Why is Christianity dying out in the world? Or atleast in The West
Death of Christianity
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1/3 of the world is Christian, wouldn’t call that “dying out”.
Because of the enlightenment
Jewish subversion
Whereas Christianity used to be very community focused and the churches could basically govern their own little enclaves jews subverted it into a globalist suicidal cuck religion
Love your neighbor went from your literal neighbor and did mental gymnastics to mean literally anybody, once that happened it was game over
>churches could basically govern their own little enclaves
put down the papal kool aid. The church did not have a state they could not govern anything
I'm talking about protestants. Back in the day most community matters were solved at the churches and it led to very decentralized government. Once the community structure fell apart it paved the way for more government
Voltaire pls.
Material wealth too high and mainline protestant churches too gay.
also this: youtube.com
Seems that atheism is not growing so fast as is people abandoning organized religion but still being spiritual (moral rules too strict?)
It's not dying out. Atheism is a Christian sect.
I personally believe that religous authorities have failed to adapt to a more complicated world that needs more nuianced understanding of the religous texts that church itself is based on. Also the idea of a church as a support system for a community requires the surrounding people to actually care about each other. That's why ethnic minorities and rural communities tend to be more religous
It's doctrinally been debunked, even Christian academics/historians are pointing it out.
For example, out of the four 'canonical books,' Luke is the only one where they're certain of its authorship, and Luke wasn't even an apostle.
That said, those who are 'Christian' are mostly Deists who named their personal deity Jesus. They're not practicing what they preach, deterring people from being associated with them, too.
>I personally believe that religous authorities have failed to adapt to a more complicated world that needs more nuianced understanding of the religous texts that church itself is based on.
Can you be more specific? It seems to me that the churches that try this seem and are the most in decline.
Well I think you are also correct. My grandfather was a pastor of a church, he was very intelligent - but had very unorthodox views on certain things (ex. Reincarnation). I asked him why he never voiced his opinions in his church, and he explained that the people who show up to church every Sunday just like the comfort and support of the community and hearing the same words from the Bible for the most part.
So basically, the people who actually show up to church don't want to change. And the younger and more intelligent crowd doesn't want to come because there's nothing for them at church.
Christianity isn't "dying out" in fact its numbers are one of the highest its ever been, some do speculate however that its numbers might become less by 5 to 10 million in the next 30 years or so due to the current expansion rate of other religions but its still just speculation.
Look the statistics up for yourself.
Soy poisoning
>those who are 'Christian' are mostly Deists who named their personal deity Jesus
never heard it put quite that way before, I like it. I think this is an important point. Modern mainline protestant understandings of religion (in the West) is extremely watered-down and milquetoast and this is not something that inspires loyal followings
Churches have been the lynchpins of small rural communities, but due to changes in society, the doctors and lawyers and such that would be leading them are all going to college and moving to a big city instead.
This is a response to this
Fuck off you couldn’t even handle McDonald’s
You're putting too much emphasis on rationality, when a lot of human behaviour is driven by instinctive/emotional drives. True religious believers don't actively seek out arguments for why God doesn't exist, in much the same way that atheist goons don't actively seek out arguments for why God does exist. Humans have a host of cognitive biases that work pretty well in either blocking out, or undermining the impact of evidence contrary to beliefs we strongly hold.
It wasn't stronger arguments against the existence of God or the validity of Christian doctrine that caused the decline in faith, it was wider socioeconomic changes over the last century that led to a decline in faith. The
>tfw too smart for religion
meme is just a post-hoc rationalisation for people that generally never had much religious inclination to begin with
>know that since the first word was 'Jewish' the word 'cuck' would be soon to follow
Why do /pol/tards have such a simple vocabulary that exists almost entirely of meme words? I'm honestly amazed you left out 'soy boy.'
Shut your gob cuck.
retards cling to the buzzwords because it's easy to parrot and no one wants to take the time to take apart their delusions.
Good post friend
The fundamental problem I see in America is that conservative fundamentalist Christians have succeeded in making themselves the voice of Christianity heard by the general public 95% of the time. Your average young adult or teen doesn't hear liberally minded Christians talking about social issues where they are on the whole decisively liberal, they hear evangelicals expounding conservative opinions that offend their liberals sensibilities. They've successfully made Christianity seem like some backwards reactionary faith that is a threat to them so rather than join a church they either stay in the none category or turn outright atheist.
