Why do people who have never lived under socialism feel like their opinion on socialism matters?

Why do people who have never lived under socialism feel like their opinion on socialism matters?

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books.google.co.uk/books?id=Xcreg7M7k4UC&pg=PA221&lpg=PA221&dq=soviet social and economic rights seen from below&source=bl&ots=NDhmMjmKkT&sig=lSgyacs7G8Yqyqhmo2AmyYEvGGg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjegJzHn6vYAhWjAcAKHef3BnIQ6AEIJzAB#v=onepage&q=soviet social and economic rights seen from below&f=false

Why do people who have never been carpet bombed feel like their opinion on carpet bombing civilians matters?

Old people would argue that being lit on fire was better than admit that the past was worse than the present

t. young person

That's not true though. Old people who lived under fascism are nowhere near as nostalgic for the past as those who lived under socialism.

Case in point - only 9% of Chileans are nostalgic for the Pinochet period (vs. 80-90% of Soviet nations for the Stalin period)


Shit education. Shit healthcare. Loads of employment if you don't mind breaking your back down in a mine for little reward.
>Saved the world from Fascism
But that was the USA

We have all those things in capitalist societies and they're all 100 times better.

Pinochet wasn't fascist at all though you idiot. Definitely very authoritarian, but a lot of brainlets seem to think anything that's authoritarian is fascist and it's idiotic. If you try to poll people who lived under actual fascist regimes, I don't think you'll get an accurate result because those countries' governments tend to make the expression of pro-fascist sympathies illegal.

Not in the US. If you get a serious illness or injury, you're fucked.

No one has lived under socialism as it has not been implemented correctly yet.

Serious illness and injury in the US is better, really. They can’t not treat you, and your surgeon isn’t some illiterate Pakistani they found on the street, like in the NHS

Personal opinion of any single person matters almost nothing in any case. In case of the Soviet Union and Stalin, absolute majority of Russians approve of both, which is the most important accessment of opinion of that period.

woah what happened to that guy

Not even a socialist but the fact people automatically think Stalin=Socialism rubs me the wrong way.

You pay for good quality care which you would not find anywhere in the USSR.

Yeah, it's an illiterate Indian they found on the street in Calcutta

Nothing is funnier than Internet Leftists that would snark about elderly white people reminiscing about life in the '50s/'60s with "UH YEAH, IF YOU WERE A FUCKING STRAIGHT WHITE MALE" - and then unironically assert that some nostalgiafagging old person from a former Soviet state has a completely objective and unbiased perception about how superior life under communist rule was to life now

You seem to be mixing real posts with imaginary memes. Please see a psychiatrist.

OP here, I would argue elderly white people in the US have good reason to be nostalgic for a time when there were actual good-paying working class jobs. In the '50s a guy working in a factory could buy himself a house and a car with the wife staying at home caring for kids. Something completely impossible today thanks to neoliberalism.

I've been to /leftypol/, they really don't seem to find any discrepancy between mocking Western elderly for unfounded nostalgia while citing the reminiscing of elderly Soviets as proof that life in the former Soviet state was objectively superior to how life is now.

If I love something about this board is how lightly very complex terms are used, every discussion seems like a buzzword fest, not that it isn't common to do this in the social """sciences""", but most people here are especially retarded.

Or perhaps you´ve misunderstood the argument which was about discrediting both nostalgias by equating them?

I have relatives who think the absolute polar opposite of this man who also lived under communism. Also there were plenty of people who said living under Hitler was fucking fantastic

revolutions are about the middle classes expelling the ruling classes through exploitation of the working classes. then installing themselves as the new ruling classes.

in the west and latin america. most of the pro socialist people are working class useful idiots. the economically marginalized or the idiot that thinks they'll be a party member and live off the state and be part of the political process. then you have the bourgeois socialists. they have wealth and power, but want more. socialism is a means to an end.

What if the revolution improves status of working class?

Why do americans who have no knowledge about anything feel like their opinion on anything matters?

No, it’s an Indian who was groomed to be good at standardized tests and got in a good school because he fit a quota, but the point is, he’s competent

Russia was always a shithole, compare it with Czechoslovakia or DDR.

Its not people user. Its fatburger trumpcucks who literally leave their house 2 times a year who seem to think that they know better. Anyone with a brain knows that eastern oldfags prefer socialism, for the same reason western oldfags prefer 50s/60s protectionism. People actually had economically safe lives worth living.

Because my country could wipe yours off the map in a picosecond

It's the people who live in countries never plagued with socialism like to support it despite its obvious failure.

