I am gay (a homosexual person)
I am gay (a homosexual person)
i would suggest you kill your self. i mean you have like 2 years before you die of a painfully death from aids
i use condom
Can I be your gay cryptomanwife please?
if you are a fag send 0.1 btc to this and i will not ban you tard, also if i get the btc i will maybe send you some noodz of other gay friends with timestamp and maybe their skype
i don't trust you.
you are probably a pajeet scammer.
Post dicky baby
I would like to but this is not a NSFW board
hi user
hi :)
hello :)
Veeky Forums is for crypto and lolis.
Quantstamp seems like a nice ICO.
Do you think it's woth investing?
By the way my crypto portfolio is worth $5k :)
great I bought 100k
I decided it is worth it.
I like to take the risk :)
Meikäläisen muokkaama kuva alun berin :Å
Lurkkaatko sinä 4channiakin ja vieläpä Veeky Forums:iä ? :O
Tykkään tosta kuvasta. Onko toi sun nyt postaama se alkuperänen?
i am now banned
how much btc for a fuck?
0.2 BTC but i am from/in Finland
Your head looks really small. Like there is a part of your brain missing. Might just be because you're finnish though desu
On, ja ei ole. Lauri Lokki ei ole minun keksintö
Do I have the coin for you anonfag
Go all in like you do at a highway rest stop
Can you write "BUY BTC" on your ass? thanks.
Nice hose you got there. Reminds me of mine 10 years ago.
I'm tired of these fags.
I know that Veeky Forums is infected with /b/ and /pol/tards, but holy shit: too many sharpies, too many fags.
Hey pal, I've earned 0.3 btc for putting a sharpie up my ass. Don't knock my hustle.
It is hard to write on own ass but i can try
>i am from/in Finland
of course hes a fin