>ycombinator funded Coinbase, Dropbox, Reddit, Airbnb, Twitch
>now Request
How many are you holding? 130k here.
>ycombinator funded Coinbase, Dropbox, Reddit, Airbnb, Twitch
>now Request
How many are you holding? 130k here.
Other urls found in this thread:
4 accounts with full caps filled so far. Count it yourself
I put in like 104 ETH cumulative over my four accounts. How many tokens will I have?
170k reporting in!
1 ETH = 5000 REQ
So 520.000
you know you can look that up on etherscan? Either you are just a rich retard or you are a lying pajeet larping to be a rich guy
22k (poorfag allin)
how can i look it up if the coins havent been distributed? why the fuck would i larp about this jesus christ
I have just over 80k
Went all in
The coins have already been distributed and are in your wallet
When will it be on ED?
30k. Am I going to make it?
Sold everything. Only got 25 ETH. 119k REQ.
>the coins havent been distributed?
thats where you are wrong.
go to etherscan, copy paste your ETH addresses and you will see your REQ balances. They have been distributed instantly but you cant send any till the 20th of October.
Now, I wonder you managed to register multiple accounts and fill them all but you dont know this simple fact?
How poor are you?
I'm from Ontario.
He is a basement dweller.
the registrations over? i missed this
tfw only 150k reqlet
When do tokens unlock?
That pic of the list of yc startups is impressive btw, lot of huge ones.
Watch this video and try not to get a boner over the possibilities of Request
>we will only be able to pick 2 different colors of lambos
tfw REQ only gonna 5x from ICO
>4 accounts 104 eth
That is not even possible
Naah. It will pull 10x in two months.
>cucked shitskin loving Canadian
Insinuating your gran kids won't be named "Mohammad"
I only had 1 account. I've maxed it so far so that's like 134k. So pissed thought I would get day 4 ;( This will be good for hype though. Gonna have to load up when it gets to ED.
>implying that because Y Combinator invested in it, that it must be good
kek. Sure, Y Combinator has funded some big winners. But for every winner they fund, I guarantee you they have 10 other loser startups that you never hear about and go bankrupt in a few years.
btw, the whole model of Y Combinator is to invest in 10 different startups, with the expectation that 8 will fail, one will break even, and one will do spectacularly well (e.g. Airbnb, Dropbox).
And REQ is the winner. See you at the moon. Oh wait you missed the ticket? Don't worry, I will send you a pic from there
Please name another ico that YC has backed
you are literally just pulling dingleberries out of your ass
salty no-req
Take one look at Toronto and immigration plans. Then look at nations like the UK and tell me this already isn't reality?
And coinbase
Think a lot of smart people waiting for an eth dip. If it didn't come they still wouldn't care
I don't think that's accurate anymore. Look at how many projects they are actively funding now compared to what they used to. They fund in 2 rounds a year, and used to fund about 5-15 projects a round. From round 2 in 2016 till now it has been only 1 or 2 projects a round. I don't think the amount of good ideas or talented people has changed, I think their model has. I think they are getting better at recognising those 9 flops and 1 diamond in the rough. I think they know REQ has the potential to be a big gamechanger.
wow it's fucking nothing
Buttercoin as you can see in OPs pic.
From Wikipedia:
>On April 6, 2015, citing a loss of interest in bitcoin from venture capital firms, the company announced that it was shutting down as of April 10, 2015.
How is the money behind the scenes a better indicator than the immigration numbers we have?
you live in a bubble of fear
You cucks. You will only get 5x. Hold onto them heavy 5x while I wait for link to do shit.
thats actually the max
That was ages ago
You live in a world of appealing to authority. Those numbers are bullshit because they don't factor in temporary workers who get citizenship later. When they get factored in the number is closer to 750k a year.
5x for a 26 ETH investment is pretty fucking comfy.
Also doesn't factor in "refugees". When our new immigration policy gets enacted both numbers will continue to go up.
10k REQ here.
all the temporary workers in my area go back to their homes in central and South America when they are done working in the fields. Do you actually go outside often and have a real issue with this, in real life? I find it hard to believe.
when will REQ be on an exchange? which one
The temp farm workers aren't the ones staying. Rural Ontario doesn't have this problem. Just go to any major city where everyone ends up moving too. This all started with the Muhammad being your grand kids name joke which you must not be aware has been the most popular baby name in England for years.
come home white man
If they get their 100 million population by 2100 goal there will be nowhere to hide. Retirement home in newfoundland won't even save you.
luckily vague tribalistic goals of world domination aren't usually the main influencer of peoples decisions to have children in the first world, it's social and economic, and if it's not them it will be their children who fully integrate. I just don't buy it, sorry.
It's a good thing we know their kids integrate and don't actually become muslim isis extremists oh wait...
You also cannot move that many people in a short period and expect them to assimilate. I really don't understand libshit logic it's so far from reality.
you're trying to get me concerned about an issue that I'm so far removed from. I've only had productive experiences with immigrants. This is the reason people don't take you seriously, they figure you guys must have been bullied by the "ethnic" kids at school or something. What happened, bro?
Who gives a shit about your experiences. Look at any country where shitskins have the majority. That's the future of the west.
Just think for the future, your culture. Your obviously not going to have kids, maybe that's why you don't care.
I'm scared guys, we're becoming a minority in OUR OWN COUNTRY N SHEIT, what can I do to preserve the muh culture?! Oh wait, I don't give a shit because it's a non-issue. Your end game is a neo-feudalist shitscape where the state is fucking you a whole lot more than it is right now. Mine is accepting that technological processes are irreversible, a globalized economy is inevitable, and the only reasonable thing to do is to adapt, carve out niches, enjoy your life. Why would I choose to exist in a mental state where the only reasonable conclusion is that you are being persecuted by everyone different and that you have to isolate yourself from everything? This is learned helplessness. What are you going to do? NEET uprising? Your time on earth is limited. Go start an ICO for a white ethnostate if you're that bothered.
didn't read your jew globalist propaganda sorry
33,500, wish I could put in more, but alt coin crash locked any further investment, it's really sad. Hope it stays low for a while and alts recover so I can switch around.
0 because i'm not a fucking retard
>that it must be good
Not it's not a must. However that means this ICO went through their very selective process and was found to have what it takes. This is already a very good sign, but damn now they have access to the Y combinator connections.
YC has put their reputation on this project, they will give counseling, arrange meetings and opportunities. This is their play for Crypto. The only one they are making.
ING invested in the ICO, again, their first. They are having a meeting with the request team this week. From wiki:
>According to the Fortune Global 500 in 2012, ING was the world's largest banking/financial services and insurance conglomerate by revenue with gross receipts exceeding $150 billion per annum; overall, it was the 18th largest corporation by revenue.
These are not small fish, the ICO has better credentials than any ICO since OMG.
45k REQ feeling very comfy. also this was like the best ico structure i have ever seen
Only 133 000
Guess I'm a brainlet I didnt even know it was possible to do that. I do know how to register KYCs tho
What's everyone's selling strategy here? I'll probably flip half my stack and let the rest ride for the long-term hodl.
I think with this project it is worth it to at least keep half for long term, this might grow out to be huge.
>women who code
they also funded a lot of shit that failed
100k here. I'm going to sell only enough to get my eth back, at a min of 5x. I think this is going to go into the top 10 coins, with OMG and NEO, as the Silicon Valley/US flagship crypto play.
Buy more.
>300k a year isnt a big deal
> How many are you holding?
ty all the multi-whitelist shitheads.
They did sell a lot. If you couldn't afford one...
I actually tried to buy one.The guy took my money. Never heard back from him