkanians
No, troy VII fell in 1180 bc, people in etruria lived in small circular wooden huts and produced Apenninian like pottery until 650 bc when they started building houses and cities, and pottery similar to the Greek ones because they interacted with the Greek colonists from South Italy, Corsica, Massalia and so on
>Comparing ancient (30 Etruscans, 27 Medieval individuals) and modern DNA sequences (370 Tuscans), with the results of millions of computer simulations, we show that the Etruscans can be considered ancestral, with a high degree of confidence, to the current inhabitants of Casentino and Volterra, but not to the general contemporary population of the former Etruscan homeland. By further considering two Anatolian samples (35 and 123 individuals) we could estimate that the genetic links between Tuscany and Anatolia date back to at least 5,000 years ago, strongly suggesting that the Etruscan culture developed locally, and not as an immediate consequence of immigration from the Eastern Mediterranean shores.
What does this mean?
It means they weren't Troyans. They were probably pre-IE people (hunter-gatherers+neolithic farmers) that settled there some 7000 years ago.
That the last time some of the anncestors Etruscans migrated from Anatolia was in 3000 bc, when we know a second wave of Caucasus hunter gatherer farmers migrated to Anatolia and from there to South Eastern Europe including most of Italy
They probably had some CHG admixture from the calcolithic (3000-2000 bc)
They migrated from Anatolia to Lemnos in 3000 BC but Lemnos to Italy in 900 BC
No, they didn’t, there is no Anatolian pottery, weapons or structures in Etruria, they were completely native to Central Italy materially until the 7th century when they started copying the greeks
The only foreign influence before that were from Central Europe: burial urns, weapons, decorative motifs such as the solar boat and fibulae
There was also some significant trade going on with Sardinia as well probably because Villanovians had plenty of iron mines
There is not however any proof of direct exchange between Anatolians and Etruscans, archsrologists doscovered some Urartu like caulderons in some etrurian cities, but they only date back to the 6th century be and were mediated by the Greeks according to major Etruscologists like Massimo Pallottino
>I heard something
It's already been established they weren't from Anatolia(after 3000-2000 BC) but represented a pre-IE holdout from insular Greece.
They didn't expand in Cisalpine, they were the Natives before being genocided by the Gauls.
They were defeated by the Romans, not by the Gauls
Established by whom?
the people inhabiting central Italy in the late bronze age and early iron age were a warrior culture with some of the most efficient weapons around in the world at the time, it's unlikely they would have let a small Aegean population rule over them
Villanovian (people inhabiting early iron age Etruria) weapons from 800-750 bc, completely different from any sword or weapon from the Aegean
Villanovian urn depicting a hut, from the 8th century bc.
These hut shaped urns were widespread in Etruria and depicted how Villanovian huts looked at the time, completely different from Aegean houses
Another, you can see the typical European motifs such as the solar boat or double headed ducks
Another hut
Another hut shaped urn
You get the idea, they were proud of their huts, which looked nothing like Aegean houses wich were rectangular with flat roofs and made out of mud or stone
Villanovian hut reconstructed, completely different from any Aegean house, very European like
Another reconstruction
Keep in mind that this culture lasted until 700-650 bc, so where's the room for those mysterious Pre IE Aegean migration?
The Pre Villanovian and proper Villanovian culture lasted from 1200 bc to 700 bc, when exactly did this Lemnos' migration occur then?
Care to share the sauce of this pics? I want to know how late villanovan/early etruscan cities and cultures looked like.
>The Lemnos afair
I think that
A. Lemnos was a place where etruscan migrated for some reasons; or
B. They share similare traits because they both belong to a proto-non-IE cultures.
Also how is that nobody see similarities beetwen etruscan runes and nordic ones?
>Also how is that nobody see similarities beetwen etruscan runes and nordic ones?
Same source.
They were weak m*doid subhumans who got cucked by the Nordic Latin man :)
>Same source
The greek alphabet, yeah. But how it got so up to the north?
I didn't say defeated but GENOCIDED
There is no evidence right is a Latin, stop polluting threads with your autism you Polish retard
They weren’t, it was Latins who destroyed Veii and enslaved its population, not the Celts
t. delusional m*dshit
Nice power fantasy BUT...
You are by far the most obnoxious poster on this board, at last Rey has legitimate schizophrenia so he can't really be blamed.
If you cannot avoid shitposting on Veeky Forums 24/7 at least stick to /int/ and /pol/ where you can make your low effort baits
It's clear you don't know or care about the topic, you just came here to post about your idealize Nordic warrior, we already know you have power fantasies about muh PIE, but that's not how history works, history isn't a tool for your escapism and desires of control over your shitty life
Etruscan territory was in Tuscany, parts of Latium, Campania and Emilia, and they were not defeated by Celts, they were absorbed by Romans
>muh PIE, but that's not how history works
It is. This is why Nordics (pure IEs) are superior to m*dshits :)
Etruscans inhabited by Northern Italy before being """"defeated"""" by the Gauls.
> they were absorbed by Romans
After the Gauls crushed them
This is not /bant/, keep your fantasies and shitposts to yourself
>they were absorbed by Romans
I think it was the other way arround, meaning that etruscan "conquered" Rome but the estruscan took the roman identity as own. After all, the etruscans were a very big culture compared to Rome and not in vain Rome end up with a couple of etruscan kings.