There's no such thing as "the working class", there are different unions and economic groups with different interests fighting so the state favours them more than the others.

Because the only thing they did was go to war. USSR from 1956 was a murderous oppressive shithole but not quite like what came before in times of Lenin and Stalin and a lot of Russians felt betrayed because of the crisis following the transformation.

One important aspect of communist dictatorship is how it fucks with your brain. Thing I remember sovietologists like to point out the scary thing about Stalin's victims is how a lot of them died still praising him as they were taken to the site of their death.

Western champagne socialists desrve nothing but contempt and ridicule for their beliefs.

Most non-Russian/Belarusians who lived under the USSR will say that socialism itself was bad, even if they have nationalist leanings.

If someone is dependant on his wage while being part of the bottom 50 percent who dont even earn enough money to pay texas, he is part of the working class.

Deal with it u pomo nig

It's because Russians are used to living in a terrible place ruled by despots but USSR at least was a strong power in the world. It was all they had.

Depends on the country. Russia/Ukraine has been such a catastrophic shithole historically that even something as retarded as communism could improve it. But for Czechoslovakia and Hungary it meant economic stagnation.

I did not meant "Working class" in Marxist sense.

Port workers have opposite interests from factory workers, country workers have opposite interests from city workers, government workers have opposite interests from private sector workers, and on and on.

If you weren't an indoctrinated brainlet you'd realize this on your own.

Meanwhile in the glorious workers paradise, doctors were taking bribes of food, pigs were being kept in hospital grounds, dentists were forced to smuggle gold to make dentures and then executed amd some surgery was carried out without anaesthetic.

books.google.co.uk/books?id=Xcreg7M7k4UC&pg=PA221&lpg=PA221&dq=soviet social and economic rights seen from below&source=bl&ots=NDhmMjmKkT&sig=lSgyacs7G8Yqyqhmo2AmyYEvGGg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjegJzHn6vYAhWjAcAKHef3BnIQ6AEIJzAB#v=onepage&q=soviet social and economic rights seen from below&f=false

There's also Georgia, Armenia and the Siberian tribes.

>even if they have nationalist leanings.
Nationalist feelings interacted with Soviet sympathies in a strange way, I wouldn't mention it.

That sounds like Italy

But I have lived under socialism because I live in a country that has public schools, hospitals, fire fighters, police, roads and umemployment benefit as well as grants and care for people with disabilities.

Get fucked you stupid commie cunt.

t. Estonian.

>Most non-Russian/Belarusians who lived under the USSR will say that socialism itself was bad,

Why do people who don't know or understand anything about certain ideologies think that their opinion on said ideologies matters?

>One important aspect of communist dictatorship is how it fucks with your brain

North Korea can turn NYC and DC into smoking piles of rubble within 10 minutes' notice

Stop oppressing ethnic Russians.

>socialism doesnt work
It did but has more faults than neo-liberal capitalism, it’s just communists in power never works out well

>t. Ushangi Davitashvili

> at least was a strong power in the world. It was all they had.
Not everyone is a /pol/tard neet. Normal people care more about their material well-being (such as free healthcare and education) than about nebulous "national pride".


>But for Czechoslovakia and Hungary it meant economic stagnation.
If this was the case, 72% of Hungarians wouldn't prefer socialism

Stop falling for vatnik propaganda.

The sources in this book are literally anonymous people from Radio Liberty, a US government controlled propaganda outlet.

>I've been to /leftypol/
That's more an indictment on yourself than anyone else

You'll be surprised, Russians have no problems handling some material discomfort as long as they can stomp on someones neck and feel superiour.

>Pew research
Fuck off mutt

>peasant living in bumfuck nowhere is obviously an expert on how to properly govern

Nostalgic boomers thinking about the times of Edward Gierek because colorful tv and shit. Don't care about the debt. I expect even those statistics changed a lot since then.

Why do people who didn't live in the Roman Empire feel like their opinion on Roman history matters?

Yeah fuck Mao

Enough with the mutt bs. You're a jerk

You're a fucking idiot because EVERY TIME you post this mutt agency bullshit I ask you why aren't they voting for communist parties if they want communism so much, and you never answer, because it shatters your narrative to pieces. You Amerinigger parasite.

Fuck off, all Asian groups have a harder time getting into college than Niggers and Spics since they're so "overrepresented."

Who do people nostalgic about socialism support in these days? PiS?

>why aren't they voting for communist parties if they want communism so much
There's no democracy under capitalism.

Every time Communists came close to winning the elections, they were rigged in favor of anti-communists.


Much in the same way, the DNC rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders, who wasn't even a real socialist.