It's a one two punch for the liberal churches because their conservative members are deserting for the traditionalist denominations, while the liberals they are hoping to attract were repelled from Christianity and see no need to join a Church
/pol/tards is a buzzword I see just as much as cuck. Really tickles your pickle
>Religious but not spiritual
These people clearly have lost the plot
cheers m8
>Religious but not spiritual
I don't understand - are they "cultural Catholic" types that think organised religion has social benefits, but doubt the existence of God?
government = community though.
I'd even argue that real Christianity was never meant for the 'majority' anyway because most people that call themselves "Christian" are luke-warm at best and many non-believers can see this hypocrisy operating in various forms and are thus turned-off from it by globalizing it to all Christians in general (This same hypocrisy is one that Jesus spoke out A LOT against back in his time as well, mind you)
Point is that most people who 'practice' Christianity either don't take it seriously enough anyway or add too much legalism to a belief system that was originally very much against doing just that.
Matthew 7:13-14 King James Version (KJV)
13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Praise Jesus
I don't know about other countries, but in the U.S. any decline of Christianity there might be is a result of Obammunism. Every year, you hear "Merry Christmas" less and less, and "Happy Holidays" more and more. There are over a million devout Obammunists who celebrated his reelection and gay marriage signing more than any Christmas of their lives.
Because it's gay and shit
Also Christians are truly pathetic individuals
The more serious you take it, the futher you fall from the point of the stories.
Political Correctness. Same disease that is rotting the west as a whole. African Christianity remains uncucked
Scientific discovery has made sustained beleif in god and the claims of the church much harder because the church doesnt describe the universe as it exists outside a 2000 year old jewish cult in the roman occupied desert
Because religion is the opiate of the masses.
That or because we live in an age where most people are literate and have personal liberties.
I guess youre one of those 'if you dislike God that means you believe in him' retards?
>Because religion is the opiate of the masses.
That or because we live in an age where most people are literate and have personal liberties.
Congratulations. You made the most reddit post of the day.
I think the major problem is that churches have huge portion of their members be non-believers, the so called cultural Christians. In case of Catholism this doesn't have large effect because the church isn't democratically managed but by the pope. But in protestant churches the governance is democratic. So many people voting or serving as clergy don't even believe in the crap and are far more willing to change established doctrine to suit their fancy. This is endemic in protestant countries with state churches like Britain and Nordic countries. Everyone was member of the church by law from old times but since times have changed and attitudes become liberal the exodus from church didn't happen fast. So now the biggest churches have been thoroughly shat on by heretics. If you want genuine Christian faith you have to look at small sects but even them can't fight against the times or they'd have zero members.
The world wars had a large effect. So much destruction created a new sense of self for western philosophy. The very existence of the Holocaust has even been used as an argument for why God does not exist.
Better to have no members in your church than deliberately teach things that you know are against the scriptures to gain them.
>And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and. cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee. that one of thy members should perish, and not. that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
The further East you go, the more you have the idea of being a "cultural Christian". The reason it still thrives more is because unlike many Western fundamentalist sects, they don't teach incoherent nonsense, but are based on the Church Fathers and Doctors.
Liberal denominations are dying, while trad ones are doing well.
This is bullshit. People know that there is liberal Christianity and conservative one.
In European protestant countries, the voice of Christianity are liberals. Liberal churches are still dying, while traditional ones are doing well.
>Liberal denominations are dying, while trad ones are doing well.
Yep. Not really a surprise since if liberal denominations treat Jesus own words like they're something that can be ignored because they're inconvenient how do you inspire your worshippers? They pick up that their preachers don't really believe, if they did they wouldn't be willing to compromise on the word of God. They treat the faith like a fashion accessory.
Conservative Churches are still doing well because people looking for true values in this nihilistic modern world find them there.
Read the secrets from Our Lady of Salette
Literally lays out exactly what was going to happen to the church in the 20th Century
The seeds were sown by the industrial revolution's ability to free humans from slavery. A slavery still enshrined within those pages. The desperate grasping of entrenched religious authorities alienated still more people. Their tacit support of some the worst political establishments possible cast light on what holiness was present or lacking.
I think the fruitful efforts of scientists who were admitted athiests brought about a sincere evaluation of religious concepts in the world at large. (It's hard to call them the devil's miracles when their boons are feeding your family.) Mostly because actual history puts the lie to the narrative of divine proscription. Modern answer: The more you know the less subseptible you are to deceit. Why else would religions flare so hotly where illiterate peasants are mandated and compelled to obey?
