"why can't everybody just get along?"
"why can't everybody just get along?"
>There are enough resources for everyone, God made it that way
>kids are bad for the environment
>Overpopulation is imminent
I want to kill these people.
>this thread
The definitive collection of betamales
overpopulation already happened.
we should kill browns, the old, cut medical research, and let people starve then
Ebin comment my bro let us do it xd
Or, you know, we can tell people to use contraceptives unless they're ready to take absolute financial responsibility for their spawn without government handouts.
you or me reddit pick a side. Pick the winning side. The ALT RIGHT WHITE SIDE
>Rely on the refuse of the planet to have agency
this guy 4chans
if you don't like invading countries and subjugating them you're a soyboy capitalist cuck
>that shit you wrote
just a bunch of words, this is the form of a republic, everyone giving each other money like socialists
Bro chill, like, you know, dis aint like some age o war n sheit like
>if you don't like invading countries and subjugating them you're a soyboy capitalist cuck
Unironically yes
Yeah we should nuke USA and all those problems will be solved
last time I checked those lived in eurabia and arikaaana
Well why can't we? I thought the special ability of man was to cooperate in larger social groups but somehow this simultaneously does and doesn't work
>alt-righters still deluded into thinking they will eventually win
Yes friend let us educate the African continent
>Egyptians couldn't
>Arabs couldn't
>Greeks couldn't
>Romans couldn't
>Muslims couldn't
>Euros try twice
>Commies wouldn't quit trying
>Europe now back for round 3, this time with Americans
At least the Chinese are smart enough to see there's no point, may as well profit off them.
They're rational actors in that sense.
The cost of raising a child in various countries ,and even within different socioeconomic enclaves within the same country, is such that a strategy, of popping out a bunch and hoping one of them gets their shit together, pays more than not having more kids.
The killer app of intelligence is war. War brings spoils. Cooperation in war increases the chance of spoils. :^)
The miseducation of the African continent. "Hey why don't we get these tribes closer to rivers and make dense centralized centers"
Oops, turns out that the vibrant flora and fauna of Africa turn against that. Most notably in the form of the tsetse fly. But this is in combination with the Bantus being incredibly stupid normies who happened to get iron before a lot of their rivals did. Fucking normies ruin Africa to this day.
>natural means good
Because of the Anglo
"If a lot of people love each other, then the world would be a much better place to live."
>if there was no money nobody would be poor
>Without sensibility no object would be given to us, without understanding no object would be thought. Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind.
You also forget most people have a zero-sum vision of social ranking. It's why some of the most vitriolic behavior is between two very closely related group. Because they don't know who is higher or lower on the ladder.
Most people may think they play nice games but their actions speak to the fact that they act like the social game was zero-sum. "Somebody must go lower before I get higher" and all that normie bullshit. They cooperate to tear others down and elevate themselves.
People do get along, and their best is what they tried. There is enough success for a influential majority to be content. So you'll only see radical shifts to the paradigm vis-à-vis more false flags(either militarily and suddenly or incrementally and socially) led in tandem by social hierarchs orchestrating in tandem with creditor and other beneficiaries.l
>There is only one race, the HUMAN race
>We were happier then