>American kike agencies are more to be trusted than actual democratic elections
This is what Americans actually believe. No wonder you're a third world shithole of a country.

You didn't read the article. Time quoted Russian president Medvedev, as well as pro-Western liberal Nemtsov, both alleging Yeltsin rigged the 1996 election.

That's Russia for you. We're discussing Hungary.

>On the Ukraine they are banned (However there is civil war with vatniks on one side) and in Baltics as well
>On Belarus they are still in charge
>In Russia they have 10-20%
>On Slovakia practically nonexistent (6% tops)
>In Czech Republic they had stable 10-19%, however in last elections they lost large portion of their voters to "alt-right"
>Hungarian Socialist Party is fairly strong, 25%

People nostalgic about communism are a bit stupid, but often not stupid enough to think voting for communist party will revert time or they will vote for parties that will give them the things they liked about communism, without the stuff they didn´t liked.

>Mfw hitler saved capitalism from socialism and stalin saved capitalism from fascism

>Czech republic
Neck yourself.

>Hungarian Socialist Party
Those are social democrat, not commies. The commie party can't even get past the parliament threshold.


>" "
Look at the time. It's American time, one has to dumb down stuff.

Thanks for correction. I just made a quick survey from wiki.

>On 26 June 1989, the Central Committee was renamed the Political Executive Committee, and the Politburo was replaced by a four-man collective presidency chaired by Nyers. Although Grósz remained general secretary, Nyers now outranked him. On 7 October 1989 the MSzMP was dissolved and refounded as the Hungarian Socialist Party, a Western-style social democratic party. Two weeks later, the National Assembly approved numerous amendments to the constitution that purged it of its Marxist–Leninist character, ending one-party rule in Hungary.

Le belarus is socialist dictatorship meme

they say that in Hungary because in the socialist times, hungary was supported by the ussr so that they can show off how socialism works, and how great it is. now that the soviet gibs are over, and the Great Depression hit, ofc they complain

It is not socialist, but it is still pretty damn Soviet.

Firstly because its not like eceryone who loved on that time has the same opinion

Secondly because because people tend to remember the good bits of the past and forfet thebad bits


the same goes for this one

Aren't you guys getting gibs from EU atm?

we do, but the corruption eats it away

Are you implying there wasn´t corruption under reds?

>saved the world from the thing that only existed because people didn't want to be socialist

Belarus sacrificed by far the most out of any Soviet republic in World War II and this is deeply tied to their national identity. That’s why they use the Red Star and other Soviet symbols, rather than what the other retard said.

Plutocrats aren't people

The gibs are just bribes for the politicians, people get jack shit out of it.



That why they annexed Czechia and attacked Poland, as well as directly causing war with the Western Allies? Because all they wanted was to defeat the communists? Did they fail their geography classes or something and accidentally occupied Czechia and Poland? Was it like
>yeah, yeah, our troops are really tearing through those Russian defen-
>Great Britain and France have honoured their defensive pact with Poland

You're forgetting italy and Spain that didn't really want a war it was German thing not a fascist thing

Italians created fascism first and they did it because they were horrified at what the bolsheveks were doing

>You're forgetting italy and Spain that didn't really want a war it was German thing not a fascist thing
They both shared the same esoteric opinions on war and conflict. Italy didn't march into Etiophia by accident, either, and the Rome-Berlin Axis was made with war in mind.
>Italians created fascism first and they did it because they were horrified at what the bolsheveks were doing
That is completely false. Italian fascism was created from dissatisfied veterans disgusted at the London Treaty not being fulfilled (not that Brits had any right to promise Dalmatia in the first place) and hostile to general liberalism and aversion to aggressive external politics, which they saw as a betrayal of the Italian nation and the demands for which they fought. The hostility to bolsheviks came later, when they started currying favour with the conservatives by breaking strikes and beating up socialists with the squadristi.

>The hostility to bolsheviks
I really meant "to socialists". It might also be useful to note that Mussolini started his carreer in the pro-war wing of the Italian socialist party, from which he was expelled over his advocacy of Italy joining ww1, not over his hostility to socialists.

Bullshit. Both Italian fascism and francoism generate nostalgy among a very large share of older people.

You guys should read Second-hand Time by Svetlana Alexievich to read how so many people of the USSR could admit they witnessed or suffered atrocities but still feel nostalgic for it or even miss it. It's a bit long, but some accounts are heartbreaking.

Retarded amerilard

>Old people who lived under fascism are nowhere near as nostalgic for the past
t. never talked with old italians

UK's full of people who'd kill for trains that ran on time.