How could we possibly do these things to each other?
Greed and stupidity?
How can we be so intelligent yet create hells on Earth?
war is young men dying and old men talking
This is a photograph of mankind in it's natural habitat
What does it take for a one man to take aggressive action against another?
What matters now is what you can do to make a better place for everyone and yourself OP.
What matters is understanding how it could happen
>he thinks war is abnormal
Yeah, no, it never prevented anything.
Fun. Judge holden
how naive are you?
What, you've never wanted to kill a person before? You must have low testosterone.
ideas kill
Are we beasts?
>talk shit
>get hit
Its a big scary world out there.
>he realizes war is the norm but peaked in the 20th century like no other horror before
All these degenerate replies
We're the only species that regularly sets each other on fire or uses chemicals to create explosives designed to eliminate life. All done in an organized way.
And OP is being ridiculed for asking why? Lol
>nice rocks
>nice bugs
>ill be back
So is that it? Is technology the reason? The smart few should've never helped to advance the stupid many? What are you really saying?
What's it like being legally retarded?
by dehumanization, we feel ill if we have to kill eachother, most of us dont even wana point a gun at someone who we have no connection with
Eternal Germs
Gud dissability
You do realize there are species of monkeys out there who engage in organized systematic warfare yes?
Soyboys amright?
wh*te w*stern civilization at its peak everyone
This. It is only reasonable for intelligent beings to go to war. If we were like animals we would still kill each other.
What I find unnatural is nuclear weapons. Sure, they are there, they exist but when will they accomplish their purpose in history.
When populations grow, so do casaulties in war. It is only natural.
Tell me more. This sounds interesting.
>inb4 humans
If you are male and knowingly consume soy you should be ashamed.
Well, atleast it's better than every non-white """""civilization"""""
This is true.
Assblasted germs.
do you think that a conscripted soldier is greed or stupid?