why are there so many commies and nazis on Veeky Forums? you're all just being ironic right? i refuse to believe there are so many retards who actually believe they'd survive a week in a society like that and wouldn't be sent to concentration camps because they're fucking worthless subhuman neets
You're literally supporting an ideology that despises anti-social people and losers.
I crack up everytime some 56% amerimutt preaches about how nazism is good
Why are there so many commies and nazis on Veeky Forums? you're all just being ironic right...
Hey, stop right there, filthy spineless centrist. There's very little in common between respectable things like democratic socialism or communism and memes like Nazism and fascism.
>anti-social people and losers
I'm not a loser, but psychologically flawed or damaged without a doubt, like everybody on Veeky Forums, I believe.
>if you don't support a totalitarian ideology, you're a centrist
The Nazis never sent their own citizens to concentration camps
Because moderates of any stripe get drowned out by the vocal sperglords, regardless of how many they are.
except those who expressed views that were not supportive of the regime, gays, jews, anti-social people, mentally disabled, socialists....
I somehow feel this might not be accurate, it'd be interesting if an user well-versed in the history of Nazi Germany could shed light on this claim.
To be fair socialists definitely deserve to be rounded up and put in camps. They're filth.
Jews and other inferior races weren't citizens of the Varerland under the Nuremberg laws. Also those other groups are gross and don't deserve rights either.
if jews are an inferior race then why do they control the world, according to the nazis?
Any society that allows me to exist is a bad one
Getting rounded up and turned into fire kindling doesn't sound like ruling anything to me. lol :D
>You're literally supporting an ideology that despises (...) losers.
I hope you're only referring to nazis here because communism's origins are in Marx arguing that the losers of industrialisation need to unite and overthrow their opressors in order to create a better society where people don't have to 'lose'.
I'm a feudalist.
yes, because Nazis where only good at killing women and children
when they met with real resistance (Soviets and Western Allies) they got fucking rekt
Marx was a NEET who spent time concocting justifications for why society should give him NEETbux. You shouldn't take him seriously.
This along with the so-called "lgbt" is the only group I'd allow Nazi to gas them.
i'm the creator of that post and i agree, but killing people who don't agree with you, minorities and people with disabilities is just inhumane
you're saying it like that's a bad thing
>OP smacks down totalitarian spergs
>Demands they answer his simple challenge
>all replies are autism
Because Veeky Forums is a hub of contrarianism. Whatever the dominant political ethos is, Veeky Forums swings to the opposite. That's why you get so many fringe people here, some of them are honest about it, and gravitate to the environment where they can advocate such beliefs without it attaching to them and being shunned for it. Others are just trolls trolling trolls.
>Veeky Forums is so much better than /pol/
Hey, I bet those women and kids made great fertilizer, Shlomo.
i sort of agree, but they shouldn't be allowed to reproduce
imagine if third world immigrants to Europe didn't have children; the crime rate would be orders of magnitude lower
1 because they only have the balls to put their views foreward behind the sheild of anonymity
2 the nazis arent really nazis, you mever see people actually defending the specofic racial pseudo-science put foreward by hitler, theyre a mixture of trolls and idiots who think theyre smart for holding ridiculous opinions and get off on everyone disagreeing with them cuz it reinforces theor internal narrative of being persecuted
3 this is the asshole of the internet
>why are there so many commies and nazis on Veeky Forums?
edgy teenagers with no social life are drawn into edgy ideologies
>he doesn't always adopt the ideology that will get the most reactions out of a given thread
It's like you hate fun
I do think I'd survive perfectly well in a Communist society. Reaping the full benefits of my labor sounds nice. I'd definitely be purged in a fascist one, however. I'm definitely a bit of a scoundrel and have a criminal record so I'd be very easy to persecute.
What do you have a record for?
>why are there so many commies and nazis on Veeky Forums?
Only one of those groups has an entire board dedicated to spreading their bullshit.
In addition to the shit people have already said, this website heavily skews young and male, and young males of all stripes tend to gravitate towards the extremes in politics. It's just a form of macho posturing. You think you're impressing anybody by being a social democrat or a mainstream small-government conservative? You think you're gonna get laid that way? No, you need to be a communist, a Nazi, or an anarchist ... or at least a libertarian or a socialist.
Obviously you're not going to get laid or impress anyone by calling yourself any of those things either but young men are not typically very smart about this shit.
It's not a coincidence that young people tend to mellow and slide somewhat towards the center as they enter middle age, and it's not because middle-aged people are all sellouts or whatever, it's because when you get a little older you realize that it's better to support reasonable and effective policies than radical ones that are untried (or worse, that have been tried and failed) because "that wasn't real [x]".
This isn't even a strawman, this is what most of them sincerely believe. It's pathetic.
