>Semetic-looking Southern Europeans are a-okay
>blonde hair blue eyes Eastern Europeans are not
What did he mean by this?
Semetic-looking Southern Europeans are a-okay
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He wasn't about to tell the Italians, who were one of his only allies, that they were the enemy too.
Who are you quoting?
>I´m a faggot, please rape my face
I suspect, although I'm no expert, that the explanation is something like this: Hitler's core geopolitical idea was to make Germany a world superpower by seizing and annexing lands in Eastern Europe. Everything else, except perhaps breaking Jewish power, was secondary to him, and negotiable. Eastern Europeans, therefore, had to be either turned into servants or destroyed. This was not negotiable, since extending the German race and the state of Germany into their lands was the very essence of Hitler's vision. As for the Italians, Hitler thought fondly of Italian fascism and did not think that Germany's future lay in southern conquests, so he did not care about the details of their racial makeup.
Well, the number of ovens in service at any given moment is limited, so you have to take your subhumans in phases.
> slanty-eyed nips are honorary aryans
this. hitler's dislike of slavs and the opportunity he saw in their vast amount of land/resources was his driving vision.
It's almost like Nazi racial policy is more complex than "Everyone who doesn't have blonde hair and blue eyes stand up. Hitler would have killed you!" or something...
I'm pretty sure the Nazis stole a whole fiction of kids with "aryan" features to be raised in Germany. I'm going to assume had they won the process would be continued until all the "aryan" Rus had been Germanized and separated from the "untermensch" Slavs.
Indeed Germans deported a lot of Russian and Polish kids for germanization.
Growing up he hated living with Slavs in Austria-Hungary. It was Czechs and poles, not Italians, that kept chimping out and killing ethnic Germans
German people is made up autism to recreate society into new order and identity culture under fascist regime. It has nothing to do with genetics, its entirely made up shit to fit into their unstable politics. The moment Bulgaria or Croatia started to support them they coincidentally instantly found some ancient papers confirming their Aryan ancestry thus making them part of cool Aryan club and it was the same for everyone who wanted to be friends with Hitler.
fuck meant to write aryan people instead of german
Slavs are low IQ mongoloid-europoid hybrids enslaved by semitic Jews. Mixing with them was punishable by death.
this is why you don't have nice things, because you're retarded
Slavs have higher IQ than meds.
Slavs have mongolized skull shape, m*dshits although being inferior to the Nordic race, are fully caucasoid.
>A chart by Richard "Italians having high IQs on actual IQ tests fucks up my hypothesis so I'll 'adjust' the scores by PISA even though by necessity PISA is less g loaded than actual IQ tests" Lynn
Is the anglo even distinguishable from the jews?
>Mixing Pisa test scores and IQs.
>Adjusting IQs for the controversial Flynn effect.
Adjusting IQ for the flynn effect is mostly fine, I mean, it's probably not on g but hey, it mostly works.
But putting together PISA and IQ is literally "this is the only way my hypothesis isn't falsified" -tier. Lynn's move was utter shit from a scientific perspective.