The liberalization of Christianity made it gay and no one actually likes things that are gay.
>implying anyone actually wants to listen to Christian rock
>implying anyone actually likes the local youth pastor who is totally with it but also totally loves Jesus
This, the liberal denominations, hell even mainstream Catholics are trying too hard to appeal to and please people who've no interest in going to church.
>I'm talking about protestants.
So you're talking about shit?
Not him, but most atheists I know follow a neo-protestant morality system.
>Love your neighbor went from your literal neighbor and did mental gymnastics to mean literally anybody
it always meant literally anybody you: But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.
It's a nun with dementia has visions episode
Its not you retarded cuck Christianity is the fastest growing religion in Japan, Korea, Philippines, China, Nigeria and most of sub-Saharan Africa
My ebonic brethren.
Honestly I'm glad that it's declining for these exact reasons. What a lot of people who take their faith seriously want out of religion isn't salvation but to have a merit badge that they can lord over others to show how virtuous and principled they are, like pic related. To take it straight from the horse's mouth:
Matthew 6: 5-6
""And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full
Verse (Click for Chapter)
New International Version
But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
I hope/predict that soon most of the basic bitches are going to either be >tfw too intelligent or spiritual but not religious so they can leave us salt-of-the-earth types alone.
>In European protestant countries
Did you not read the
>in America
I can't speak for the case world wide, but that is unironically what I see in America.
>implying anyone actually wants to listen to Christian rock
weirdly enough in my rural area is the hip baptists who do this shit that are doing well, all the mainline denominations and the traditional baptists are getting BTFO (the Catholic church in my town outright closed)
Christianity goes against capitalism and consumerism.
The leftists have a single answer for everything. Depending on their inclinations it will be patriarchy, capitalism, or the white man. You guys are all about the jews, and you are just as retarded as the leftists. Horseshoe theory in action.
If your theory were correct that conservatism kills Christianity, liberal churches in Europe wouldn't be dying.
>conservatism kills Christianity
how the hell did you get that reading from my post or the post I replied to? My post was about why Liberal Christianity was failing to thrive (in America specifically), not about the general state of Christianity.
The Evangelicals are tearing themselves apart here for different reasons than why the Liberal churches are declining
Liberal Christianity is dying everywhere. Even when they have a married lesbian Bishop who removes crosses from Churches in order to avoid offending Muslims and refers to God in a gender neutral way.
That does not necessarily mean that the reason for the decline is the same everywhere
It's especially silly to try to explain declines in Christianity in the US and Western Europe by some singular cause, when their religious situations are quite different to put it mildly
Liberal Christianity is dying no matter if the most prominent Christian voices in society are liberal or conservative all over the West. It happens in America, it happens in England, it happens in Canada, it happens in Sweden, etc. But sure, let's put the blame on the guys that we dislike for it happening in America.
>on the guys that we dislike
projecting much my man?
are you seriously arguing that the religious environment in the US is similar to Western Europe? If so you better get your head checked
I don't know why it's so hard to understand that circumstances in the west when it comes to religion are not uniform, and it's pretty obvious you have no understanding of the major differences about religion between the US and the rest of the West
Liberal Christianity is dying everywhere but you think it doesn't have any inherent weakness?
>any inherent weakness
The fundamental problem is that it is too unchanging for liberals and too changing for conservatives, if you really want a simplistic answer.
The conservatives are deserting them precisely because they try to modernize their theology to keep up with modern social mores, while the bitter fights and slowness of the churches to keep up with the rapid change in social beliefs, combined with the decay of the old need to belong to a church for social standing, leaves liberals not feeling the need to join a church at all.
A good example would be the Church of England, the conservatives who shun the changes become Catholics or other conservative denominations, while the church is still stuck in a bitter fight over gay marriage while the rest of the country has moved on and is on the whole supportive of it.
yes, i am one of them
Capitalism, but you'll never accept this.
>too unchanging for liberals
The Head of the Church of Sweden is a married lesbian woman. They are now using genderless pronouns for God. Church of Swede still dying.
Because it's a doomsday religion and people who have it good don't wan't the world to end?
I'm inclined to agree with this from what i've read about the early history of Christianity. It seems like the first big preachers didn't really understand what they were saying to the masses who in turn were just looking for an nice way into a comfy after life.
Because when you have food on the table, peace, safety, material happiness and just a common cold now and then turns out you don't need to pray to God that much.
Because they are irrational and their moral is shit.