I completely agre-
>le amerimutt 56% XD
this tbhfam
>young males of all stripes tend to gravitate towards the extremes in politics.
[citation needed]
>national socialist
>Veeky Forums - History and Humanities
>basically, anyone could be declared non-citizens and subhumans and stripped of legal protection
>n-not me though, not my kind
You wait, whitey. Just you wait.
Don't have one, I'm writing from experience. There might actually be data on this out there somewhere, but I don't feel like digging it up right now. I'm talking casually here, not under any illusions that I'm making an ironclad statement backed up by oodles of citations. But frankly I'm surprised if you disagree - it's a clear trend in my experience.
>Obviously you're not going to get laid or impress anyone
>he doesn't bang his local qt polit commissar
Found the reactionary element
>gays, jews, anti-social people, mentally disabled, socialists
>gays, jews, anti-social people, mentally disabled
Redundant 2bh
>You think you're impressing anybody by being a social democrat or a mainstream small-government conservative? You think you're gonna get laid that way? No, you need to be a communist, a Nazi, or an anarchist ... or at least a libertarian or a socialist.
>Getting laid ever
>You think you're impressing anybody by being a social democrat or a mainstream small-government conservative? You think you're gonna get laid that way?
People don't get laid by talking about politics, dipshit. They talk about normal things and don't act autistic around people they want to fuck. Try seducing a girl by talking about the NAP or wanting to exterminate other races and see what happens.
Refute National Socialism please it is litteraly the optimal society that makes people flourish and be happy
Finally someone gets it
How come that 6 million thing hasn't been changed after the Auschwitz count was considerably lowered btw?
Because the guys who came up with the estimates as to 6 million Jews dead in the holocaust never particularly believed the Soviet numbers and weren't basing their death tallies on counting up camp victims in any case, but rather on analyses of demographic decline.
Not him, btw.
Mass media connects ideologues who previously would never meet IRL and gives them a way to circlejerk/ organize.
i'm a cuck
i come to /pol/ for the cuck porn
Yeah but that's not what ever happened. They took "to each according to his ability, to each according to his need" literally and said, "you don't want to work for the betterment of the system? Then you can fucking starve asshole"
>what is Dachau
Lonely 17 year old kid, goes to Veeky Forums for memes, ends up a nazi! Sad!
The strategy to rebuild the Obama Coalition for Hillary invariably ended up somewhat demonizing white men. White men were very upset with this and reacted predictably. Thankfully the Democrats are learning how to control their autism in this regard, so things will cool down accordingly in the near future.
That's the power of memes for you.
>why are there so many commies and nazis on Veeky Forums?
Have you noticed that 90% of posts on this SITE, not just the board or this thread, are just edgy quips?
This site in general is very fast-paced and not suited to real "intellectual" dialogue, plus it has an edgy reputation, altogether you get shallow totalitarianism. It's a perfect example for heuristics in effect.
>I'm not a loser, but psychologically flawed or damaged without a doubt,
You are the type of person who cuts his nose off to spite his face and then blames it on the society for giving you mental flaws.
Fuck you, I believe in militant centrism, maintain order by any means necessary, all commies, socialists, marxists, race supremacists of any color and fascists get the bullet all the same. This is as good as it will ever get in human history, all the people I listed above will do is just doom us to a life of warfare, famine and mass murder and, most likely, fail to achieve what they set out to do in the first place.
If you have to tell people you aren't a loser, you're a loser.
>why are there so many commies and nazis on Veeky Forums?
Because "containment board" is a fucking meme. It hasn't actually helped anything and so this site has a hundred times as many dumb nazis and commies are sites that just ban people immediately if they start ranting about how Hitler was right and WW2 was started by Jews.
Hitler was a militant centrist keeping both reactionaries and commies at bay.
We should ban people for disagreeing with Hitler. They can cry about their liberal values on reddit, on Veeky Forums they aren't welcome.
>you're all just being ironic right?
You think this is a fucking joke?
This is why democracy is self-destructive
Veeky Forums is a virtually unmoderated anonymous circle jerk which makes it a haven for extremists to express their opinions in a way that they can't in the rest of society.
but desu at least half of it is either contrarianism or shitposing, but that quote about people pretending to be idiots will eventually attract idiots thinking they've found fellow travelers is very accurate, especially for /pol/.
unless we're talking reactionaries/monarchists on Veeky Forums, and that's a pretty common thing when it comes to historically minded folk
What I want to know is why so many white westerners online affiliate with communism, given that kkkracker $ettler kkkolonials (especially amerikkans) are right behind porkie himself on the red extermination list.
>virtually unmoderated
Then why am I constantly banned with le global rule 3 whenever I post something racist?
I was talking about /pol/, you don't see the political extremism nearly as much on most of the site, except a few boards