I just got this game for Christmas because I thought it looked fun and was Ancient Egypt themed. To get straight to the point, does this game portray the people that existed during this time period accurately? In your opinion of course.
AC Origins: How historically accurate is this game /his?
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No flying cars or skyscrapers.
Ancient Egyptians were Black. Don't understand why wh*Tes think Egyptians were wh*Te
The worldbuilding is good. The AC versions of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra owe more to Shakesespeare and Elizabeth Taylor than to history.
Its highly likely ancient egyptians were neither white or black, but egyptians
>Romans are featured as white
Found this article, I want to see what you guys think about it, it says that Sub Saharan ancestry seemed to have came in post Roman Periods.
Cleopatra should be a pale Greek, since royalty stayed out of he sun so they’d all be extremely pale, she’s obviously some native in the game when she should be a foreign Greek queen. Too many blacks around, they had their own civilization in Nubia and Egypt was almost entirely Egyptian. Ever see a picture of an Egyptian street, watched the riots, seen the demographic for yourself? Well, there were even LESS black people in ancient Egypt than there are today, and there’s barely any today since this part of the world doesn’t produce black people. Of course WE WUZ PHARAOHS N SHIET FOR 90 YEARS THAT ONE TIME and so all Egyptians throughout history should be depicted as black because a ruling dynasty of foreign blacks from Nubia ruled them for less than a hundred years in their thousands of years of existence, and even at that point it was a black family ruling over an Egyptian(brown skinned) Semitic population
I do like that they have the Nome system, reflecting to some extent the actual administrative divisions used in Egypt for like 3000 years.
what dynasty are you referring to blessed tripsman?
not incredibly accurate but good enough for a AAA game, aside from the literal character assassinations of Caesar and Cleopatra.
25th dynasty or the Nubian Dynasty, ruled from 760-656 BC, barely a blip in Egyptian history as a whole.
Not at all. It's version of Caesar, Cleopatra and the like is based far more on Shakespeare than reality.
I like how they used the term "Somatophylakes" Properly. Instead of just calling them "bodyguards."
whitey genocide when?
>The ancient DNA data revealed a high level of affinity between the ancient inhabitants of Abusir el-Meleq and modern populations from the Near East and the Levant.
Ancient Egyptians were Middle Eastern people with significantly less sub-Saharan DNA then they have now.
It's like asking if the ancient iberians were like the andalusians nowadays.
>character assassinations of Caesar and Cleopatra
>a narcissistic asshole and a literal whore
i havn't played the game but how much worse could they portray them then they actually were?
How is the portrayal of Caesar? I'm a Caesar fanboy and if this game fucks him up by making him some evil imperialist or some shit I ain't interested.
You mean setting, right?
>da die is cast
>u 2, muh son?????
>is pretty much Lucius Septimus's bitchboy
>tries to be confirmed as Rome's king at the end of the game
yeah it's shit
were they ?
Are there Aliens in this one? Because if not it's total bullshit