Name a more autistic and mental gymnastics inducing dogma from all of Christianity or literally any other religion
Name a more autistic and mental gymnastics inducing dogma from all of Christianity or literally any other religion
atheist creation theories, ussr was not atheist, no one has ever died in the name of atheism
I have you beat, user: "explanations" of the Trinity
>the holy spirit is God's soul and Jesus is God in human form
>no apparently that's heresy REEEEEEE
>the eucharist is infused with the divine essence of Jesus
>no that's heresy REEEEEEEE
why do all of the common sense explanations get shit on
In regards to the Trinity, it gets shit on because every Christian explanation invariably violates the principle of non-contradiction and devolves into utter incoherence. One might think such a conclusion would result in apostasy, but typically it only causes the Christian to say "well, obviously it is a divine mystery that humans cannot comprehend."
>atheist creation theories, ussr was not atheist, no one has ever died in the name of atheism
None of those is a dogma to atheists, tho. Big Bang is not a creation myth, its just a theory (a guess). I've literally never heard anyone make the other two claims at all, again a strawman is not a dogma.
Transubstantiation is good, but nothing beats the Trinity. Ask a Christian to explain it WITHOUT committing a heresy and watch his head explode.
I don't see how the big bang is oppositional to christianity
I have seen atheists argue that communist regimes don't count as atheist
>I have seen atheists argue that communist regimes don't count as atheist
Then I would say to them that in that case, there are no Christian states either. But I don't see what the existence or otherwise of atheist states matters to atheism.
get the exact quote
I think you mean Hitchens, who claimed the cult of personality in Gommunist states amounts to a religion. He was wrong about this, imo, but afaik he is the only prominent atheist to make such a claim, most accept that an atheist state is possible, as is dying for atheism (although I can't think of any examples of this), they just ask "so what?". Pretending to be morally superior to the other side is something theists do, its not a problem for atheists.
>what the existence or otherwise of atheist states matters to atheism.
It's just some dumb atheists will say stuff like religion is the cause of all suffering and an atheist state would never be violent or oppressive.
The communist regimes don't mean that an atheist state is always bad but also show that it isn't flawlessly good.
>Pretending to be morally superior to the other side is something theists do, its not a problem for atheists.
>It's just some dumb atheists will say stuff like religion is the cause of all suffering and an atheist state would never be violent or oppressive.
There are a lot of dumb people in the world. I can find examples of fundies who unironically think the world is flat, but I don't take that to mean the flat Earth is a christian dogma.
It literally isn't tho. Atheism isn't a moral claim, its a faith position. Naturally any individual atheist will think he has better morals than most people, but that's because nearly everyone thinks this about themselves. Look at the data, how people actually act, and you see that religion is not correlated with moral behavior, which is exactly what atheists would expect but should be impossible if theism is true.
if you can't see the irony in that sentence ur an idiot
Spell it out to me like I'm five. Use your words.
saying theists pretend to be morally superior while atheists don't is itself claiming moral superiority
It's a simple observation and I'm not even an atheist. And you still haven't explained why any if this is relevant to atheism as a position.
I'm not arguing anything other than that sentence being ironic
Then you don't know what irony means.
What part of the trinity is so hard for you brainlets understand?
>hurrrr how cam god be both god jesus and the holy spirit
Cus he's God bitch
>I know they believe in an all powerful God who can do anything but that thing the all powerful God does doesn't make sense to me so it's autistic and mental gymnastics! hahahaha stupid christfags
>how can a man eat his own asshole and call it chicken?
>because HES GOD
>>hurrrr how cam god be both god jesus and the holy spirit
>Cus he's God bitch
That's Arianism and its extra heretical.
No one lad should have this much wew.
Nice rebuttal dimwit.
>religion is not correlated with moral behavior
but religiosity is
I only answered shitposting with shitposting senapi.
I'm almost certain that they made it a trinity simply because 3 seems cooler to ancient people than 2. The "Holy Spirit" is vaguely explained at best, and I've never seen Christians ever actually talk about it. Yes, they might mention a prayer or sermon, but what is it? It's just a word out there sometimes.
>religion is not correlated with moral behavior
>but religiosity is
post proofs
apparently he can do anything but create a scenario in which he is both infinitely good and doesn't send a bunch of people to hell that don't need to go there because "free will".
the gates of hell are locked from the inside
God has not sealed them away from him
They have sealed God away from them
Everyone gets to chose where they go
they have sealed themselves
>post proofs
A small example
>Second, among these religious students, more religiosity correlates with reduced reports of cheating in all courses.
You are making the mistake of assuming everyone within a religion has the same religiosity
a gangster wearing a rosary and a benediction monk will both have the same religion but not religiosity
christians starve to death in feudal manors for the speaking the impiety you speak.
Nigga I am quoting the Catechism of the Catholic Church you dumb motherfucker
>Our Lord warns us that we shall be separated from him if we fail to meet the serious needs of the poor and the little ones who are his brethren.611 To die in mortal sin without repenting and accepting God's merciful love means remaining separated from him for ever by our own free choice. This state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God and the blessed is called "hell."
This is what shocks me the most about atheists
They think that because they have a surface lever understanding of Christianity they just fucking know everything
And they think they know everything because they went to high school with dumb Christians who didn't even have a surface level knowledge of their own religion,
So they kicked their asses in debates
but as soon as they come across someone who knows their shit, me, they act like I'm just as stupid as their high school friends.
Dogma is worth less that shit on my boot after I march through christian fields to kill christian whores.
But that was the point of the thread right?
Christian dogma?
>unironically retarded
>atheist has mommy issues
what a surprise
Back to /lgbt/ you fedora tipper
As an atheist myself I wonder why not being religious attract edgelords like that.
Anyone here has a clue why?
Atheists have higher mutational load so anti-social people are more commonly atheists
(possible reason)
You're just a pussy. And im not an atheist, I just hate heathens.
Biblical inerrantism, because it forces them to do mental gymnastics to get around hundreds of issues, not just one.