They were attacked from multiple places by the Greeks, Romans and Celts, of course all great civilization must come to an end eventually, the celts however were never half of what the Etruscans were
Thanks, do you have the pdf by any chance?
go back to pol pls
During the bronze age collapse the Terramare culture was invaded by the Teresh, a group displaced from Troas (Troy), whomst the Romans would call Truscan or Etruscan.
Source: My ass
The Terramare culture collapsed because of a drought and all the settlements were abruptly abandoned, but not destroyed in a war, the Terramare people were the ones who migrated South and destroyed South Italian settlements like Rocca Vecchia.
These southward migrations caused the people inhabiting prehistoric South Italy to migrated towards the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean, this is proved by the discovery of Italian pottery, weapons and tools in Mycenaean cities and in Near Eastern sites.
So ironically what happened was the exact opposite of what you're saying.
Original Italic people were Nordics :)
>original Italic people
>presents a list of ruling class individuals not older then 30 years BC
cool story friend ;)
Sure m8
This is why it required only a few Celtic tribes + a sub-tribe(Insubres) to genocide the Etruscans and take over Northern Italy.
Had the Gauls united the entire Europe would have been Celtic.
Same can be said of the Thracians. The truth is we will never know the extent of solidarity or cooperation these peoples had in reality.
>700 years after the foundation of the city
Blue/grey eyes isn't a nordic trait. And subflavum doesn't mean blond-haired.
t. Giovanni
It's that one Sardinian supremacist nutjob again trying to claim that Etruscans were not similar to modern day central Italians but Sardines
They were still originally Italic, which means they preserved their Nordic race :)
>It's that one Sardinian supremacist nutjob again trying to claim that Etruscans were not similar to modern day central Italians but Sardines
No one made that claim in this thread, Etruscans were probably CHG admixed so not really similar to Sardinians
Accually etruscans are linked to non-ie-farmers, wich are also linked to sardinean people.
Anyway I don't really know where you're getting this from it seems you're obsessed
There are no Etruscan samples but it's likely they were mixed with steppe people more than Sardinians since they experienced Terramare migration from the North
I don't know if he's Sardinian but I am and I've never claimed Etruscans were Sardinians, paleo Sardinian is similar to Basque not Etruscan
That would make them similar to Basques.
You need additional CHG and Natufian-Levant in the mix to create Italians.
My view is that at least some of this mixing which led to modern day Italians happened before the kings of Rome.
Another Greek colony.
Sort of, they were influenced by Greek culture but retained their own language and traditions
I remember seeing a PCA with Etruscans clustering with Balkanians so they probably had some extra chg admixture from the copper age
Look at Ancient etruscans are belived to be a local developed non-ie culture.
>There are no Etruscan samples
What to you mean by this.
I am not sardinean. I never said that etruscans wew sardineans too. I just saying that etruscans are linked genetically with the pre-ie farmers, and sardineans are linked to them too.
>paleo Sardinian is similar to Basque not Etruscan
Can you sauce me up? This is very interesting.
>You need additional CHG and Natufian-Levant in the mix to create Italians
Well yes, Romans, latins, italotes and other ie-decents are. Etruscants are not.
>Etruscans clustering with Balkanians
Can you give me a sauce pls? Take in notice that modern tuscans=/=acient etruscans. Maybe modern tuscans are linked to people in the balkans.
>Can you sauce me up? This is very interesting.
Eduardo Blasco Ferrer, Paleosardo. Le radici linguistiche della Sardegna neolitica (2010)
Anyway it is true that the Sardinians and Villanovians traded frequently, it's an accepted fact since Pallottino, I didn't mean to say Etruscans were Sardinians, I would never claim such an idiotic thing, cultural exchange and migration are two different things.
>You need additional CHG and Natufian-Levant in the mix to create Italians.
Sauce of that? Your ass.
He’s right, Sicilians have additional natufian admixture and so do South italians, this is why they cluster with Ashkenazi and Cypriots
Ashkenazi cluster with southern italians because they descend from them, not because of obscure natufian influence
>they cluster with Ashkenazi and Cypriots
No they don't. They are right next Mycenaeans, stupid mutt.
Myceneans/Minoans were CHG loaded from Copper Age Anatolians while also retaining majority Neolithic heritage. They also entirely lacked the WHG component present in Sicilians to some extent and which pulls in an opposite direction from CHG.
Im from bosnia. The balkan aka the scum area of europe
The Etruscans were probably from the Balkans so you have that
ITT: Shitalian wewuzzing Troy
If only that faggot didnt kill Franz Ferdinand we would probably be better of now.
I'm very interested, can you tell me from which study it is from please.
No, they weren't. And that pic has been debunked a lot of times, since the sources are awful and I woudn't doubt that they were just completly made up. Just look at frescoes depicting patricians, they are all brown haired/brown eyed. You can also look at their sculptures to see that they are mediterranean and dont look nordic at all.
Stop destroying every thread with your inferiority complex.
>No, they weren't. And that pic has been debunked a lot of times, since the sources are awful
It was not "debunked" even once, it was just m*dish shitskins being butthurt and screeching "b-but subflavum means light brown!111"
Is this retard serious?
And so it begins... Monitoring this discussion.
Do not listen to these new age Villanovan pretenders.
Great argument you've made there, now I'm convinced
were the subhuman m*doid etruscans really able to develop civilisation before being taught it by the nordic aryan latins? how much of etruscan """civilisation"""" is exaggeration, or even outright nonsense revisionism?
They were taught by Greeks, not Latins
>Do we know anything about their genetics?
mostly turk and african rape babies.
>covered in Swastikas
Why are they everywhere in the very ancient world???